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Making gigantic super-thick pancakes with a rice cooker

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If you ever need to wipe your ass but are out of toilet paper, this is the perfect dish.

did you cut up the fruit evenly and small size? it seem like you just threw the entire banana in there. that might be why the pancake didn't form.

plus "estimating" the ingredient probably didnt help.

I did cut it up. Well "cut up".
I smooshed it together with the raw power of my hands!

I shouldn't be allowed to cook.



This looks so tasty but I won't ever be fooled again by the yellow thing on top you americans put on top of pancakes when I came there.


Hey look, Americans like their food as fatty as possible. What a surprise.

Seriously, that looks awesome. I may need to get myself a rice cooker.


Hint: Don't eat a square of butter, spread it around until it's melted into the pancake. Add syrup. Enjoy.

I did just that, dear god it's like I gained 10 pounds just looking at the thing.
And I'm pretty sure butter is supposed to not taste like cardboard made of fat too.
and I didn't know there was such a thing as too much sugar too.


I did just that, dear god it's like I gained 10 pounds just looking at the thing.
And I'm pretty sure butter is supposed to not taste like cardboard made of fat too.
and I didn't know there was such a thing as too much sugar too.

I don't know what to say...you must have gotten some shitcakes. Was this your server?

I normally don't put butter on top of mine


I don't know what to say...you must have gotten some shitcakes. Was this your server?

I normally don't put butter on top of mine
I tested multiple places and I'm pretty sure it's just that I'm not used to what you call butter (in the same way that the shit you call cheese is really not cheese, I'm not even sure if it have anything to do with milk myself)...
I guess there's a difference in how the US regulate how butter is made...
I tested multiple places and I'm pretty sure it's just that I'm not used to what you call butter (in the same way that the shit you call cheese is really not cheese, I'm not even sure if it have anything to do with milk myself)...
I guess there's a difference in how the US regulate how butter is made...
What are you talking about? Are you one of those people that thinks Americans only eat American cheese? My local grocery store carries like 100 varieties of cheese, imported, domestic, all delicious.

Are you sure someone didn't put margarine or some other oil-based spread on your pancake? Because I've had butter in other countries and it is the same as the butter we have here in the states. Unless you get cultured butter, which we have also.

Like another poster said, you went to the wrong places.
My favorites:

French crêpe with Nutella/chocolate creme:

(you can buy them like that but packed in the store btw, then put in microwave for 10 sec)

American pancake with maple syrup:

German Pfannkuchen with cherries:

The one in the OP doesn't look very appealing TBH, looks like a giant dry muffin.

However, it reminds me of our nice Dampfnudel (with vanilla sauce):

It is cooked in a similar way, using a closed pot, that's why it translates as "steam-noodle".
The crust on the bottom is salty btw


What are you talking about? Are you one of those people that thinks Americans only eat American cheese? My local grocery store carries like 100 varieties of cheese, imported, domestic, all delicious.

Are you sure someone didn't put margarine or some other oil-based spread on your pancake? Because I've had butter in other countries and it is the same as the butter we have here in the states. Unless you get cultured butter, which we have also.

Like another poster said, you went to the wrong places.

I'll be coming back for quite some time so I'll have time to sample more and see or starve after the fact :/.
As far as cheese goes, no really it's not even close, the thing they call bleu is something that probably didn't even get bacteria to begin with.

My favorites:

French crêpe with Nutella/chocolate creme:

(you can buy them like that but packed in the store btw, then put in microwave for 10 sec)
But they're tasteless that way!
Do them yourself it's not only better but doesn't even take much time.

Funky Papa

Putting salty butter on a stack of pancakes is like bringing Stoya to bed and had her rosebud on your face as you go down.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Ignoring the butter talk:

Xia said:
Cheesecake fans might also want to try combining the pancake mix with cream cheese, sugar, and lemon juice.

[Heavy Breathing Intensifies]

I don't need "cheesecake on demand," pancakes in my life, Xia. D:


...hate me...
I've been postponing buying a Zojirushi since forever... it's getting harder by the day.


So I figured I would give this a go.

Assorted ingredients. I kind of estimated everything.

Everything goes in the pot. I also added some Milo because hey, why not? And a frozen banana. We actually don't have a sieve so the flour went in unsieved. I also couldn't be bothered melting the butter before hand so it goes in the way nature intended it to be, solid. We also don't have a mixer or whisk of any kind as my sister recently moved out and took all the cooking utensils with her so I made do with mixing it by hand.

Into the rice cooker it goes.

Which then turns off after 5 minutes...
But I will salvage this! I'll chuck it into the a pan and then into the oven for a bit.


I mean the bottom that was actually cooked looks quite nice.

So after 15 minutes in the oven.

It's alright. Not as dense as I expected and the texture is pretty good. The flavour is lacking though. I should have put some more butter in. Overall I would say this is just a massive scone really.

A really massive scone.
Seems like we have the exact same cooker model :O


I think I would love to try that. Look like a tortilla though Lol.

Link to the recipe?

These are not pancakes, they're crepes with caster sugar and lemon juice.

Here's a recipe for crepes. http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/bobby-flay/crepes-suzette-recipe2.html

British people confuse crepes and pancakes all the time. They're just not the same thing whatsoever.

Salty butter is for animals.

You, sir, would be on the wrong end of my firing squad.


I don't really like thick pancakes and I don't have a rice cooker but I love this and the other rice cooker pancake thread for some reason.


That's some pathetic looking bullshit right there.

It's called a panCAKE for a reason. Cake is supposed to be thick and spongy.

I think it has cake part solely in english version of this word though. Hence the confusion.

Same thing with donuts when it comes to english vs some other languages.


I tested multiple places and I'm pretty sure it's just that I'm not used to what you call butter (in the same way that the shit you call cheese is really not cheese, I'm not even sure if it have anything to do with milk myself)...
I guess there's a difference in how the US regulate how butter is made...

As a Wisconsinite, all I can say is piss off. There's a reason our cheeses win so many worldwide competitions.
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