[QUOTE="God's Beard!";169754114]Cockatrice is great because it's free and you can test whatever, but man the randoms really have no sense of competition.
Kicked on turn 3 for casting entomb >:|
Definitely not the first time, too. Why even sit on cockatrice testing your tier-one netdecks if you're not willing to play against combo?
And here I thought cockatrice was going to be better than FNMs. Even at the GPT my first round opponent conceded like 4 turns into the first game because my cards were too expensive. Why even show up to a GP Trial if you're not interested in competition?
Lately it feels like the only place I can get decent matches is grinding PPTQs or dumping a bunch of money into modo. Probably why I just watch cfb's youtube channel and goldfish against myself.
I just want to play people that care about beating me. The vintage people on cockatrice are pretty cool, but there aren't always games available.[/QUOTE]
I hate to sound like a broken record, but why do we not test against each other here on MODO? If you already have the cards, you don't need to pump a ton of money into it. I'd love to test my Zoo or Grixis Delvers in modern. If you're stuck on playing Legacy, we can test over Cockatrice.
We have some pretty decent players ITT. I mean, sure, they're not beating LSV on the regular like you are, but few people can live up to GB's might.