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Man was it dumb as fuck to make Doritos be the "gamer" food


When I playing games I'm too focus on the game to enjoy any drinks or even snacks, when I feel like I'm getting hungry I shutdown the game and cook something up to eat.

These Doritos chips are not food, they are fucking poison for your body, I never put those shits in my body.
I don't think I've eaten a Dorito in 10+ years. I live an active lifestyle, I'm guilty of having the occasional chips/chocolate/snack but it's very rare and god forbid I do it while gaming.


Why would you eat anything when playing games? When I get hungry I shutdown the game and make proper food to eat.
Ι never knew eating while playing games is a thing. I never met anyone who does that. I can understand eating while doing something passive that doesn't require exclusive use of your hands, like watching a movie. But playing with a controller or a keyboard/mouse?

Is it an American thing?
Like Pizza?

Oh, and a blunt. Those are good too.
Girl Why Dont We Have Both GIF

I smoke some weed too when Im gaming but it has 2 sides.

Up side. I perceive everything more lucid. Being colors or sound and I rage far less :D
Down side: Often my concentration levels are very low. So I play something for 30 minutes, then Im done and play someting else. Rinse and repeat.


The nicest person on this forum
Ι never knew eating while playing games is a thing. I never met anyone who does that. I can understand eating while doing something passive that doesn't require exclusive use of your hands, like watching a movie. But playing with a controller or a keyboard/mouse?

Is it an American thing?
I don’t know, it just dumb and pointless….you are not able to enjoy the game you are playing and not able to enjoy the food you are eating and you would just mess up your controller or keyboard.…why?


I had one friend growing up who would always use a shit ton of lotion, like leaving the SNES controller all greasy. From then I've avoided greasy foods during gaming. Especially now with analogue sticks and triggers, it's a nightmare.
Have a drink while gaming. Usually water but can be starbucks too. Chewing while figuring out wtf is
doing in Rebirth is not for me.


Gold Member
Eating while playing is hard, but the hardest thing in gaming is to determine if the cinematic your watching last long enough for you to hit a few bars on your spliff without risk.
Ι never knew eating while playing games is a thing. I never met anyone who does that. I can understand eating while doing something passive that doesn't require exclusive use of your hands, like watching a movie. But playing with a controller or a keyboard/mouse?

Is it an American thing?
Ever "played" excessive cutscenes and more importantly ever waited for loading in Metro, RDR or AC Valhalla? That's passive as far as I am concerned and gives plenty of time to finish some bites, plus cleaning your hands before picking the pad up again.

Doritos though and its sticky dust is probably something I would not do either. Regular chips, chocolate or some gummies is my go to quick snack.


Sounds like an American thing. I personally don't eat while I play games, it just makes the couch and controller dirty.


Simps for Amouranth
Reminds me of a time we called round to see an old mate who we hadn't seen in years, he was balls deep into a WOW addiction playing on both EU and US servers at the time (I vaguely remember him being a server first getting some epic rogue PVP armour that would've required an insane amount of grind) anyways we called round and his computer desk was just something straight out of hell, about 3 ashtrays all full, empty coke/red bull tins all piled up, food absolutely everywhere, keyboard just a fucking mess of shite, you could clearly see he just lived and breathed at his gaming desk only leaving to sleep and hopefully shit...


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
You guys are boring lol, nothing like having a tasty snack while playing some cool videogame.

Of course this ain't going to fly for every kind of videogame. For example I don't see myself getting distracted while playing something like Ikaruga or Alien Soldier, but something slow paced or full of cinematics like a JRPG or something like Yakuza? Bring on the snacks.

I have to try using chopsticks tho, sounds like a great idea.

I smoke some weed too when Im gaming but it has 2 sides.

Up side. I perceive everything more lucid. Being colors or sound and I rage far less :D
Down side: Often my concentration levels are very low. So I play something for 30 minutes, then Im done and play someting else. Rinse and repeat.
Me too, but I've never experienced that down side. On the contrary, I feel more immersed in the game and time flies when you are having fun. :goog_relieved:

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
I never eat when I play games. Always keep my controller spotless.

