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Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 ended in the Southern Indian Ocean

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I am terrified of flying. Yet, thanks to this thread, I've pretty much just read every major flight disaster there is :s

On top that, whenever I flew to America I was always somewhat calm because I'd assume being over water for the majority of the flight I'd be ok if something went wrong. But these motherfuckers disintegrate on water impact too. I've been living a lie.

I'm gonna have to be drunk out of my mind to fly there again
To be fair, you are over the Atlantic just for couple of hours. The majority of the flight path from US to Europe is over land.
Hold on to your hats. If someone has this plane, they know the race is on. The clock is ticking. They won't be planning to hide this thing for weeks or months; they are likely to be caught before then. They mean to use it soon.

I think some people in here are getting way too carried away.
It's extremely likely the plane crashed.


that puzzling face
Flight height was from (thus-far-uncorroborated officially) satellite pings being reported by people other than Malaysian officials directly. Might be right, might be wrong. Using this past week as a guide it could be either (or both, e.g. a correctly reported system glitch)


I am terrified of flying. Yet, thanks to this thread, I've pretty much just read every major flight disaster there is :s

On top that, whenever I flew to America I was always somewhat calm because I'd assume being over water for the majority of the flight I'd be ok if something went wrong. But these motherfuckers disintegrate on water impact too. I've been living a lie.

I'm gonna have to be drunk out of my mind to fly there again
Apparently if you fall from higher than 150 ft, hitting the water is pretty much equivalent to hitting concrete. Kinda killed the "I'm gonna survive falling out of an airplane by landing in the water" idea I had growing up.


Disappears from radar. Transponders turned off. Data link turned off. Flies for 4 hours.

Hijacked, you say?

I'm still thinking the pilot(s) did it.

Same here. I remember hearing that the cockpit voice recorder only keeps the last 30 minutes of the flight. The FedEx suicide guy tried to kill the pilots and was going to fly the plane long enough for the loop to erase the commotion IIRC. I don't know why they can't just keep an uplink nowadays with the 2 boxes' data constantly streaming to a satellite uplink. You would only need the boxes as a backup.


Cheers guys. So the current belief by investigators is that the transponder and ASART were turned off manually around the time they lost contact, the aircraft was turned around from original flight path, and then made a couple of other turns and was last detected over the ocean heading in the general direction of India. Movement of the aircraft is believed to be deliberate. Last suspected detection was over the ocean, though may have continued inland if fuel could cover (standard flight allocation probably wouldn't?). Due to flight movement it's clear this was done manually, though not known by who (pilots, hijackers, passengers). Location of the aircraft is still unknown, as is its fate.

What was this talk about flight height? I don't see it in the PR.

The altitude? Here's what they've been saying on CNN:

Malaysian military radar showed the plane climbing to 45,000 feet soon after disappearing from civilian radar screens and then dropping to 23,000 feet before climbing again, the official said.
I am terrified of flying. Yet, thanks to this thread, I've pretty much just read every major flight disaster there is :s

On top that, whenever I flew to America I was always somewhat calm because I'd assume being over water for the majority of the flight I'd be ok if something went wrong. But these motherfuckers disintegrate on water impact too. I've been living a lie.

I'm gonna have to be drunk out of my mind to fly there again

Don't forget, your seat is also a flotation device.


Same here. I remember hearing that the cockpit voice recorder only keeps the last 30 minutes of the flight. The FedEx suicide guy tried to kill the pilots and was going to fly the plane long enough for the loop to erase the commotion IIRC. I don't know why they can't just keep an uplink nowadays with the 2 boxes' data constantly streaming to a satellite uplink. You would only need the boxes as a backup.
30 mins is the required minimum. It could be more (some guidelines recommended 2+ hours minimum).

They can't do constant satellite uplink due to cost although I think we all wish they could.


that puzzling face
That's one of the questions I was hoping would be asked and addressed at the (cancelled) 5:30pm conference.

Gonna have to wait a little longer to get more detailed answers, I guess. The Z-shaped waypoint path being the actual plot that MH370 took according to radar being the other. Still doesn't make any sense why a deliberately flown passenger jet would do that, so official confirmation/denial would help.


that puzzling face
It's not hard to imagine that in a highly non-standard situation, the software/system might glitch out and display incorrect info. (Remember, the transponder was turned off mid-flight) The only thing I'm going to believe at this point is an official FAA/NTSB report about the issue. Not "officials reporting under the condition of anonymity" and definitely not internet keyboard warriors operating off WYSIWYG interfaces for complicated data.

