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Making A Murderer - Netflix 10-part documentary series - S1 now streaming on Netflix


I don't know that I could make a judgement on the case. The documentary is
biased as all hell

Episode 10 spoilers
Things like
the bad guy attorney was a sex-fiend the whole time. Dun-duun-duuuun.

It is a good look at how shitty the justice system can be.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
So, if you think that the rest of this case was fabricated against him and that he is innocent, wouldn't it stand to follow that the most likely thing is that her very death was part of that fabrication against him? If we are saying it's very unlikely to just be a coincidence. The only thing that would stand in the way of that theory would be blind trust in the belief that the police just wouldn't do something like that. For me, it's more likely that they would than just having it be a coincidence. Of course I can't rule out anything.

Chapter 8

I see your point, and yeah my objection is it seems just too crazy that the police would murder her themselves... blind faith.

But also, the calling in of finding the car by the police themselves leads me to believe she was already dead when the police first came in contact.

I did find it pretty funny when the defense lawyer was explaining how absolutely ridiculous it is to argue that the police planted all the evidence. What a nightmare of a case to have to present.


So, if you think that the rest of this case was fabricated against him and that he is innocent, wouldn't it stand to follow that the most likely thing is that her very death was part of that fabrication against him? If we are saying it's very unlikely to just be a coincidence. The only thing that would stand in the way of that theory would be blind trust in the belief that the police just wouldn't do something like that. For me, it's more likely that they would than just having it be a coincidence. Of course I can't rule out anything.
The thing that hits home for me is when the judge calls Steven
the most dangerous man ever, and says his life was going great until this happened is like well no shit, why would he do this at all?
The thing that hits home for me is when the judge calls Steven
the most dangerous man ever, and says his life was going great until this happened is like well no shit, why would he do this at all?

Yeah that was pretty laughable.
I understand when the judge is handing down the sentence at that point he is convicted and is assumed to have done the things they said he did. But his hyperbole was cringe inducing. And he obviously didn't every stop to ask if this makes any sense. Also he stated that Steve's crimes were getting more and more heinous. Referring to the stuff that happened in the 80's I'd guess when he was 18.


I just finished this. Holy shit what I ride.

I really hope this series can help Steven and Brenden in some way by getting their story out there.

Brendan's lawyer. What the hell

So many scumbags in this whole ordeal, I started losing count.
I also would have liked to see the FBI do a test of ten samples of blood, one with EDTA in it, and correctly identify the sample with EDTA. Do it 4-5 times to validate the test.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
I also would have liked to see the FBI do a test of ten samples of blood, one with EDTA in it, and correctly identify the sample with EDTA. Do it 4-5 times to validate the test.

For all we know they might have. They never explain how the test was actually conducted. Maybe there is a record somewhere that describes how...


Without spoiling it. Is a gun ever found?
I mean yes or no answer will do. Don't need to know if it's tied to a twist


Without spoiling it. Is a gun ever found?
I mean yes or no answer will do. Don't need to know if it's tied to a twist


He had a gun on his property but I don't think it was identified as a murder weapon. That was one of the charges against him because it violated his parole
Without spoiling it. Is a gun ever found?
I mean yes or no answer will do. Don't need to know if it's tied to a twist



Actual spoiler for episode 7 or 8 or something:
they bring up testing the barrel for blood splatter during the trial
Edit for clarification:
They don't mention any actual evidence that that specific gun was used in the crime definitively proving Avery's involvement but that appears to be part of the theory the prosecution was presenting


Two days later this is still fucking with my mind.

I don't understand why a bigger point wasn't made of
there being absolutely no blood in Steven's room, or garage. Also wondering why the defense didn't explore the blood of the girl being found in the back of the RAV 4 more.

Personally I think that the
did it.
Those missing VM's that he admitted to deleting were likely damning evidence showing motive for the Ex. I think he killed her dumped the car with her body in the back. Police officer found the car put it in Steven's junkyard. They likely burned the body then moved the remains to his fire pit. I still don't understand how or why they found bones fragments in several different places.

So many fucking questions.. and it's still got my head spinning.

Or if they could go through the phone records,
why not try to figure out what number was calling her and she was avoiding/hanging up on frequently. Her boss mentioned that someone had been calling her. So. Do we not know who that was?

Re: voicemails,
I guess there's nothing in the system saying when a voicemail was left, what number it was from in the records even after it's deleted? I understand not being able to recover the contents but no record of a voicemail being left and when it was deleted? I guess this was tech in 2005 but seems to be a gap there.

