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Making A Murderer - Netflix 10-part documentary series - S1 now streaming on Netflix


Mike Halbach is a no neck fuckwit lacking a brain. Par for the course as far as that fucking town is concerned.

I hope all those corrupt law enforcement people burn in hellfire for eternity.

This documentary shat on my soul.
This damn documentary is still fucking with my head. Now, three days later I'm still having trouble getting to sleep because I keep thinking about all of the ways this guy and his nephew got fucked. It's infuriating.

Quite frankly it scares me to death. Something one of the defense lawyers said at the end is sticking with me. "Most of us know we will never commit a crime but none of us know if we will be accused of committing a crime."

The being accused part is what's keeping me up at night.

Fuck Manitowoc County!

I really sincerely hope that the exposure that this case has gotten piques the interest of some very good attorneys and Steven and his nephew can somehow some way get some justice. Maybe the internet can come together for a go-fund-me to get these guys some lawyers. I know I'd pitch in a bit.

i don't know what new lawyers will do though. didn't multiple judges reject a re-trial? not sure that a new lawyer can get that changed but maybe

the other weird thing near the end, when the judge
was sentencing steven avery, is he said something to the effect of your prior crimes show the type of person you were and now you've committed this crime and you're dangerous etc etc. WHAT other crimes? is he talking about the petty shit he did as a teenager? almost seemed like he was referencing the sexual assualt, which he was found innocent of committing.


i don't know what new lawyers will do though. didn't multiple judges reject a re-trial? not sure that a new lawyer can get that changed but maybe

the other weird thing near the end, when the judge
was sentencing steven avery, is he said something to the effect of your prior crimes show the type of person you were and now you've committed this crime and you're dangerous etc etc. WHAT other crimes? is he talking about the petty shit he did as a teenager? almost seemed like he was referencing the sexual assualt, which he was found innocent of committing.

Shockingly it was the trend of their law enforcement, judge included, to show doubt over his exoneration from the rape case. Can't forget that these people distrust science except when it suits their needs.
Episode 5

Five episodes in and I'm having a hard time believing Steven is guilty. The license plate thing is crazy.

Also, I don't know how to explain it, but I feel so weird watching this. Something about what I'm seeing is creeping me out a bit. Maybe it's because I'm watching something about real people, and not characters in a scripted drama.


Finished it watching it yesterday and i feel sad for both but for Brendan the most. He got accused and sentenced he didn't do and all those assholes who were lying even under oath i am baffled and stunned that the prosecutors got what they wanted and the defense with the heap amount of evidence got denied on everything.

I feel for Brendan the most that boy is the most simple boy there is he isn't smart at all but got manipulated to a point they wanted to. Everything stinks on the whole case and everyone around it using lies to put someone behind jail for no reason. Even higher appeal to words the supreme court i was baffled it all got denied. But same thing towards Steven so far what i saw everything was setup and those prosecutors saying cops are good and doing there job? Get the fuck out of here there are enough cops who are corrupt and those special agents are one of them using the advantage to take brendan down in the end nobody will get a good trial in court you are guilty no matter what and it fucking sucks to see families being broken for no reason because of something others don't like.
Episode 10

Was anyone else thinking that the show was going to reveal it was the brother or something? They showed his reactions a lot, and his interviews seemed really phoney. He also had the voice mail password.
Episode 10

Was anyone else thinking that the show was going to reveal it was the brother or something? They showed his reactions a lot, and his interviews seemed really phoney. He also had the voice mail password.

Something definitely seemed off about the brother.
Episode 10

Was anyone else thinking that the show was going to reveal it was the brother or something? They showed his reactions a lot, and his interviews seemed really phoney. He also had the voice mail password.

From the awkwardness of the interviews from him and his friend/sisters ex boyfriend, it feels like they both might be involved. How would they know her password? Why was the last few messages deleted?