Not saying it's outright false. I'm saying keep an open mind.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Flight height was from (thus-far-uncorroborated officially) satellite pings being reported by people other than Malaysian officials directly. Might be right, might be wrong. Using this past week as a guide it could be either (or both, e.g. a correctly reported system glitch)

The altitude? Here's what they've been saying on CNN:

Thank you. So if true, it was hitting 10,000 feet over the average cruising altitude, and well and truly at the point where passengers/crew would need oxygen. Given it's unconfirmed I won't put too much stock in it, but that would be an incredibly odd event. Either someone wanted to knock out the passengers (this is Tom Clancy territory), or they had no idea how to fly an aircraft.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
So the two Iranians are the hijackers, the asylum is a cover, just disinforma. They hijack the plane, taking it up to 45k feet and dropping the cabin pressure to kill the passengers. Next they land on an island with a just large enough airport for take off laferr waiting on the island is a north Koran tanker. The north Koreans have been caught in the past trying to sell weapons to Iran, and the new dear leader needs donut money.

Inside the tanker is a nuclear missile which they quickly load onto the plane. The plane takes off and cuts back east in the opposite direction the search is now focused. They take long loop to avoid radar and the ongoing search. They refuel at another airport to the east before they start off for their destination.

Theist nuclear missile is rigged to detonate on impact and they're headed right for the West coast of the USA. But where? There's so many options; Hawaii would be the easiest but there's San Fransisco and Portland and Seattle. But there's also L.A. the capitol of the West Coast, what the rest of the world picture as California. It detonates just at Russians invade the Ukraine. Their target is L.A. "Target: L.A."

Harrison Ford could have starred in this. Shia Lebouf would be in the remake. A Tom Clancy Classic.

Beautiful. Fucking beautiful. Let me guess how you figured that they were the hijackers...it's cause they're middle eastern right? Find me one proven case where an Iranian national committed a terrorist act.
Beautiful. Fucking beautiful. Let me guess how you figured that they were the hijackers...it's cause they're middle eastern right? Find me one proven case where an Iranian national committed a terrorist act.
It might be because they're the only two passengers that presented false identification to get on the flight. But thanks for the outsized, disproportionate response and persecution complex.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
The whole world needs to be on high alert right now, that's my feeling. If this plane was stolen and taken up to high altitude to surprise neutralize the occupants, I can only imagine the end game is another 9/11 but with a nuke onboard. Time to recode every transponder on every passenger airplane and lock shit down tight. This thing could be parked underground in Pakistan for all we know.

Do nukes grow on tress or something? Where are they going to get a nuke from?

It might be because they're the only two passengers that presented false identification to get on the flight. But thanks for the outsized, disproportionate response and persecution complex.

Buddy there writes out some Tom Clancy fap material, and you think my response was disproportionate? The Iranians are more than likely asylum seekers to Europe. Going to western country with a fake passport to claim asylum is not something that is unique. Thousands do it every year.

Also according to the investigation, the person(s) responsible for these "deliberate" manoeuvres, would have had to have been extremely knowledgeable of the workings of a 777. I very much doubt these two guys had that knowledge. Further more, how do two guys hijack a plane with 230 people on it? A 777 is not a small plane, so how do you both coordinate the taking of the cockpit, as well as keeping control over 230 people?

As I also said earlier, Iranians don't have a history of hijackings and terrorist attacks. So what would be the motive for two Iranians to hijack a plane full of South East Asians?


"playing" dumb? unpossible
From Iranian government ofc!

You cheeky bastard lol

BBC Myanmar/Burma correspondent.

Being briefed by Malaysia officials they believe most likely location for MH370 is on land somewhere near Chinese/Kyrgyz border.

If this plane is where they believe it to be, than that entire region is one big cluster fuck of incompetence. Ok maybe Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand have shitty radar system, but the whole god damn region? Come on.


It's not hard to imagine that in a highly non-standard situation, the software/system might glitch out and display incorrect info. (Remember, the transponder was turned off mid-flight) The only thing I'm going to believe at this point is an official FAA/NTSB report about the issue. Not "officials reporting under the condition of anonymity" and definitely not internet keyboard warriors operating off WYSIWYG interfaces for complicated data.

Not saying it's outright false. I'm saying keep an open mind.