Re: the comment made to the news crew that it would have been easier
just to kill Steven. Well, then they still would have had to pay the money, right? Just to his family instead.

Also a real shame that the Averys didn't have a system for checking in
what vehicles were where in that auto yard. Was the place where the RAV4 was found empty beforehand? Was something else supposed to be there? Are there no checks? Did they recover anything else from the vehicle like her camera (there are some pictures of a van but hard to tell if we're supposed to believe those were the pictures she took or something else) that might have a time they were taken? They didn't take any fingerprints or any other samples (hair?) from the vehicle?

Over the course of the series I got more and more frustrated by Halbach's brother and his comments to the news media. And also frustrated by the news media in general, culminating in (Episode 9)
Brendan's mom flipping out at her car.


Crazy series....

It was really depressing seeing the tapes of Brendan's interrogation.

I do think though that the documentary is very one-sided and is edited for maximum impact. Throughout the day today I read the full transcript of one of Brendan's questionings, and while there was all of the coaching that we saw in the documentary, there are a number of important details about the case that no one else would know unless you were the police, or involved in the crime. Obviously he could have gotten coaching off-tape, but still.

Small spoiler about a case detail:
Things like the cut on Steven's finger for example.

Regardless, Brendan's first attorneys were so incompetent and downright evil that the whole case is severely questionable.
Great series.

That judge really did not like steven avery with all those comments he made at the sentencing, he never had a chance with the post trial motion

Great defense team and he was set up

Ignorant small town with corrupt as police department

Shit is infuriating.

I am sorry but the people on that jury must have been very ignorant and had mind made up even before this trial started.

I do not know who did it but they only looked in one direction and there was many many things that seemed very questionable. EX: License plate , Vile, Key,

Detective Lenk is a piece of shit and
set him up
Episode 9:
Just wow at Sgt. Andrew Colburn (Mr. Number Plate) being the one to escort both Brendan and Steven out of court after they were found guilty. The guy can't help but parade his self-satisfaction with the verdicts.

This motherfucker is the very definition of piece of shit crooked cop.

Excuse my double post.


Crazy series....

It was really depressing seeing the tapes of Brendan's interrogation.

I do think though that the documentary is very one-sided and is edited for maximum impact. Throughout the day today I read the full transcript of one of Brendan's questionings, and while there was all of the coaching that we saw in the documentary, there are a number of important details about the case that no one else would know unless you were the police, or involved in the crime. Obviously he could have gotten coaching off-tape, but still.

Small spoiler about a case detail:
Things like the cut on Steven's finger for example.

Regardless, Brendan's first attorneys were so incompetent and downright evil that the whole case is severely questionable.

It definitely has a bent to it but it's still incredibly infuriating to watch to see him clearly manipulated.
Ep4 spoiler
Such as the investigator telling to only write the truth but berating him when he doesn't get the statement he wants. Regardless if he was involved or not, it's clear that the people surrounding Brendon are just using him instead of helping.


Great show. Just finished the whole thing.

I am very sad for Steven Avery's parents, must be so hard to live thru this.
Just finished the first episode. I'm seriously losing any trust in law enforcement and belief in our judicial system. Fuck it, I'm not sure if I even want to continue watching it. Do the officers and people involve get held accountable? Do they serve time? What's the point of swearing under oath if when it revealed that they lied they face no repercussions?


Just finished the first episode. I'm seriously losing any trust in law enforcement and belief in our judicial system. Fuck it, I'm not sure if I even want to continue watching it. Do the officers and people involve get held accountable? Do they serve time? What's the point of swearing under oath if when it revealed that they lied they face no repercussions?

The documentary frames it in a specific way but the other episodes are even more infuriating.


Re blood
Dexter himself couldn't have cleaned that shit hole. The fact they had no blood is enough for me to know. She at lest wasn't killed the way they said. the bone fragments are the only thing I don't know about yet.


Enjoyed the hell out of it.

Though I will say it did seem rather skewed in one direction.


Just finished episode 6, which was almost entirely court testimony from witnesses and forensic experts. There was some exposure to the state's questioning, but a vast majority was given to the defense. Would have been nice to have it been more evenly split.

Raises some interesting questions though....

Edit: At this point I feel more sorry for Brendan. Kid has no idea the situation he is in and he gets stuck with some limelight loving lawyer.
Episode 10 spoilers:

This whole show is very upsetting to me. The fact that there is no closure only makes things worse. I don't think a Season 2 would solve anything either.


