crossposted from the other majoras mask thread:
Nothing's been confirmed,
1. you can see right into east clock town, and it looks like you can run through it seamlessly. there's no transition area.
2. the route to the laundry pool has been put back enough to allow the area to fit in behind that wall. compared to the N64 version, its significantly changed:
why would they make this change if not to have the entire laundry pool area fit behind it?
3. the area behind the clock tower goes back much, much further - again, this means the entirety of east and west clock town can fit behind the walls without any "cheating" like the n64 version used.
so yeah, the evidence is there, and it makes sense. why implement those changes otherwise? Also, the 3DS is more than capable of rendering the whole thing at once. Being able to traverse clock town without having to endure loading transitions in every section would be a significant improvement. In addition, various ledges, building sides and doorways have been adjusted - why would they do this if not for ensuring the entire town is seamless?
Anyone else agree on this?