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Malaysia Airlines flight en route from Amsterdam shot down over Ukraine; no survivors

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The fans and viewers are voters and because of this the government is too cowardly to do something.
The voters also want action taken for the taking down of MH17. And it wouldn't be strange for some sort of action to be taken. THe chance is for instance small Israel will play its UEFA Qualification matches in Israel when the new campaign starts.


NYT : Victims <- This will updated as more information is released.


I hadn't seen these pictures yet, I'm sad now. I can't believe how callous and cold the Russian statements have been.

To which statements are you referring?

Sky News (UK) reporter Colin Brazier rummages around in MH17 passenger's bag in the wreckage.

Nope. Nothing wrong about that AT ALL.

I don't know what's the most annoying element here:
1. The fact someone put up a Vine of a videotaped tv broadcast.
2. The fact that the Vine was put up to publicly damn the reporter. Like "Look fellas there he his - LET'S GET HIM!"
3. The fact that I probably wouldn't realize that I should be all upset about it, unless told by someone like you that I should be upset.
4. Vine.

I'm sure it's wrong he did that, but in the heat of it, would you not make any mistakes while on the premises of a huge air disaster? In the day & age of immediate and instant gratification, we're so quick to pigpile on everyone who does the slightest thing out of line. The self-righteousness levels increase every year when it comes to every average Joe having a say about every single profession in the world. But let's make sure to all take to Twitter and hashtag his name so that he feels like a huge piece of shit. Because of course we know what a huge piece of shit he his, because everyone knows who Colin Brazier is, right, and has always followed his career, right? Right? Let's get him!!! GRRR GO!!!!! https://twitter.com/search?q=Colin Brazier&src=typd
Also, rummaging? Rummage defense force here. If that's rummage, I wonder what Twitter would think of what I did to the garbage the other day when I thought I threw a Slayer band sticker in the trash.

I am adding a 5th annoyance to my list above.
5. I just wrote a paragraph which amounts to reporting on the reporting, on the reporting, of the coverage of the crash.


I don't know what's the most annoying element here:
1. The fact someone put up a Vine of a videotaped tv broadcast.
2. The fact that the Vine was put up to publicly damn the reporter. Like "Look fellas there he his - LET'S GET HIM!"
3. The fact that I probably wouldn't realize that I should be all upset about it, unless told by someone like you that I should be upset.
4. Vine.

I'm sure it's wrong he did that, but in the heat of it, would you not make any mistakes while on the premises of a huge air disaster? In the day & age of immediate and instant gratification, we're so quick to pigpile on everyone who does the slightest thing out of line. The self-righteousness levels increase every year when it comes to every average Joe having a say about every single profession in the world. But let's make sure to all take to Twitter and hashtag his name so that he feels like a huge piece of shit. Because of course we know what a huge piece of shit he his, because everyone knows who Colin Brazier is, right, and has always followed his career, right? Right? Let's get him!!! GRRR GO!!!!! https://twitter.com/search?q=Colin Brazier&src=typd
Also, rummaging? Rummage defense force here. If that's rummage, I wonder what Twitter would think of what I did to the garbage the other day when I thought I threw a Slayer band sticker in the trash.

I am adding a 5th annoyance to my list above.
5. I just wrote a paragraph which amounts to reporting on the reporting, on the reporting, of the coverage of the crash.

You don't think it is too much to ask not to go through someones personal possessions on national TV. Someone who was just murdered?
Ukraine Security Council is reporting a fresh russian convoy broke the border.

So even with all of this still sending Rebel reinforcements. Security Council also has mentioned a notable build up of Artillery and Armor moving to Ukraine Border from Crimea.

But yet.. the world sits back to watch this all unfold.

Putin's trying to rebuild a Russian empire by force under he guise of "rebels" doing it. It' isn't rebels... it's troops trained and backed by the Russian government.

I would not be surprised i we hear about full scale invasion by Putin into the Ukraine within the next couple months. I have a bad, bad feeling about what Putin is doing there...


