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Manga Discussion/News Thread |OT5| We Post on Wednesdays

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Bankai stealing/sealing quincies? Looks like Gotei 13 have to turn to one man for help who hasn't even reveal his bankai....Aizen.
This is what I thought too. I think it's fair to assume Luffy won't be taken out so easily by poison now that he's mentioned it himself, but with the Gas gas fruit he can just stop luffy from breathing in Oxygen rather than poison him directly.

Given that he is a scientist, that could be possible...maybe he will actually show some intelligence..he hasnt shown much so far

PK Gaming


Bleach is just so bad. Just so very, very bad... It's embarrassing seeing the same character design for villains being reused over and over again, its embarrassing to see the same type of fighting style (x number of good guys VS x number of bad guys) its embarrassing to see the same facial expressions being used in combat (stern serious look | surprised look when something bad happens) and its annoying how nothing happens. Also its completely absurd how a bunch of random quincy's are stronger than the shinigami. What a load of a crap. Hehe I guess i'm in agreement with BO here for once here.

This chapter sucked plain and simple, and it perfectly shows just how bad Bleach has become. It's a damn shame things went south after the SS arc, I was expecting some good things from this manga.

F (I don't usually grade chapters, but this chapter was so bad it deserved an F rating)

One Piece

One Piece is just so good. Just so very, very good... One Piece always makes me feel happy when I read it, and this chapter was no exception. Oda does this thing that the other manga writers don't... he makes actually makes the main shonen characters fight enemies at random times?!? He doesn't follow a set pattern like Kubo or Kishi, he makes any character fight whenever its convenient for the plot and I LOVE it. Luffy's fight with Caesar was fucking awesome. From the beginning skirmish, his immunity to poison (awesome magellan throwback) and him actually getting knocked out. All of it very good. The zoro half wasn't half bad, and we see that Sanji has retained his ability to swim while in Nami's body. I'm dying to know whats happening to Law.

A(I don't usually grade chapters, but...)


Break Piece 671:

Glad Luffy didn't completely dominate Ceasar, but it was fun seeing him get around most of his abilities. But there were too many cliffhangers for one chapter IMO. The Law ending could have been saved for another chapter (and knowing Oda we won't even see who the guy is until the end of next chapter, if that).
I guess Zaraki is the perfect person to fight these guys since he don't care about Bankai .
I wonder how they are stealing the shinigami powers.

One Piece
Luffy short fight with CC was good , seeing haki and some of his new moves but it look like CC did something to him.
Law also got taken out by this new guy that seem to know him.
Can't wait for the next chapter .


sealed with a kiss




One Piece

Great chapter once again

- Luffy's handling of Haki seems great.
- Didn't get why Franky was looking for a barrel, wouldn't it be pointless given that this guy is gas?

Crazy theory time:

What if Law went pretty far to save Luffy, so much so that now Law and Luffy are connected like in Dragonheart, so that:

A) Luffy's fight with Caesar is what is affecting Law and not the new guy.
B) The new guy is affecting Law, and Luffy is getting affected by that as well and not by Caesar's poison.



so awesome. God bless Oda. fight was short but sweet and we see that the enemy has already figured out Law's plan.

White shoes? could it be AOKIJI?


Aunt tits
I really wish he raped the fuck out of that bitch. Good chapter tho, I hate how they just have a few pages each week.

PK Gaming

I dunno, that new guy's get-up looks a lot like Aokiji -- especially with the shoes and the hands in the pocket...

OH MY HAHAHAHA. I'm such a funny guy (i'm really not) totally misread your post. Yeah I don't think its him considering Aokiji doesn't really have that kind of power to bring law to his knees.

Aunt tits
I really wish he raped the fuck out of that bitch. Good chapter tho, I hate how they just have a few pages each week.

OH MY HAHAHAHA. I'm such a funny guy (i'm really not) totally misread your post. Yeah I don't think its him considering Aokiji doesn't really have that kind of power to bring law to his knees.


Would be odd to have an Admiral there given what the other marines are doing. Maybe Doflamingo?

Maybe the chest-grabbing is just coincedental, and he's not really a marine anymore so the antics of the G5 wouldn't really have much to do with him anymore.

