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Manga News/Discussion |OT~| How can I Ignore Such a Magnificent...THREAD!

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Prison School 135-141

Oh. My. God. This is absolutely insane. Between the Kiyoshi conference, Chiyo thinking Mari's a slut and Kiyoshi helping her ask, Andre being totally batshit crazy all the time and the other boys just building spaceships and shit, this manga is genius. Can't wait until I catch up to the weekly release

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Except he does. I see a lot of people treat him like he has an awful track record, but he's lost literally 1 match, and he's still got a better track record than Alice or Hisoko, given he actually has a tie with Soma, whereas neither of those characters actually has any sort of win. He hasn't scored many wins because *shock* he still hasn't had that many matches. But given that he's still being portrayed as impressive (And seems to have grown a lot since his one loss based on Subaru's recent observation) I don't see how you can say he's not a serious rival for Soma just because he takes the rivalry too seriously

Because the only time he's been actively involved in the plot in the last 100 chapters was losing horribly to Mimasaka. Otherwise all he does is show up to make dumb boasts.


I've been planning on reading it, but the friend I made watch the first episode with me got angry because of peanut butter squid. I know it gets better, I just remember that every time I get an interest so I haven't yet.

(and yeah, Dakku got my joke)


Those Who Hunt Elves 2 Vol. 1

The official sequel to Those Who Hunt Elves. Yu Yagami is back at his ol' shenanigans again, lol. It's amazing that he never makes this concept feel tired at all. The same gags still get a hearty laugh from me and the characters are as great as always. They even have continuity with what happened.

Premise is the same as before. The crew gets summoned to a fantasy world and now have to find a way back. That way back is a spell that got broken up and put on the bodies of elves all over the planet. So the only way to find it is to hunt them down and strip them of their clothes somehow. In the first series, they actually established a portal to the world they were always getting summoned to to bypass this but this is a totally different world and they're forced to stripping again, lol. They got a little lucky this time though as there were additional elements to the summoning spell. It was a little sister trying to summon her brother to help but got the crew. So this time, they have to look for elves that are little sisters. Yep, they're little sister hunters. The author even makes fun of this in the 3rd chapter with the title logo Those Who Hunt Elves 2: This time Those Who Hunt Little Sisters lol

They introduce a new character too. She's actually Junpei's long lost sister and much of the story in the first volume is told from her perspective.


Inside Mari 51-54

Repressed abuse trauma via split personalities is pretty much on lock at this point. Gonna miss this series when it ends.

Happiness 5-7

I'm likin the early Aku no Hana wahjah & ennui tone this series has atm so I'm kind bummed it looks like it ain't gonna last much longer.

Gokicha 2014-12 & 2015-01



1. Subaru
2. Cat-snakepei
3. Soma
4. Tanned meat
5. Food

Boku Girl 55

That might break some bone

Yamada 171

Yamda&Ushio is the only possible pairing in my mind.




Magi 277

Yes, truly the Seven Seas Alliance had been cowards in using such tactics. Unlike the honourable Kou Empire generals, who only sleep on the same bed as religious cultist and do their bidding in enslaving entire populations, destabilising governments so they could invade their countries, and try and destroy the world.

Anyway, aside from the satisfaction of seeing the same underhanded method Kou had been using on every country they invaded in the past turned around and used against them, I liked how Hakuryuu's back up plan ended up panning out. I understand that it might have been more fun to watch him and Judar rolfstomp shit in their civil war, but him joining the Seven Seas Alliance is better for the long run I suppose.

Kougyoku's reveal is more or less what I expected to happen, especially since Sinbad was about to use her against Kouen in the past in a similar way. Wonder how she will feel like now that she realises she had been driving daggers in her family's back and spying for Sinbad all this time.

Magi 278 (spoilers)

One of my old theories gets confirmed

Kouen is a goddamn moron. Jesus Christ, this guy is an idiot.


What the shit.

I go off and play FF14 and then go to bed and come back and this thread is now list wars.

Cat-senpai is gonna win the next popularity contest they run

Or maybe that's just an English language thing
You have a bad habit of attraction to girls in Shokugeki.

Prison School 187

So many crazy plot threads going on at the same time and I'm eagerly anticipating the execution of all of them.


Maga-Tsuki 50

Well, that is one way to stay in the competition, lol. Still, I'm praying she doesn't get added to the harem (as in soul holder)

Also, no new chapter next month, noooo!

Minamoto-kun 180

Admit it, you're jealous~
Also RIP Tokunatsu


Magi 277

lol get rekt.... I just want casualties from both sides

We did, just mostly on Hakuryuu's side with most of his army being burned to a crisp.

But I just enjoy seeing Kouen eating shit for all he did.

To be fair, the idea that he was pissing his pants every time Gyokuen was nearby makes all his previous stoicism hilarious.

Kouen at the end of the conference being all like "don't worry guys, I got this. I don't need SSA or Remi, I can handle Gyokuen all by myself" while secretly thinking "I hope auntie didn't hear that, she gets scary when she's angry"

What puzzles me is what was the endgame here in Kouen's mind? So he didn't want to become emperor because he was too afraid, he didn't want Hakuryuu becoming emperor because he didn't think he was up for the job, and he thought anyone else would end up getting assassinated ....

What, did he think Gyokuen becoming empress was going to work out somehow? "Maybe if I help her take over the world, she'll leave my country alone?"

Jesus Christ this guy. Kouen deserves everything coming his way.
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