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Manga News/Discussion |OT~| How can I Ignore Such a Magnificent...THREAD!

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tomo-chan latest


holy shit jun why you so dumb


Huge Nickleback Fan
Tomo chan 157
Jun reaction is priceless!

Dead demon destruction17 -21
Onky Asano can make a story about alien invading mankind while giving a commentary about the states of video game f2p pay to win.

Boku hero 60
Grape boy is actually smart huh...
Didn't expect that.

Uqbholder latest
Woah, blast from the past


Shokugeki no Soma 136

This chapter did a good job at showing what a complete bastard Azami is. Gin and Papa Yukihira's little meeting was pretty fun. While I won't say I'm super in love with where this Erina stuff is going I don't hate the idea as much as some other people here.
I really need to double down on reading/finishing Negima as UQ Holder was very enjoyable but seems to have gone all in on referencing the fact its a sequel to Negima.


Good job Japan, you managed to ruin another manga with your white knighting "women aren't worth shit" once again. My interest in soma has dwindled to near 0.


Good job Japan, you managed to ruin another manga with your white knighting "women aren't worth shit" once again. My interest in soma has dwindled to near 0.
Well it all has to come down to how soma responds next chapter but more importantly how involved Hisoka will be involved in saving her. I am more interested in the battle against the new world order Azami is creating apparently.


Well it all has to come down to how soma responds next chapter but more importantly how involved Hisoka will be involved in saving her. I am more interested in the battle against the new world order Azami is creating apparently.

I wouldn't be surprised either if the first year switching to Azami for power is Hayama because he's brown too. Classic Japan.


I wouldn't be surprised either if the first year switching to Azami for power is Hayama because he's brown too. Classic Japan.

Nahhh, it will always be about Jun for him,so it will at least be for her all the way for Hayama. I mean i won't automatically call people who are persuaded by Azami scumbags.
Shokugeki no Soma
I'm guessing Soma will "save her" by cooking something only Saiba can cook or very in tune with his style and that'll snap her out of it...and then maybe she'll draw the damn conclusion then rather than literally save her like a princess

Why wasn't there a restraining order on Azami, banishing one has no legal clout
Nahhh, it will always be about Jun for him,so it will at least be for her all the way for Hayama. I mean i won't automatically call people who are persuaded by Azami scumbags.

TBF if Jun went to Azami's "side" to save her job/position Hayama may be forced to that side
SOMA 136

Hayama will join Azami. I myself don't want Erina to be a damsel in distress and I also feel that it would be way to early for Soma to surpass her.

Although I am liking this dark past stuff.
Shokugeki no Soma 136

I think in the end, its Erina will have to save herself. Soma will probably give the push for her to act.

I think it will be a similar situation to Megumi.


Shokugeki no Soma 136

Yeah, I don't see this as Soma being tasked with doing all for Erina, but rather just pushing her until she can cut ties with her father/past

BTW, are Child Protection Services not a thing in the SnS universe? >.>

Fucking hell, Aizen.
yeah I hope Erina saves herself

even if it is a cook off it would be premature for Soma to be the one to decide since Erina is suppose to be on another level

that and if Soma effortlessly defeats all those Elite 10 members who are on Azami's side


Dungeon Meshi - Current Impression
I was quite skeptical of this manga when I read some first pages of it and found it have a game-esque world. My skepticism was derived from reading How I Stalked Some Dude with an Exposed Nipple and Stumbled Upon the Zenithian Sword and Re:Monster before this. While How I Stalked Some Dude with an Exposed Nipple and Stumbled Upon the Zenithian Sword is a quite entertaining piece of work that tells a struggle of a irrelevant character to have the world highlighted him, the constant casual dropping of gaming term really detract my overall enjoyment. Like I said before in my post on MMO manga, dropping gaming term out of context with no relevance to the story or the theme of the manga can be a really immersion breaker, being oftenly poked to remind us that the world is a fake of fake. It is a lazy attempt of the mangaka trying to establish their characters "power level" or how some monster die by using arbitrary numbers. I understand that in the case of How I Stalked Some Dude with an Exposed Nipple and Stumbled Upon the Zenithian Sword it was a parody work of Dragon Quest, but really the game world setting could be handled better and more interwoven to the main story.

Giving the benefit of doubt, I hold out my skepticism and continue my read of Dungeon Meshi. It drop how adventurers could die and revived, so my alarm went high. But as went on, I'm completely wrong as Dungeon Meshi is the complete opposite of what I'm worry even when its world is game-esque. My experience so far is pretty positive as I always thoroughly entertained and my curiosity piqued by each chapters. I even can going as far as to say that fantasy author should read Dungeon Meshi for the part that make it excellent read.

So what make Dungeon Meshi good? Well, it is its world building or how it presented organically to be exact. Without it, the exotic ingredients of the cooking wouldn't piqued so much curiosity, nor it will give us the moment of "so clever, why nobody ever thought about this?". It is a game-esque world, but everthing that appear so far have their purpose in the world beyond its function. Reviving the dead is an usual business, literally, as there are people who make living out of it. The dungeon creatures have their own ecology which makes them feel convicing and living as part of the world but the detail of those ecology does not step overbound that makes people overthinking. The first level of the dungeon is packed with people and there bustling with activities like trading to simple resting.