FIFA should remove Russia from hosting the 2018 World Cup. Hit Russia at their pride.

Anyway, how the hell would want to fly from the West of Europe to Russia now?

Like FIFA gives a shit, they still have done jack shit about Qatar and they have pretty much been caught taking bribes. Plus all the uproar about the building deaths, and still nothing. FIFA gives no shits as long as they get money.


I'll admit, I find the idea of going through someone's stuff on TV a little off but honestly I think we're all being a little hypocritical here. What I mean is that I find very little difference in filming the contents of a bag versus filming the contents of someone's bag that had been spread out on the ground with the explosion, the difference between the two is somewhat slight and something I think exists because we as people do want to see the crash site, it is news and perhaps something that should be seen and with that we may catch glimpses of bodies or personal effects but at the same time want to feel like what we're doing isn't disrespectful so we have this weird rule where if it's visible it's visible and if not then it's taboo.

I kinda feel that if we really wanted to uphold this concept of respect for the dead and their families then we wouldn't want or condone any filming of the crash site and only investigators and response teams access but then we wouldn't have these tragic photos stoking rightful world anger the plane would just be some invisible statistic to us all, further, if the site is further tampered with this footage may be instrumental to investigators to help determine how the plane broke apart.
You don't think it is too much to ask not to go through someones personal possessions on national TV. Someone who was just murdered?

Of course not. But I think someone like that is operating on an ungodly schedule. I think that reporter was probably running on steam, fumes, cruise control, nicotine, caffeine, adrenaline, and professional pressure and I think they're under a fuck ton of stress to do SOMETHING while that red light comes on. I think it's obviously a mistake but the amount people gang up on these reporters is fucking incredible. I just get sick of the cacophony of people who would do better, Twitter (or Vine, or Facebook) armchair quarterbacks who may have a point, but make that point with a sledgehammer. Would he do it again? No. Will he ever hear the end of it now, for something that he probably was barely even aware he did it? NOPE. That bag was probably brought over to him by a producer or something, or he happened by it. I doubt he put a segment together based on him touching the belongings from a plane that was blasted out of the sky. I'd do 60 dumber things than that in a half hour.
I think there is a big difference between filming objects on the ground and rifling through them; tampering with evidence, you know?

He's an experienced journalist, so you would expect him to know better. I assume no-one was pointing a gun in his face making him all flustered.


I think there is a big difference between filming objects on the ground and rifling through them; tampering with evidence, you know?

He's an experienced journalist, so you would expect him to know better. I assume no-one was pointing a gun in his face making him all flustered.
There is a difference, one that seemingly had been crossed well before just with them gathering up the belongings and passports prior to the first footage we saw. In a perfect world he probably wouldn't even be walking across the debris field.

In this insane circus all of that has been lost and thrown out the window, it's a very weird situation we have here were there are really no real authorities on the scene and the press and individuals are free to just kind of mill about, when they're allowed to by militiamen that is. That wouldn't happen elsewhere with a properly controlled scene at all.


US Secretary of State John Kerry did an interview this morning on ABC's This Week. Here are some of the highlights

"There are an enormous array of facts that point at Russia's support for and involvement in this effort," Kerry told ABC News' George Stephanopoulos, noting that many of the separatists in the region are actually Russian, not Ukrainian, and that the U.S. has strong intelligence that Russia has been arming and training them.

"Drunken separatists are stacking bodies into the back of trucks, removing materials from the site," Kerry said. "This is an insult to everybody. It's really a moment of truth for Russia to step up and be part of the solution, not part of the problem."

Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) also echoed Kerry's sentiments about Russia's involvement in the MH 17 plane crash, pointing to the type of missile launched at the airplane as key evidence.

"I think this certainly eliminates Putin's plausible deniability and he's been operating that way in Ukraine since the beginning of this conflict and him taking Crimea," Rogers told Stephanopoulos. "This [technology] is so sophisticated, you're not even going to hand this weapon system off without having trainers present, maintenance personnel."