From the awkwardness of the interviews from him and his friend/sisters ex boyfriend, it feels like they both might be involved. How would they know her password? Why was the last few messages deleted?

Spoilers from all episodes.

I think the key is in those voice messages, someone could have called her, set up an appointment somewhere else.
the other weird thing near the end, when the judge
was sentencing steven avery, is he said something to the effect of your prior crimes show the type of person you were and now you've committed this crime and you're dangerous etc etc. WHAT other crimes? is he talking about the petty shit he did as a teenager? almost seemed like he was referencing the sexual assualt, which he was found innocent of committing.

He was ABSOLUTELY referencing that and it just goes to show how much bias against Steven permeated the media coverage going into trial. The judge has clearly bought into the narrative that Steven is satan in the flesh.

Episode 10

Was anyone else thinking that the show was going to reveal it was the brother or something? They showed his reactions a lot, and his interviews seemed really phoney. He also had the voice mail password.

Yeah, the brother seemed super phony. I was wondering why he seemed to be doing all the talking and nobody else in the family was. The email thing with the brother and the ex is definitely suspicious. I would'nt go as far to say I think he did anything. But I do think at some point he began to question if Avery was the guy but still ultimately wanted a conviction. For some reason I really get the sense that he had doubts. Although it could just be the trial process and grieving for his dead sister taking their toll.
To those critisizing the film for being too one-sided towards the defense: well, we already got the other side thanks to the media, so this was rather necessary to help paint the full story finally.
Wow fuck all those pieces of shit. ):

Also the parallels between this and the West Memphis 3 is startling. The coerced confession from a mentally disabled teenager was that entire case as well.

And it was the Paradise Lost documentaries that eventually got them released as well.

This reminded me of a case from my hometown in the late 90's. Three mentally disabled people, that also happened to be poor and black, were convicted of murdering a baby that never existed even though medical professionals said there was no way the one woman had a baby. That interrogated them for days without a lawyer and eventually they told the guy if he agreed to hearing a baby cry he could go home so he agreed and they charged all three with murder. Two of the convictions were eventually dropped but they gave the one woman 15 years for perjury cause they made her lie and say she murdered a baby. She didn't fight it cause she just wanted it to be over with. I think she's supposed to get out next year.


Sooooo just finished episode 4.

The blood vial with the broken evidence seal and needle hole at the very top. What they fucking fuck. My main thing is still the lack of physical evidence. Where are the gun and knife? Did they find any of her blood in the trailer at all?

I don't know if I can watch it in one sitting. This is almost unbelievable.

Also fuck the police.


To those critisizing the film for being too one-sided towards the defense: well, we already got the other side thanks to the media, so this was rather necessary to help paint the full story finally.

I wouldn't say the media provided a well thought out and mature presentation of the prosecuting side like this documentary did for the defense.
Is this any good? Or is it typical see it's what it is like in a prison thing?

I don't think they ever show him actually in prison.

This is much more about the family, the judicial system, corruption, media, and 'detective-y' stuff than just a look into prison life.

Watch it!


Is there any sense of redemption to be expected here? I'm on episode 3 and I fear this will only get more and more depressing. I'm not sure I want to go through it all if the only point is to get even more upset.
So I came into the show thinking the title was in reference Steven and while it does apply, by the end of it, it's really in reference to Brendan. That poor kid never had a chance.

Cake Boss

I am on episode 4 and I am about to choke one of those county investigators out.

That Fassbinder piece of shit and his shorter friend have a special place in hell waiting for them. I wish I believed in that shit so it will make me feel better.
Episode 8

Welp. I just don't see how you can claim Steven is guilty given the evidence (or lack thereof) presented. Too many things just don't add up. It makes no sense to me.

And poor Brendan. Jesus I feel bad for the kid. I think he's got the worst of all this.


So not worth it
Is there any sense of redemption to be expected here? I'm on episode 3 and I fear this will only get more and more depressing. I'm not sure I want to go through it all if the only point is to get even more upset.

