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Malaysia Airlines flight en route from Amsterdam shot down over Ukraine; no survivors

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All this shit is so crazy. I still can't believe that anyone thought it would be a good idea to give these separatists access to this kind of military tech. I wouldn't have ever believed that even Russia would be that idiotic. Sweet jebus...


Once And Future Member
It's a fair point. British Airways and Air France changed their route to a more expensive southern route, avoiding eastern Ukraine, since the conflict began in order to not take any chances.

Malaysia Airlines among others stuck to their cheaper route. To be fair, it had been declared 'safe' by authorities.



This is bullshit. Fuck those rebels.

"@cnnbrk: International observers given only limited access to #MH17 crash site, spokesman tells @camanpour. http://t.co/uJLy7piCtf"


Probably because no one expected the separatists to have SAMs capable of reaching that altitude.

While I'm not agreeing with his point, they've been bragging about shooting down cargo planes for quite a while now and it's not like Russia has taken a backseat in arming them. The news just didn't carry those reports so maybe no one in charge knew. U.S. airlines were avoiding Crimea since April for that very reason since so much is unknown and it's better not to risk it. I guess they were still allowed to fly over other parts of Ukraine though.
It's a fair point. British Airways and Air France changed their route to a more expensive southern route, avoiding eastern Ukraine, since the conflict began in order to not take any chances.

Malaysia Airlines among others stuck to their cheaper route. To be fair, it had been declared 'safe' by authorities.


The ones going through turkey are most likely connecting while Malaysian was a long haul flight.


It's a fair point. British Airways and Air France changed their route to a more expensive southern route, avoiding eastern Ukraine, since the conflict began in order to not take any chances.

Malaysia Airlines among others stuck to their cheaper route. To be fair, it had been declared 'safe' by authorities.

it was declared safe and others were taking the same route so i don't really see the point of saying "Are they just a totally incompetent company"


it was declared safe and others were taking the same route so i don't really see the point of saying "Are they just a totally incompetent company"

Yea, it's definitely not just them. This could have happened to anyone. You'd think the airlines would just be more cautious after the news out of Ukraine the past few weeks.


it was declared safe and others were taking the same route so i don't really see the point of saying "Are they just a totally incompetent company"

BA is a far superior airline. This just goes to show how horrendous the others really are.


Once And Future Member
The ones going through turkey are most likely connecting while Malaysian was a long haul flight.
Those are direct flights. The BA and Air France flights until a few weeks ago took the path through Ukraine, but a decision was taken to alter the course.

"However, some airlines in the last week including British Airways and Air France had already altered their flight paths to avoid Ukraine."



Target engagement zone


altitude: 15 meters – 25 kilometers (50 feet - 15.5 miles)
range: 3–42 kilometers (1.9-26 miles)

i doubt they can identify anything which is 40km away with the camera/IR they have there.
That's what the thing is supposed to do. If it can't accurately zoom targets within its engagement envelope, it's useless. The Buk isn't some short-range launcher like an Avenger Humvee. It's supposed to knock down high-altitude bombers. WW2-era rangefinders had ranges in the dozens of kilometres. A late-70s - early-80s electronically boosted set should easily top that. Admittedly, the Soviets weren't known for their amazingly cutting-edge electronic tech, but they should've managed slightly better than WW2 era stuff.


All this shit is so crazy. I still can't believe that anyone thought it would be a good idea to give these separatists access to this kind of military tech. I wouldn't have ever believed that even Russia would be that idiotic. Sweet jebus...

Stupidity is a very human trait. In the past the US has been helping the Taliban (which put Al Quaeda on the map) and Syrian insurgents (which led to ISIS).

Ding II

The Buk TELAR has its own IFF transponder detector and launch lock-out system. It would be rather dangerous not to have one, since it can operate independently. And the TV+infrared cameras are good enough to allow an operator discern aircraft type, particularly at 4 p.m.

You seem to know a bit about the system. Do you know if the fire-control radar on the TELAR would be able to detect the speed and/or altitude of a target it was locked on? I ask because airliner was flying far faster, and significantly higher, than a prop-driven transport plane would be capable of.


Stupidity is a very human trait. In the past the US has been helping the Taliban (which put Al Quaeda on the map) and Syrian insurgents (which led to ISIS).

I know...but did we ever give them weapons with this sort of lethality/capability? Is there a precedent for this?
The near-instant change in pressure causes the oxygen supply in the brain to more or less cut itself off like a light switch. You'll not be dead, but completely unconscious in a matter of seconds, and your body will go soon after without the oxygen it needs to survive. On top of that, your plane is in pieces and you're heading for the ground, so you're likely dead either way. It's a really shit way to go.

It doesn't. Many people will pass out very quickly but others will not.


It seems they have "allowed" (what a farce) a few inspectors access to the wreckage. If they had completely blocked off everyone, like I assumed, they would have forced their way in. Not necessarily via military means, but in one way or another. I can promise you that.

It's tied to the time in that the full decompression takes place. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncontrolled_decompression

So yeah, they probably were unconscious / dead pretty quickly.

what a horrific way to go. RIP
Video has surfaced of a "rebel" BUK being rushed towards the Russian border. Interesting thing about the video is you can see the BUK has fired 2 missiles as they are missing.


Between all this imagery, the common sense variables, the twitter post and then immediate deletion of the post, the phone conversations. What more do we need to come to a conclusion?

If this was a trial it would be a slam dunk case.


