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Magicka |OT| I'm not a vampire.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Zomba13 said:
It's a lot better than what they showed in the QL. Brad didn't seem to read the tutorial things and didn't realise that some elements cancel each other out and the more of one element the more powerful the spell is. He just ends up mashing keys and not experimenting. The online worked mostly fine for me and a friend. was a bit less fine with another friend though but I think it's all good now.
GiantBomb: Underselling games since whenever the fuck Jeff got fired.


The_Technomancer said:
Yeah, I tried out the demo a bit. Is there a reference anywhere for what elements cancel and what ones "combine" (like fire and water)?

Also, are there any rules to how spells inherit type or element? Like....why does fire-earth become a fiery boulder and not a spray of pebbles?
Pretty sure the element properties are shown when you first get the magicks. I don't know if there is a way to bring that stuff back up, I just read each one and followed basic video game element rules (fire cancels cold, melts ice. Lightening and earth cancel etc). ~The combining thing I think is just through experimentation. Like you get an achievement for figuring out steam or using a pure ice spell. There's always the magicka wiki if you want an in depth (or mostly in depth) list of combinations.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
Man, I wish this game would let me move self cast to mouse button 4 or 5. My mouse doesn't have a proper middle click =/

Aside from that, awesome game.


Played a good bit with 3 friends. Though I was apparently the unlucky one, as I had a random crash to desktop and then the game even crashed Steam. Still too many crashes. Fun when it works though.

Stallion Free said:
GiantBomb: Underselling games since whenever the fuck Jeff got fired.

GAF: Being disappointed at people not playing the game like they 'should' since whenever the forum was made.


Corporate Apologist
New patch todays:
Changelog (
Fixed crash when Fafnirs Confuse ability wears off for network clients.
Fixed crash when trying to read corrupt leaderboard data.
Fixed locking M60 sound and effect.
Fixed Music fade (peace/war) for network clients.
Fixed Break free issue.
Minor network optimizations.
Customized scripts can no longer upload leaderboard entries.
It is now possible to skip the credits.
Framerate is now limited to screen refresh rate.
Goblin Miners are now more aggressive and do increased damage.
Added checkpoint to Chapter 2 scene 2.
Added checkpoint to Chapter 5 scene 2.
Known Issues
Network uplink bandwidth, while improved, can be demanding
Steam attempts to install XNA framework every time game is launched or rare occasion


Gold Member
Watched the Quick Look, looks great! How long is it? Is it completely linear all the way through, or does it open up later?
Joe Shlabotnik said:
Are they ever going to allow checkpoint saves? Killing single-player for me right now.
I'm waiting to purchase until this is implemented. They ARE planning on implementing it, right?


Ok played the Steam Demo. Took a good while to figure out the controls and how to effectively use all my abilities (somewhat).


Fun game!


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
The demo is causing my laptop to shut down o_O

I get right up to the bit where you find "rain" and then it shuts down right after this.
Game's really tempting me but with an issue like that i'm not gonna be buying it unless there's a solution to this...


VibratingDonkey said:
Purchased the Steam version through Green Man Gaming and got two activation keys. What's up with that?

They wanted you to give one to a broke GAFer named Risible.



Every single spring loaded enemy in this game needs to die a painful and slow death.

Being knocked all over the arena is frustrating, too, especially when you get stuck, or fly off a cliff... The M60 I got almost makes up for it. Almost.

Any hints on the fight at world's end? I keep getting blasted off those damned platform, it's infuriating...


Rufus said:
Any hints on the fight at world's end? I keep getting blasted off those damned platform, it's infuriating...

Spoiler for encounter details:
I'd cast nullify (and immediately re-self-shield) whenever he did anything. You still run the risk of being one-shotted by lightning when your shield is down, but nullify would get rid of the tornado and his ghost buddy.


Cindres said:
The demo is causing my laptop to shut down o_O

I get right up to the bit where you find "rain" and then it shuts down right after this.
Game's really tempting me but with an issue like that i'm not gonna be buying it unless there's a solution to this...
I don't believe they've patched the demo, only the full release. The problem may have been fixed but I really don't know for sure.


This game is pretty great, got to the dragon boss yesterday but it got a little too frustrating at that point. The game really doesn't seem to be balanced around single player, especially with how often you get thrown off the screen which is just infuriating. How much further is it after this btw?


So i have a Steam code, but i want the game on GamersGate. Anyone want to gift it to me on GG and receive the Steam code in exchange?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Alright, my brother and I are going to start a co-op game for the first time tonight. Anyone else want to join us? The more chaotic the merrier!


So I just finished the game. Was the last boss really supposed to be such a pushover? Playing the game solo there were some really difficult bosses, but I beat the last one on my first try doing nothing but spamming lightning bolt. Otherwise it was a really fun game.