I don't get how the prosecutor
can say she died in two different places in two seperate cases. What the actual fuck.


I am instantly suspicious of any police theory that involves one person murdering someone, and when someone else enters the scene, the second party starts enthusiastically participating. That was my big problem with the Amanda Knox / Kercher trial from Italy too.

Anyhow, I took a mini-break after watching ep 9 b/c I was too depressed and figured ep 10 wouldn't have anything interesting in it, but ep 10 just made me more apoplectic!

I will say this doc series did seem to be shaded very heavily to the defense, they didn't seem to go into the prosecution's case at all.

The thing that really doesn't make any sense is that bullet fragment. The prosecution actually argues that the murder scene was that garage. She's bleeding from stab wounds and a throat slash and she's shot in the head and that room is Dexter clean aside from a bullet fragment? WTF?
Glad im not the only one watched this all night and stressed out over it.

That Strang guy said that 7 jury members originally thought he was innocent when they went into deliberation. The defense really did call into question every piece of evidence covered.

I feel like he was right that some of the jury got walked all over by some other jury members and just wanted to go home.

I hope this documentary spurs some interest. Maybe someone will flip and expose what happened or they will get to test the blood again.


Episode 9

they had 0 evidence with Brendan. 0!!!! Except his obviously coerced confession unfuckingbelivable. What the actual fuck. How can they find him guilty of stuff that in Stevens trial they proved never happened! It was proved she was never in the house. Yet Brendan is charged with it. Fucking hell

The media is absolutely disgusting.

The fucking judge kept talking like he was guilty in that initial rape.... Good lord. Is everyone a dumb fuck?

Apparently Dexter was in the garage on the Avery property.


Ugh. Just finished.
Obviously there are millions of unanswered questions. He may have done it.
But there was clearly not remotely enough evidence to convict. The car is the only thing I guess. But why would blood be in the back if he did it there.

I'm not gonna be able to sleep now


I microwave steaks.
Just finished and I can't believe it.
Very similar feelings like after the first season of serial. Obviously both documentaries are presented in a way where the defense looks really good and the prosecutors are the bad guys, but fuck. The documentary brings up some fantastic points that somehow wasn't enough to discredit the prosecution's theory in the jury's mind. How is it possible she was killed in the garage when the only thing that was there was the bullet. And why the fuck wasn't it hammered that there was a clear there was a conflict of interest with the manitowoc county helping, holy shit. AND THE FUCKING KEY WHY

What really kills me though is brendan's trial, he was not prepared at all to go up on the stand, he looked like a sitting duck, just trying to deny everything he said previously with one word responses. Is that normal in court? If it were me on the stand, I would at least give a more detailed statement explaining why what I said.

I wish we had the address to steven avery's address, I'd like to send him a letter of support.
Just finished episode 10.
I don't see how anyone can genuinely think, with the "evidence" that was shown that Steven, let alone Brendan was actually guilty.

A key mysteriously appears several days later, Steven's blood was only found on the car, the body was apparently moved but we have no idea why, the body supposedly was in the truck of the car but Teresa Haibach was said to have been killed in Steven's house and burned in his property, at which point would the body be in the truck of the car and if so why? Why is there nothing being done regarding the involvement of the Manitowoc County police officer in what is clearly a conflict of interest? Why would the judge refuse to let Brendan have another trial when the people who was supposed to defend him ended up conspiring against him?

I just don't understand, so many shady things it just disgust me.
I can't get over the fact that someone erased messages from Theresa's voicemail after she was killed, Theresa's brother admitted to accessing her voicemail after she went missing, and the judge REFUSED to allow the recovered answering messages to be admitted as evidence.



i've been begging for over 5 years.
This damn documentary is still fucking with my head. Now, three days later I'm still having trouble getting to sleep because I keep thinking about all of the ways this guy and his nephew got fucked. It's infuriating.

Quite frankly it scares me to death. Something one of the defense lawyers said at the end is sticking with me. "Most of us know we will never commit a crime but none of us know if we will be accused of committing a crime."

The being accused part is what's keeping me up at night.

Fuck Manitowoc County!

I really sincerely hope that the exposure that this case has gotten piques the interest of some very good attorneys and Steven and his nephew can somehow some way get some justice. Maybe the internet can come together for a go-fund-me to get these guys some lawyers. I know I'd pitch in a bit.
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