Only read if you really don't care about letting the story play out to the end, and I would advise you to do so:
Nope, prepare to be both sad, disappointed and extremely angry at the end. I would still advise you to watch the whole thing, it's top notch work.


Finished this last night - had crazy dreams

It's scary as hell to think that once people of power have you in their sights there is little way out.


Marathoned this over a two day period.

Absolutely soul-crushing what Steven and Brendan had to go through. An absolute miscarriage of justice.

Outside arguably Steven's resolve, I felt so sorry for his parents having gone through this now twice but loving the fact that they were unwavering in their support..

I found myself shouting and screaming at the screen watching those corrupt officials, judges get away with so many inconsistencies and huge leaps in logic.

edit: Alternative suspects (Makes their appearance in documentary make more sense)



Whole season talk:

I can't fathom the actions of either jury. For Steven's case, the moment the Manitowoc cops stepped on the crime scene everything there was tainted. Even if I thought he had committed the crime, I would have had no choice but to vote not guilty.

And that ridiculous fishing expedition interrogation should have been the end of Brenden's case. What a mess.


I don't think they ever show him actually in prison.

This is much more about the family, the judicial system, corruption, media, and 'detective-y' stuff than just a look into prison life.

Watch it!

Thanx and thanx to the other people replying. I will give it a watch.
I was thinking about halfway through that it could be better than The Staircase but it didn't maintain that. I recommend The Staircase, including the film sequel made later.

In some ways this is a good contrast to The Staircase which shows a wealthy and intelligent man going through the court system, and this has contrast to that.

I'll check out the other documentaries referred to here, if I can.

edit: Alternative suspects (Makes their appearance in documentary make more sense)
Just a note, puttimg a link behind a spoiler tag means that if someone clicks on it to reveal it, it automatically sends the person to the link which is weird to happen. And especially weird when it is a PDF or just not a webpage. I tapped on my phone to see a spoiler and then I see a PDF starts downloading! :)
Marathoned this over a two day period.

Absolutely soul-crushing what Steven and Brendan had to go through. An absolute miscarriage of justice.

Outside arguably Steven's resolve, I felt so sorry for his parents having gone through this now twice but loving the fact that they were unwavering in their support..

I found myself shouting and screaming at the screen watching those corrupt officials, judges get away with so many inconsistencies and huge leaps in logic.

edit: Alternative suspects (Makes their appearance in documentary make more sense)

The parents reminded me of the parents from Dear Zachary. Just very saddening to see everything they went through.

Also, I'm very surprised at how good Steven's lawyers were. Usually in shows like this, the lawyers suck, but his lawyers were very good at arguing their side.


Episode 4:

What in the fucking fuck, this is a complete mess even if Avery is guilty, the ending showing a violation in the chain of custody of evidence should be like a red alert for any judge that see all the coincidences of finding evidences after many searches. Did anyone care to check if the bones are human after all. Even if Avery is guilty how can we know we trust what evidences are real


Just finished this series


Cake Boss

Those 2 fucking agents man. I wish something terrible happens to them. Just fuckery at a whole another level.

I am episode 9 wow. Teresas brother is drinking some of that police Lool aid wow what a fuck head

Episode 5 spoiler that should have dismissed everything.
How did is the case not admissible after they proved that dirty ass cop that called in to run the plates of a car that he already knew that it was the rav4 when he supposedly said he didn't know it was the rav4. How in the fuck did the judge allow that, and why isn't this cop in cuffs?


After finishing the season:


I mean seriously,
the case that the folks handling the retrial laid out for brendan seemed compelling as fuck. The first lawyer was sketchy as FUCK but the judge seemed was all "nah, fuck this slow kid".


Something happened when that guy was excused from the jury.