I cheesed him (after finally managing to cast Corporealize in time...). Hid behind the contraption Grimnir was strapped in, he couldn't hit me with anything but full screen spells from there, so I just blasted lightning bolt. Though I imagine if you knew what you are doing (and don't wing it like me) he'd be just as easy.

obonicus said:
Spoiler for encounter details:
I'd cast nullify (and immediately re-self-shield) whenever he did anything. You still run the risk of being one-shotted by lightning when your shield is down, but nullify would get rid of the tornado and his ghost buddy.
I was actually referring to the fights right before that, but I eventually managed to not get thrown off the platforms... Clever little game, though I'd love to know why it feels like wading through molasses even at 60fps (not loaded with magicks).
Rufus said:
I was actually referring to the fights right before that, but I eventually managed to not get thrown off the platforms... Clever little game, though I'd love to know why it feels like wading through molasses even at 60fps (not loaded with magicks).

Yeah, I feel like they could bump up the default moving speed a bit, too. Like halfway between default and Haste speed.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician

So we're cruising along, destroying everything in our way. (Incidentally, lightning-arcane-ice is probably the most broken attack in the entire game)
Then we get to the mountain-top "battle of the minds"

What the hell!!!?? It took us over half an hour to get past the first goblin fight, finally doing it by casting Time Warp immediately and then air blasting/water-earthing them off the edges, and even with Time Warp engaged, its a crapshoot if they'll push us off the edges with their beams literally faster then we can cast anything. The next fight isn't so bad, arcane-fire beams finish everything off pretty well. The third through fifth fights we just Time Warp and then air-blast things off the edges. And then we get to the one with a single dude and a lava river. In two hours of play, we got to that stage twice. And both times we fired on him and then three seconds in with no clue how it happened took 3000 damage each and died.


I did it alone by shielding myself first and using blizzard. Icing foes down works better than time slowing generally. When taking on the actual boss, I just stood next to him so I was in his shield bubble whenever he used it. The only frustrating part was an occasional blast would knock me right off the map to instant death.


The_Technomancer said:
What the hell!!!?? It took us over half an hour to get past the first goblin fight, finally doing it by casting Time Warp immediately and then air blasting/water-earthing them off the edges, and even with Time Warp engaged, its a crapshoot if they'll push us off the edges with their beams literally faster then we can cast anything. The next fight isn't so bad, arcane-fire beams finish everything off pretty well. The third through fifth fights we just Time Warp and then air-blast things off the edges. And then we get to the one with a single dude and a lava river. In two hours of play, we got to that stage twice. And both times we fired on him and then three seconds in with no clue how it happened took 3000 damage each and died.
On that first one I just started by moving a bit to the side, then taking them out with a lightning bolt. They don't have that much hp so one is an instant kill. Don't bother trying to push them off the edge, just kill them. And yes, keep going with ice-lightning-arcane, although the more ice you use the stronger it is. My go to spell was always ice-ice-lightning-arcane.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
You can't cast dedicated spells without the spellbook, right? I tried casting meteor swarm several times (knowing the recipe from the QuickLook) and didn't get a space-bar prompt.


The_Technomancer said:
You can't cast dedicated spells without the spellbook, right? I tried casting meteor swarm several times (knowing the recipe from the QuickLook) and didn't get a space-bar prompt.
Correct, you need to have the spellbook. I guess it's for balance purposes, because I started some type of new game+ with all my spells and the first few bosses are just decimated by the higher level spells.


I can't comprehend how small this thread is in comparison to how much fun the game is, except the bug-issues though.

Played quite a bit yesterday with some friends which was great fun, but the real fun started afterwards when I joined a few random groups which were insanely chaotic but got me to learn quite a few new awsome spells and secrets.

I would highly recommend this game to everyone who's a bit curios, as long as they fix the plentiful crashes.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Played some Co-Op with some RL friends last night.

The game is like New Super Mario Bros Wii crossed with Diablo. In Co-Op we spent just about as much time dicking around and killing each other as we did actually trying to kill dudes. It was madness in our game once we unlocked the thunderbolt.

As far as the gameplay goes, it really is staggering how many choices you have with your spells. But most of the time, you just end up killing dudes with some variant of the arcane death beam spell. I kinda wish the game forced you to be more creative with your spells. The health of the enemies should have been knocked down and to compensate should have specific weakness or resistances. Because as of right now, you either use an arcane death beam spell, or you die.


ZealousD said:
The health of the enemies should have been knocked down and to compensate should have specific weakness or resistances.

Uh they do.

And the beam isn't the strongest magic either. IceIceIceIceEarth is.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Ferrio said:
Uh they do.

Right, but it's basically pointless. All the Arcane Death Beams do so much DPS you don't need anything else. And yet the game is basically balanced around it. The only time I felt like I ever needed to switch it up was when I was fighting the snake boss, where a pure lightning attack was the best way to hurt it.