You seem to know a bit about the system. Do you know if the fire-control radar on the TELAR would be able to detect the speed and/or altitude of a target it was locked on? I ask because airliner was flying far faster, and significantly higher, than a prop-driven transport plane would be capable of.
Well, it would have to, since it is apparently capable of automatic swing and pan tracking with the missiles (the whole 'turret' follows the target, with the missiles being raised or lowered as directed by the targeting computer) and it would have to match its movements with the target's position.


I don't doubt that this is probably the vehicle that shot the plane down... But couldn't they find some tarpaulin or plastic sheeting to cover the fucking thing?

I'd imagine they were in a rush. Also, random goods like tarps might be hard to come by in a warzone when stores probably aren't being restocked much, especially a tarp big enough to cover what is really quite a large vehicle.


Probably old, but pro-Russian rebel leader says the plane was full of dead bodies anyway!

Yahoo Article

I have no words... If someone had told me that's the way they'd respond, I would have said it was an Onion article.



it's quite shocking that we get for free on Bell Fibe in Canada. I never asked for this channel, it's self imposed.


Orlando Bosch, CIA-backed terrorist, guilty of bombing an civilian cuban airliner. Found safe haven under Bush snr, lived as a free man till his death in USA.


Target engagement zone


altitude: 15 meters – 25 kilometers (50 feet - 15.5 miles)
range: 3–42 kilometers (1.9-26 miles)

i doubt they can identify anything which is 40km away with the camera/IR they have there.

Even with just a decent pair of binoculars you can identify a commercial airliner at cruising altitude as such. I know because I've tried and then used flightradar to check their altitude.


it's quite shocking that we get for free on Bell Fibe in Canada. I never asked for this channel, it's self imposed.

I swear every hotel I stay at has this channel. No idea how they made such inroads in north america when telecoms had to be dragged kicking and screaming to provide aljam

Ding II

what a horrific way to go. RIP
RIP, indeed, but it was likely a quick and hopefully painless death for everyone on the plane.

AA missiles are designed to explode near an aircraft and puncture it with hundreds of chunks of shrapnel. The purpose of the shrapnel is multi-fold: damage the engines and flight control surfaces, puncture fuel tanks, but most importantly in the case of jet aircraft, destroy the plane's aerodynamics. If you blow even a small chunk off an aircraft travelling at high speed, air resistance can quickly rip loose much bigger pieces, like entire wings, tails, major portions of the fuselage, etc. The missile doesn't have to destroy the plane outright; the damaged plane destroys itself due to its speed.

That almost certainly happened in this case, since the tail of the plane was found six miles away from the rest of the wreck.

If you are sitting inside an aircraft flying at 500kts, as it loses its tail and begins cartwheeling through the sky, the effect will be fully as violent as crashing a speeding car into a brick wall. The plane would go from "a speeding bullet" to "fluttering debris" in just a few seconds. The G forces would be tremendous and probably, hopefully in this case, instantly fatal.

It will be interesting to see if the black boxes remained operational long enough to measure and record the instantaneous G forces experienced by the plane as it broke up. If they are as high as I expect they were, perhaps that will provide some small comfort to the families of the deceased.


they are still supplying and training the insurgents in Syria.

That's crazy. The islamic insurgents are more dangerous than Assad. It's crazy that Al-Qaeda has become the sane alternative to ISIS, that's how fucked up these people are. When the rebels win, Syria will become not a beacon of democracy but an islamic theocracy that will scare away huge parts of the population that would have been safe under Assad. And it will become a place where Shiites (Iran) will fight Sunnis (Saudis) by proxy.
Video has surfaced of a "rebel" BUK being rushed towards the Russian border. Interesting thing about the video is you can see the BUK has fired 2 missiles as they are missing.


Russia's little separatist pets thoroughly shit the bed. Putin wants his toys back before they bury his reputation.

That's crazy. The islamic insurgents are more dangerous than Assad. It's crazy that Al-Qaeda has become the sane alternative to ISIS, that's how fucked up these people are. When the rebels win, Syria will become not a beacon of democracy but an islamic theocracy that will scare away huge parts of the population that would have been safe under Assad. And it will become a place where Shiites (Iran) will fight Sunnis (Saudis) by proxy.

Actually what we're doing is very smart.

Keep both sides funded and alive and let them focus on killing each other. Also look at how many potential terrorists in the UK that have focused their attention on that conflict ... rather than our transportation system.

It's quite simple really, Obama might actually know whats up. Keep the Middle-East squabbling and fighting, prop up the loosing side whenever they start getting crushed. Then you're left with a jihad vacuum that sucks up all the wanna be firecrackers and watch them kill each other over and over.

Whatever keeps their attention away from us right?
It's a fair point. British Airways and Air France changed their route to a more expensive southern route, avoiding eastern Ukraine, since the conflict began in order to not take any chances.

Malaysia Airlines among others stuck to their cheaper route. To be fair, it had been declared 'safe' by authorities.


FUUUU... I'm flying Lufthansa in January. If they don't maintain their detour routes I will cancel tickets and go with British Airways. Not taking chances.


That's crazy. The islamic insurgents are more dangerous than Assad. It's crazy that Al-Qaeda has become the sane alternative to ISIS, that's how fucked up these people are. When the rebels win, Syria will become not a beacon of democracy but an islamic theocracy that will scare away huge parts of the population that would have been safe under Assad. And it will become a place where Shiites (Iran) will fight Sunnis (Saudis) by proxy.
There are many insurgent groups within Syria. ISIS is even mostly fighting those groups.
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