The organic presentation goes beyond worldbuilding stuffs. The characters acts rather casually to death since they can be revived (even though they still scared by the pain). In the chapter 10, we've shown a party of hotshot adventurers who look strong but in the end getting wiped out by trivial looking group of mimic insects. As also shown by Senshi and pretty much other group of the party (except the elf, and fuck her for being whiny and picky), being experienced adventurer here is shown by resourcefulness and expertise. This looks really trivial but really, with game-esque setting behind it, any other manga will attributed that to "level" or non-sensical active/passive skill.

Dungeon Meshi got me to some rethinking. Besides what I have write above, why and how exactly I could judge it as good? I mean, the story is light-hearted in tone and there isn't anything much going on. There are interactions between characters but honestly it is light in there too. Usually I have to judged a work for its story, or/and character and with Dungeon Meshi doesn't quite fill either of those two criteria, it put left me quite baffled. Then it come up to my mind that Dungeon Meshi isn't usual narrative story. Its purpose is not to tell a intricately woven story with complex character, but to show and describe the world. It is a what I called encyclopedic narrative.

Is it a good thing? I mean, doesn't the work is basically an over glorified infodump? Well, one could put it that way. But that what encyclopedia does after all. It is just this time the information are being told or even shown by a mean of narrative exposition. The goal is to deliver encyclopedic information in the most interesting way possible to keep the reader hooked and have their curiosity piqued. Light-hearted tone of the narration is a requisite for it to work because the reader interest would be split between the information and the story plot, which makes the former ends up being usual infodump. I don't think it'll be necessary like that. There could be a work that utilized encyclopedic narrative while having the story quite heavy but I personally it'll very hard to pull. Maoyuu Maou Yuusha tried to do this but ultimately failed for the exposition of the information become detriment of the heavy story and vice-versa (and why it was good during the early chapters).

Well, what about Dungeon Meshi then? It done excellent job in that regard for the reasons that I've write above. It is not the kind of work that entertain you with story plot or the character interaction but rather the well, and organically presented information about its fantastic world. Reading Dungeon Meshi is like opening an illustrated encyclopedia when you were a child, filling yourself with a sense of curiosity of a something trivial yet clever. Mangaka or author, especially those who dabbled in fantasy even when they don't have interest to create an encyclopedic narrative could learn a thing or two from Dungeon Meshi organic presentation of its world.


Great analysis, Shengar, although I personally enjoy the characters as well, even though they're not particularily deep or have some outstanding banter, as I find them all pretty likeable through their quirks.


Nana To Kaoru 138

How about you both look each other in the face and get on with it already?
I mean, come on! Even low self-esteem has its limits.

TLR Darkness 59

This is strangely hype.

Yamada-Kun 175

How many times can you have two people say the line I will be the seventh witch! until you realize your plot sucks?
Shokugeki no Soma 136

I'll take 'Words to describe Erina' for 500, Alex.

Arachnid 55
Hoping we get some insight into her history / relationship with the big boss shortly.

WELL THEN. It feels like I just read a chapter of Yuricam. That was complete overkill if the queen ant's power works off saliva, but hey, I'm not complaining.

Also pre-president Sara is bad for my heart. Legit unsure whether her evolved form's an upgrade or downgrade, but they're both great anyway.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Shokugeki no Zzzoma 136:


It's fitting that the chapters now have Bleach levels of progression with the appearance of Aizen Azami.


Shokugeki no Soma 136

Damsel in distress garbage again, huh. Of course, the female character needs all of the male characters to decide for her what is good for her.

Authors never realize that you have to make a character the audiences genuinely root for and love before you make him or her a mission/goal. Why would anyone really want to save Erina? She's snobby, and is the typical rich elitist pretty girl who cruises by in life with birthrights rather than hard work. "Make the pretty blonde tsundere smile again" isn't something to care for when the character is stereotypically dull.

Shounen manga will shounen, I guess.
lol at the Erina hate

this is her Manga NOW ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Erina isn't bad when we see her true self from time to time but the damsel in distress thing is Bogus


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'm unsure whether this new arc more closely parallels Soul Society or Water 7.

Probably SS because only Soma is not a jobber of a chef.


Great analysis, Shengar, although I personally enjoy the characters as well, even though they're not particularily deep or have some outstanding banter, as I find them all pretty likeable through their quirks.

I put the craziness carnival of Baccano! and the romance between Horo and Lawrence as my standard in that matter, so that doesn't really help.

Probably I'm gonna reread Arpeggio of Blue Steel next and write something similar in vein.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Shokugeki no Soma 136

Damsel in distress garbage again, huh. Of course, the female character needs all of the male characters to decide for her what is good for her.

Authors never realize that you have to make a character the audiences genuinely root for and love before you make him or her a mission/goal. Why would anyone really want to save Erina? She's snobby, and is the typical rich elitist pretty girl who cruises by in life with birthrights rather than hard work. "Make the pretty blonde tsundere smile again" isn't something to care for when the character is stereotypically dull.

Shounen manga will shounen, I guess.

I find it unlikely Soma is going to agree to do it though because he doesn't do stuff like that directly - i mean, I guess he sort of did with Tadokoro, but she's the kind of person who didn't really deserve to be expelled and would never stand up for herself.
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