Well the New York Times used that very same website (the website in the video) for some of their data. I don't see why it's suddenly having its credibility questioned. So it's not like only "Internet keyboard warriors" are relying in its info.


BBC Myanmar/Burma correspondent.

Being briefed by Malaysia officials they believe most likely location for MH370 is on land somewhere near Chinese/Kyrgyz border.

yep, i wanted to post this. Sort of agrees with the north western flight path outlined by Najib today.

A theory I read on The Guardian UK comments is that near the Chinese/Kyrgyzstan border is Xinjiang province where if you remember from a few weeks ago had a separatist group orchestrating the train station attack at Kunming killing 29 people.

One of the leaders of that group was quoted as saying to the Chinese government - If you kill one of us, we'll kill 100 of you.

Anything is possible at this stage I guess.


BBC Myanmar/Burma correspondent.

Being briefed by Malaysia officials they believe most likely location for MH370 is on land somewhere near Chinese/Kyrgyz border.

That would be unbelievable on so many levels. I refuse to believe that so many countries are incompetent enough to just let an unidentified 777 fly along their borders unmolested. If that's true, then wow I'm surprised more of these hijackings haven't happened.

I'm almost more willing to believe the conspiracy theory that China's in on it rather than that no air defense radar tower picked up the aircraft (or did anything about it). It could explain all the bizarre claims made by China in the early days of the search (e.g. accidentally leaking satellite photos showing possible wreckage a few days late even though it's nearly impossible to accidentally do something considering how tight China controls its information) and their eagerness to promote their technologies (e.g. deploying ten satellites to scan the area where the plane was seen last).


yep, i wanted to post this. Sort of agrees with the north western flight path outlined by Najib today.

A theory I read on The Guardian UK comments is that near the Chinese/Kyrgyzstan border is Xinjiang province where if you remember from a few weeks ago had a separatist group orchestrating the train station attack at Kunming killing 29 people.

One of the leaders of that group was quoted as saying to the Chinese government - If you kill one of us, we'll kill 100 of you.

Anything is possible at this stage I guess.

Ok I am scared.


Logically it hasn't crashed on land or it would have been spotted. Landing and hiding a 777 still seems improbable so out at sea still seems likely regardless of hijack implications.


Wow, I figured they landed on a remote island somewhere....not China! lol

How would it get there undetected, unless the country was somehow involved?




Thank you. So if true, it was hitting 10,000 feet over the average cruising altitude, and well and truly at the point where passengers/crew would need oxygen. Given it's unconfirmed I won't put too much stock in it, but that would be an incredibly odd event. Either someone wanted to knock out the passengers (this is Tom Clancy territory), or they had no idea how to fly an aircraft.

Well, hypoxia would be a great and relatively risk-free way to stop a cabin full of passengers and cabin crew from making a ruckus and trying to break down the cockpit door. There's enough oxygen in the pilot's supply to make it a feasible tactic, isn't there? But if that was the goal, there's easier ways to do it than climbing up to FL450. Is there more to the FL450 stuff than a radar track? Primary radar is pretty unreliable for that kinda stuff. How would a 777 even do at that kind of altitude? The air is getting pretty thin up there, would it even be able to maintain lift at that flight level? The number just seems crazy.
That would be unbelievable on so many levels. I refuse to believe that so many countries are incompetent enough to just let an unidentified 777 fly along their borders unmolested. If that's true, then wow I'm surprised more of these hijackings haven't happened.

It does seem crazy, but take into account of the mountainous region over there that can help keep the plane from being undetected by radar. It's crazy shit that honestly, has to be taken into account because at this point, anything is possible.

Still, it's good news that they've been able to pinpoint where the plane might be to two spots.


Wow, I figured they landed on a remote island somewhere....not China! lol

How would it get there undetected, unless the country was somehow involved?

Could the hijackers have asked China to turn off their radars to allow it to fly in its airspace enroute to Xinjiang province. I know governments don't usually negotiate with terrorists but it would create more problems for China to shoot the Malaysian plane out of the sky unless it looked like the terrorists were going to fly it into a building.


I really can't believe it is getting crazier and crazier.

I'm amazed that a commercial jetliner doesn't have a hidden tracking device like you can get for cars.

From skim reading the last couple of pages, we are officially down to two possible places the plane is:

1, Kyrgyzstan.
2, Indian Ocean

As the Americans sent a ship and a plane to number 2, probably thinking it couldn't have got through Indian airspace without being detected, I'm going with number 2 for now....

I await the next twist.
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