"The evidence is mounting that this at least had Russian hands at least at some point on this piece of equipment that led to the massacre of those individuals on that airplane," Rogers added.

During Face the Nation on CBS, Kerry indicated the US believes the recorded conversations are legitimate.

Foreign correspondent Clarissa Ward—who is great—also reported she recognized one of the voices in the recording as the rebel who detained her and her crew and beat up her cameraman.


Appears the report of the Bodies being taken by Rail to Donetsk was wrong. They are still sitting in torez where they turned off the refrigeration and OSCE is trying to negotiate with the "Rebels" to allow the train to go to a Ukrainian controlled city.

@EuromaidanPR · 22m
#OSCE is negotiating w/ separatists to move the train w/ #MH17 bodies to area under #Ukraine gov control http://www.government.nl/government...ation-of-victims-remains-is-top-priority.html … |EMPR
@oivshina · 55m
The locomotive at #Torez switched off & doesn't charge refrigerators with #MH17 bodies. They save fuel #Ukraine


Clothed, sober, cooperative
You don't think it is too much to ask not to go through someones personal possessions on national TV. Someone who was just murdered?

You can't call it murder yet.




Setting aside the question of responsibility (as silly as that is) for a moment, the disrespect the rebels are showing toward the crash site and the bodies of the victims is indefensible. Though I'm sure someone will try.


Appears the report of the Bodies being taken by Rail to Donetsk was wrong. They are still sitting in torez where they turned off the refrigeration and OSCE is trying to negotiate with the "Rebels" to allow the train to go to a Ukrainian controlled city.

I feel Putin is taking a book out of North Korea negotiating. Going full mental and then bargaining to such an extent that the West feels relieved that it averted a disaster, while really Putin/NK got something from nothing.


Are these rebels serious right now? Like they could not be any more insensitive unless they personally started parading the corpses on live tv at this point. Which I suppose may happen at some point given how fucking moronic these people are.


Setting aside the question of responsibility (as silly as that is) for a moment, the disrespect the rebels are showing toward the crash site and the bodies of the victims is indefensible. Though I'm sure someone will try.
They should be quartered and feed to the pigs for that atrocity alone.


Are these rebels serious right now? Like they could not be any more insensitive unless they personally started parading the corpses on live tv at this point. Which I suppose may happen at some point given how fucking moronic these people are.

my heart hearts when I think about the families. I mean imagine this happening to your loved ones. I just can't believe this is all going down, and they are giving 0 fucks.

This is a war crime.


The rebels are doing a bit better against the Kiev military then I give them credit for I guess. I've been abroad for the last month and , admittedly, I stopped keeping up with the Ukraine fiasco after the Gaza fiasco popped off. Anyways, like I said, I find it suspicious that no one has been allowed to access the crash site yet.

I still think it's equally possible that the Kiev rebels shot the plane down or the armed forces of Ukraine did. I'm not ruling anything out. I know my not going into a 'Russians did it" bloodlust is pissing people off, but that's not my problem.

i wish neogaf had a ignore button.


my heart hearts when I think about the families. I mean imagine this happening to your loved ones. I just can't believe this is all going down, and they are giving 0 fucks.

This is a war crime.

Like I know this isn't even like close to the worst human behavior is capable of, but it's always unnerving to see such a lack of human compassion in the modern age. It shouldn't be surprising to me, I'm a huge cynic. And yet somehow, there is still an unsettling little jolt back to reality as I realize, yup, these are actually fellow human beings who are behaving this way.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Like I know this isn't even like close to the worst human behavior is capable of, but it's always unnerving to see such a lack of human compassion in the modern age. It shouldn't be surprising to me, I'm a huge cynic. And yet somehow, there is still an unsettling little jolt back to reality as I realize, yup, these are actually fellow human beings who are behaving this way.

They are also aping to some extent, Putin's absurd comical hypermasculinity.

RussiaGaf, is that a broad cultural thing, or just Putin's ego/marketing?


That train has no destination, fucking disgrace as to how they are treating this. Families are sitting at home without any idea what is happening with those bodies, imagine never getting the chance to give them a proper burial or cremation.