And the beam isn't the strongest magic either. IceIceIceIceEarth is.

That spell is crazy strong, but it's single target, so you have to recast it every time you want to kill a new enemy. Arcane Death Beams are much easier to cast and use.


Also mines + Shields work wonders. Place a shield over enemies. Teleport out, lay mines inside. Watch them bounce around like dice in the popamatic bubble.


Ferrio said:
Also mines + Shields work wonders. Place a shield over enemies. Teleport out, lay mines inside. Watch them bounce around like dice in the popamatic bubble.

I was always a fan of attaching the mine spell to my sword and then throwing it at the baddies. Sends them all flying. Mostly useful in areas where enemies can fall off edges.


Ferrio said:
And the beam isn't the strongest magic either. IceIceIceIceEarth is.
Is ice-earth better than doing ice-lightning-arcane? Because that's the combination I always used.

Also, at least when playing solo beams are quite situational because you often cannot afford standing still all that long. Doing a projectile is often better because it doesn't require you to keep firing in order to do a lot of damage.


Trucker Sexologist
Fire still seems a little underpowered. I think enemies that are on fire should get a bigger defense drop, which would help balance out the low damage output.

They made a surprisingly deep and intuitive magic system here so I hope the DLC focuses on making the battles more strategic. More enemies with elemental affinities, resistances and immunities would go a long way there. They could even color code them and make the game look like a Zoop and Diablo hybrid.


erotic butter maelstrom

I played the demo and it was a lot of fun. I tried it on KBM at first, but the gamepad controls seem to work a lot better.

It seems really neat, though, only problem is that I have no one to play with. If anyone out there is looking for a co-op partner, let me know, my steam links are in my profile.


erotic butter maelstrom
This is pretty awesome so far. I like the idea of combining & experimenting with elements and the colorful, crisp visuals and humor keep me pulling through to the next area.

A great way to spend $10. Hopefully I can find some dudes to co-op with cause it sounds like a neat concept.


Snuggler said:
I played the demo and it was a lot of fun. I tried it on KBM at first, but the gamepad controls seem to work a lot better.
Are they not way too slow though? I tried using a 360 pad but the whole thing just seemed so very clumsy. Later in the game I pretty much chained up six different elements almost instantly, wouldn't this take ages on a gamepad or do I just suck with it?
The Arena challenge was a joke after I got sedqfs > space burned into my muscle memory. Although there was a bit of a disaster when my coop buddy accidentally made a healing elemental and it started healing all of the enemies. I'm not sure if they've got an elemental cap, but if not they really should set it at like 5-6 because it's ridiculous how good they are in varied swarms (Water + Ice + Lightning elementals seems to work great). I've never managed to get an Earth Elemental though, which seems like a strange thing to leave out.

Enkidu said:
Are they not way too slow though? I tried using a 360 pad but the whole thing just seemed so very clumsy. Later in the game I pretty much chained up six different elements almost instantly, wouldn't this take ages on a gamepad or do I just suck with it?

Yes it is slower but with practice you can get reasonably fast with it. I wouldn't use one if there was a keyboard available, but you can play local coop with one player on K&M and the other player on a gamepad. Not sure if you can have multiple gamepads plugged in or not, however.

Mashing B to maintain a shield seems a lot easier to me than spacebar, but overall I definitely think the keyboard is better for quickly doling out the punishment.

Cold + Lightning + Arcane = favorite beam.


erotic butter maelstrom
Enkidu said:
Are they not way too slow though? I tried using a 360 pad but the whole thing just seemed so very clumsy. Later in the game I pretty much chained up six different elements almost instantly, wouldn't this take ages on a gamepad or do I just suck with it?

It took me a little bit to get used to queuing up spells with the right stick, but it starting to feel natural pretty quick. I might try KB/M again soon just in case but I definitely prefer moving my character with the left stick vs. dragging him by holding the the left mouse button.


Snuggler said:
It took me a little bit to get used to queuing up spells with the right stick, but it starting to feel natural pretty quick. I might try KB/M again soon just in case but I definitely prefer moving my character with the left stick vs. dragging him by holding the the left mouse button.
I can definitely see why you'd prefer moving with a stick, there were a few instances in the game where I felt like I wanted direct control of my character. But I just wonder if it's even possible to be fast enough with the right stick that you are not handicapped when casting more advanced spells. I am genuinely interested in knowing how well the pad controls fare.


Trucker Sexologist
Enkidu said:
Are they not way too slow though? I tried using a 360 pad but the whole thing just seemed so very clumsy. Later in the game I pretty much chained up six different elements almost instantly, wouldn't this take ages on a gamepad or do I just suck with it?
6 elements... I wonder if this game would work well on a joystick.
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