Personally, I don't think of it as a time 'limit' at all. It's more a simple calendar structure so that different events happen with a level of time dependence. Quests aren't simply "do A first and then do B and then C after that". You have to become familiar and learn NPC routines to know 'when' to do things. It's fun to see how behavior changes from day to day, or when the environment changes as you clear a dungeon (and clearing a dungeon a second time is trivial, if needed.) The Bomber's Notebook is a interesting tool to use in marking down events to see what people do during the 3 individual days.
I don't think of it as a 'limit' because the player is given so much control over time manipulation. Tied into the whole doomsday scenario and tone, and you have a unique game that is very well wrapped together.
I don't think of it as a 'limit' because the player is given so much control over time manipulation. Tied into the whole doomsday scenario and tone, and you have a unique game that is very well wrapped together.