PM feeding us words, but actions speak louder than words.

This video hit me hard :( Parents are asking and even begging Putin get their children home.



Right, he realized what he was doing wrong in the video and stopped. He apologized as well. What more do people want from him?

I feel the bigger issue here is in a major international crime incident like this why are official investigators being blockaded and escorted around the scene by people who have a vested interest in destroying or hiding evidence and here is mr. reporter guy just rummaging through belongings and possible evidence and posting pictures and video. That crash site is beyond tainted at this point.


Putin just put out a statement video which you will notice was at roughly 2:30 in the morning so you can tell he is feeling some heat though based on what he said he still doesn't give a shit.


He starts off blaming Ukraine stating if Ukraine had not resumes military options that he knows for sure this would not had happened. All parties in the region of Ukraine need to take their responsibility for the event.

Then he states No one has the right to use this event for gain. The World should unite not divide. He also comments that not enough is being done to ensure safety at the crash site and a proper investigation which you can obviously take as another swipe at Ukraine.

He ends it vowing to continue to push for peace talks to end the military actions by Ukraine and get them to the peace tables
Putin just put out a statement video which you will notice was at roughly 2:30 in the morning so you can tell he is feeling some heat though based on what he said he still doesn't give a shit.


He starts off blaming Ukraine stating if Ukraine had not resumes military options that he knows for sure this would not had happened. All parties in the region of Ukraine need to take their responsibility for the event.

Then he states No one has the right to use this event for gain. The World should unite not divide. He also comments that not enough is being done to ensure safety at the crash site and a proper investigation which you can obviously take as another swipe at Ukraine.

He ends it vowing to continue to push for peace talks to end the military actions by Ukraine and get them to the peace tables

As some have said already, this seems like an attempt to create a second Transnistria. If the status quo is allowed to last by using a ceasefire, it is essentially gifting the rebels a victory.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
All this stuff makes my blood boil. Seeing these families from my home town torn apart while these insensitive motherfuckers on the other side of the world try to hide evidence when it's so blatantly obvious they were directly responsible. Eugh. What a horrible event.


As some have said already, this seems like an attempt to create a second Transnistria. If the status quo is allowed last by using a ceasefire, it is essentially gifting the rebels a victory.

I think they would happily settle for that. Russia would demand in the UN any peacekeepers be from them for regional reasons. Russian armor with peacekeeping markings have been spotted for months near the border.

3rd in command of the Rebels is actually a Russian Official from Transnistria. He recently came in after they forced the 3rd in command who was Ukrainian out.
They are also aping to some extent, Putin's absurd comical hypermasculinity.

RussiaGaf, is that a broad cultural thing, or just Putin's ego/marketing?

I think most Russians' motivation is same as Putin's: to reclaim the glory associated Soviet Union past. They'd rather be a bully that you fear then a regular decent citizen of the world.


I'm in Australia now and in the town I'm staying at had a local couple that was on the plane.

People stopped by his place of work and had laid flowers out and they put a nice little memorial in the window.

Usually I don't feel much in instances likes this besides general sadness, since I find it hard to relate when you don't know the people or have any connection with them. But when you see a community come together to pay respect it makes it that much more real.

Reminded me of seeing all the missing posters after 9/11 in NYC.


I'm in Australia now and in the town I'm staying at had a local couple that was on the plane.

People stopped by his place of work and had laid flowers out and they put a nice little memorial in the window.

Usually I don't feel much in instances likes this besides general sadness, since I find it hard to relate when you don't know the people or have any connection with them. But when you see a community come together to pay respect it makes it that much more real.

Reminded me of seeing all the missing posters after 9/11 in NYC.



Right, he realized what he was doing wrong in the video and stopped. He apologized as well. What more do people want from him?

actually has nothing to do with any of that. its basically a moment for people to cast judgement on someone else to feel morally superior. its something that i've noticed within the last couple years with the popularization of social media, people have become more two faced with a constructed outward persona.
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