This conversation is fairly timely for me, however.

...I work from home and often eat while at my desk working.

Yesterday, I got a small cut on my finger somewhere but kept on working. My keyboard currently has a few coffee spill marks on it. And now some blood on the N, M, J, K, L keys.

So, I think it's probably time to give it a bit of a clean...


King Snowflake
It's msg layden slop to keep lazy gamers' asses sitting in front of that screen.
MSG is a salt of one of the basic amino acids all people need. It is not bad for you. The whole MSG is bad craze in the 80s was started by some racist doctor who had no fucking clue about biochemistry. Doctors often succeed in their education based on memory alone, not the ability to understand or solve problems, so sometimes they are ignorant assholes like my neighbor. MSG is no worse for you than salt, and it's usage allows for less salt overall so it might actually be better to use it than not to.


I find the whole "gamer food" concept in general a bit perplexing.

I don't need to be stuffing my face while i play a game, in general when it's gaming time I'll have some water nearby, and if i do need to snack I'll take a break, but I'm never playing games for that long of an extended time period anyway.
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Doritos are gross. All prepackaged snack food is disgusting. You can barely call it food. Just a good flow of coffee is what I need while gaming.
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Ι never knew eating while playing games is a thing. I never met anyone who does that. I can understand eating while doing something passive that doesn't require exclusive use of your hands, like watching a movie. But playing with a controller or a keyboard/mouse?

Is it an American thing?


Neo Member
Progamertip, you can slide chips directly from the bag into the mouth, but it feels better of a plate. Maybe 3 times a year, sour creame onion or whatever :pie_fwt:


With age my tolerance for junk food is very low. Doritos are complete shite.

Give me On the Border tortilla chips, real cheese, homemade guacamole and salsa


MSG is a salt of one of the basic amino acids all people need. It is not bad for you. The whole MSG is bad craze in the 80s was started by some racist doctor who had no fucking clue about biochemistry. Doctors often succeed in their education based on memory alone, not the ability to understand or solve problems, so sometimes they are ignorant assholes like my neighbor. MSG is no worse for you than salt, and it's usage allows for less salt overall so it might actually be better to use it than not to.
Naturally derived or not, it's still overly saturates these things and shouldn't be taken/eaten in such quantities. Everything within moderation.

Scotty W

I had a friend who used
No need to touch food with your hands with the new gamer face bag! Just let food fall into your mouth as you open it!
I had a friend who used to game with a vaporizer tube in his mouth at all times. Great guy.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I bought a pair of metal, washable chop sticks and use those when I want to eat chips while playing games.


I struggle to stomach Doritos, so I eat them less and less, but I never bought them for "gaming" purposes. Like... who does that?


World’s Biggest Weeb
It started out as the stereotypical disgusting fat gamer snack. You can just imagine some filthy slob, sitting in a room that smells like crusty jizz rags and BO, with orange nacho cheese powder all over their controller/kb + m/sweatpants.

Doritos decided to embrace it and probably made a lot of money because of that so…. Good on them, I guess.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
1. Buy bag of Cheetos
2. Tear open bag only about a 1/4 of the way
3. Tilt open bag of crunchy godliness into mouth
4. Seal up when done stuffing face
5. No dust on hands


I'll never understand people that eat while playing,like I understand maybe some caramel or something right out of the wrapping so that way you stay clean but chips? The amount of greese on any controller or keyboard after that gives me nightmares just thinking about it.


Yeah, I will sometimes snack on some beef jerky or almonds while gaming, definitely nothing greasy or thats leaving a residue on your fingers.


The most I will have at my desk where I game is some chocolate milk or tea. Solid food is always away from my computer, and I never touch my controller or keyboard and mouse with food hands!


Gold Member
I don't often eat greasy smelly shit like that, but if I do I eat them with chopsticks. It's a good way to keep fingers clean. True story.
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