Doflamingo is a good guess too though.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
One Piece

Arrrrgh, worst possible time to take a break!
Makes sense that Caesar manipulated the oxygen to stop Luffy from breathing. That sounds like the next logical step, and given Oda's writing something he would do.

It's not Kuzan, he left the Marines remember?


One Piece

Logia fight was great and dat Monet.

Maybe the chest-grabbing is just coincedental, and he's not really a marine anymore so the antics of the G5 wouldn't really have much to do with him anymore.

Doflamingo is a good guess too though.

The shoes don't look like the ones Doflamingo wears.

I feel like the mystery guy is probably Vegapunk given that Monet seemed to recognize him and it could be possible that she works for him as well while keeping tabs on Caesar.


Aunt tits
I really wish he raped the fuck out of that bitch.
Hey, that anger is reserved for repressed shounen-gaf. Smut reads are peaceful.

Survivor, why is Bakushit still in the OP?

Bleach sounds awful this week. Stat be crying in his car, Beam writing a glowing review, all is well.


One Piece:

I'm betting/hoping the mystery man is Dr. Vegapunk himself. I doubt it's Doflamingo since this guy didn't walk bowlegged like Flamingo usually does. Also, it our mystery guy's silhouette looks very similar to the one in Kuma's explanation of who Dr. Vegapunk is back on Thriller Bark, in addition to this guy wearing what looks like lab coat. I'm still curious as to what he would be doing on Punk Hazard and why he's on seemingly good terms with Caesar's subordinate, considering how much Caesar seems to him.

This damn break is going to be killer. It always seems like Oda picks the worst time to go on a break (Usually after a big reveal or major cliffhanger).
Am I the only one who thought their plans were incredibly stupid? Watch for how they seal bankai's so we know how to avoid/break it! Yeah, not a bad plan but why was Byakuya risking his instead of Renji?!

One Piece
AWESOME chapter. Luffy has improved immensely and the ability to use haki and interact with logia's has made fights a lot more interesting. I like how Robin made the distinction between haki and seastone. Both let you interact with logias but haki doesn't stop their powers so they can still change form. Also the mysterious man! At first I thought Law was somehow connected to Luffy but it seems to be a DF power. Or maybe it's Vegapunk himself with some weird DF negating gizmo


Am I the only one who thought their plans were incredibly stupid? Watch for how they seal bankai's so we know how to avoid/break it! Yeah, not a bad plan but why was Byakuya risking his instead of Renji?!
lol, should have been "Hey scrubs, sacrifice your Bankai's, you weren't going to win shit anyway."
I don't think this new guy is Vegapunk cause i don't see CC working with him.
That is unless he does not know maybe it's Joker that CC was on the phone with .
I seen him as a new char for the NW .

Mr. Fix

Hmm. I got nothing.

One Piece
This fucking chapter! It's great to see that Caesar isn't exactly an opponent Luffy can sleep on, even though Luffy's physically stronger than this guy. And holy shit! Tall slim dude with a cape? My guess is an old or even new Admiral, possibly Joker? Would explain the coverup. That would be fuckin' awesome though, having a corrupt Admiral in play.

Edit: Shit, no OP next week?



Am I the only one who thought their plans were incredibly stupid? Watch for how they seal bankai's so we know how to avoid/break it! Yeah, not a bad plan but why was Byakuya risking his instead of Renji?!

It's even more stupid when Byakuya told Renji to use his bankai after. "They probably can't seal more than one!1!!"

PK Gaming

Hey, that anger is reserved for repressed shounen-gaf. Smut reads are peaceful.

Survivor, why is Bakushit still in the OP?

Bleach sounds awful this week. Stat be crying in his car, Beam writing a glowing review, all is well.

I reckon its a little more than just "anger."

More like full blown misogyny.
These kinds of things tend to happen when you read disgusting smut like aunt tits that wolf manga.
One Piece

was a nice chapter showing Luffy being the boss and Sanji doing worthwhile things more that Nami ever did (although thats kinda sad also).