7:2:3 not guilty:undecided:guilty doesn't just go to 0:0:12 in four days.
Just finished episodes 9 and 10

This just doesn't sit right with me, especially in regards to Brendan. I mean, wow. I can't wrap my head around why people seem to have this very negative, preconceived notion about the Averys. Some people really seem to hate or strongly dislike them. That investigator with Brendan said some vile shit about them.


Episode 4:

What in the fucking fuck, this is a complete mess even if Avery is guilty, the ending showing a violation in the chain of custody of evidence should be like a red alert for any judge that see all the coincidences of finding evidences after many searches. Did anyone care to check if the bones are human after all. Even if Avery is guilty how can we know we trust what evidences are real

Things like this are frustrating because it seems so glaringly obvious and heinous but documentary is also framing it that way. It could be that outrageous but I feel like I need to read up on the case outside of this since this is my only exposure to it.
Just finished episodes 9 and 10

This just doesn't sit right with me, especially in regards to Brendan. I mean, wow. I can't wrap my head around why people seem to have this very negative, preconceived notion about the Averys. Some people really seem to hate or strongly dislike them. That investigator with Brendan said some vile shit about them.

Supposedly he was a person of interest in multiple rape cases prior to the 1985 case? I don't kn9w, my boy eznark was a local and talking about it in the madden thread. Supposedly steven was a known dirtbag around town
Anybody else thought the brother's statement shortly after she went missing was odd?

Interviewer: How are you holding up?

Mike Halbach: "Um... I mean... the grieving process, you know, could last days, could last weeks, could last years. You know hopefully, we find answers as soon as possible so we can, you know, begin to... hopefully, you know, move on, hopefully with Teresa still in our life."

Call it brotherly instinct, but it's weird to me. Like he already knew what the outcome would be and was already working towards accepting it.
Supposedly he was a person of interest in multiple rape cases prior to the 1985 case? I don't kn9w, my boy eznark was a local and talking about it in the madden thread. Supposedly steven was a known dirtbag around town
Oh ok. If true, that helps paint a better picture. The doc kinda glossed over that.


Things like this are frustrating because it seems so glaringly obvious and heinous but documentary is also framing it that way. It could be that outrageous but I feel like I need to read up on the case outside of this since this is my only exposure to it.

me too, but one thing no partial documentary can excuse and that is evidence tampering, chain of custody is the base of any criminal investigation the minute someone puts that in check game over, your case is no more.


Has anyone read the book by Michael Griesbach that is about this case? Wondering if it's as good or adds anything to the story?


me too, but one thing no partial documentary can excuse and that is evidence tampering, chain of custody is the base of any criminal investigation the minute someone puts that in check game over, your case is no more.

Well I'm still watching it and while there are huge redflags there isn't anything completely ridiculous that no further context could add some doubt. Stuff like (ep4)
the way Brendon was coached is utterly ridiculous with the way documentary frames it both in edited footage and the confession expert talking about it but there was someone earlier in the thread talking about how when they were reading the full transcript Brendon did offer up some smaller real details seemingly on his own
. (ep5)
The evidence tampering is brought up but there is still seemingly wiggle room, as flimsy as it might be. The way Brendon was left alone and forced to give a statement without his lawyer is also addressed but at the same time they introduce even more crazy breaking of protocol.


I work in law enforcement and talked to one of my coworkers about this today, specifically Brendan's first interview.

Because Brendan wasn't arrested, they didn't have to advise him of his rights (including his right to an attorney). It was legal for the investigators to interview him. It also didn't matter that Brendan had a learning disability. Investigators could ask him the necessary questions and then the defense could argue later if it should be thrown out.

HOWEVER, the way in which the investigators framed the questions was detrimental to their investigation because they were leading him on. The case could also be made that it wasn't clarified to Brendan that he was allowed to leave at any time. Brendan in fact even asked the investigators if he would be done in time for a sixth period project. It was clear to me Brendan didn't understand this was all voluntary.

If Brendan's testimony was the sole probable cause for the search warrant for Avery's property then the defense could have argued to throw it out.
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