Should be interesting to see what happened to Luffy, what happened to Law, are the incidents related and who is that guy at the end (i'm gonna go with Vegapunk since he's been a long time coming and this arc in particular has been hinting about him heavily imo or its maybe that "Joker" fellow).

We'll see whenever Oda returns from his break.


i'll read it later.
One Piece
was a nice chapter showing Luffy being the boss and Sanji doing worthwhile things more that Nami ever did (although thats kinda sad also).

Highlight of the chapter is Sanji standing there saying "It's not my problem if you won't but as a man I have to do this." Such a ridiculous shot of Sanji(in nami's body) saying that.

Yo Gotti

One Piece

It couldn't be Vegapunk or Joker, could it? I was under the impression that Law doesn't know what either of them look like. Unless Law has some unknown history with Vegapunk, I don't think it'd be him.

Also, the fact that Luffy and Law went down at the exact same time seems more than coincidence to me, I don't think it was CC that took Luffy down. He and Law grabbed their chests at the exact same spot, and Luffy got knocked unconscious immediately, like Haki knocked out. No way that's poison, gas or oxygen w/e.

Maybe it's the Warlord that Law planned to take out, showing up earlier than expected. Law did say that as soon as CC got taken out things would accelerate very fast.

Either way, damn good chapter.


I am Korean.

So they're getting power-jacked by the Quincys when they use Bankai, not sealed. Other than that, chapter was a giant bore.

At least the captains have no strategy at all.

"Using bankai is useless against them. So let's all use bankai to see what happens!"

"What? That was a bad idea? How?"

Bleach F

Wtf is this shit? Kubo has lost his mind. First his comments in the recent Bleach novel and now this. Kubo just dunno how to write anymore. This might as well be an incoherent set of pages featuring "cool" images of characters doing poses by this point without a plotline. Wtf are these Quincy doing for them to have abilities that outclass Shinigami? Fuck it, I already know what they're doing...fucking nothing that they couldn't have done when they were exterminated by the Shinigami. "Oh but you don't know maybe Kubo will explain..." NOPE, shut the fuck up, Kubo has NEVER ever explained in the entire history of the damn series anything, nor has he foreshadowed anything majorly significant (such as this) to suggest he has some form of a semblance of a plan. Kubo won't ever explain it cause he's just going to create more plots that raises more and more questions rather than answers.
You're trying too hard. F.
One Piece

Sorry, but this actually was a very disappointing chapter. Leave it to Oda to have most of the pieces in place for a good chapter to not only drop the ball at the end but to fail to deliver on making it actually worthwhile. In what world would it even be possible for Luffy, after doing so many spectacular things, meet a tragic end there? Thats utterly disrespectful to Luffy and quite offensive to me, a Luffy fan. How can one look that cool and then have to lose, what even? Even more baffling was Law. I just don't understand what Oda is thinking where he feels as if we actually enjoy seeing our key characters lose, first Zoro, then Luffy, and now Law. I cant.


Bleach is so bad right now. The entire chapter was just showing how the captains are complete dumbasses as usual. And what the hell was up with Soifon planning on using her rocket arm at close range?

I loved this chapter. The shinigami are coming up with strategies that are failing. I can´t wait to see the quincies kill some of these captains. (Except Komamura and Mayuri, and Shinji). The rest can die. The pace was great. It´s better now than fighting for 7-8 chapter than release their bankai and have the same results.

one piece

I´m a logia don´t compare me to a person who´s specialty is poison. No mah poison is stronger. I guess it´s good seeing Luffy lose, and i thought we will see his full power after the time skip.

On a side note, it´s so funny seeing big one going from being an arrogant person who thinks his opinion is superior to all, and a liar (my balls, or which ever manga AG caught him lying about, and manga volume sales), into a full blown joke character. It´s a more radical transformation than Aizen.


I am Korean.

On a side note, it´s so funny seeing big one going from being an arrogant person who thinks his opinion is superior to all, and a liar (my balls, or which ever manga AG caught him lying about, and manga volume sales), into a full blown joke character. It´s a more radical transformation than Aizen.

No one stands on the top of the trolls. Not you, not me, not even gods. But the unbearable vacancy of the throne is over. From now on... Big One will be sitting on it.
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