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Manga News/Discussion |OT~| How can I Ignore Such a Magnificent...THREAD!

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Aho Girl ch47

Goddammit, Yoshiko.

Aho Girl ch48

Best dog ever.


Yoshiko's got a rival.


Have read a bit more hikaru no go and I feel the series has this growing problem that nobody is even close to Sai's level and the only drama comes from Hikaru being impulsive and fucking up when Sai tells him where to place a piece. Also for a game about playing Go I still have no idea how the game is supposed to work and actually playing the game is a fairly minor part of the series even though that's all that seems to happen in the series if that makes any sense.

Don't worry, this is more about a story where Sai is a catalyst and you don't have to understand the intricate of Go.
Don't worry, this is more about a story where Sai is a catalyst and you don't have to understand the intricate of Go.

I'm okay with the former (I just want to see Hikaru grow a bit quicker then he has) but the latter while maybe not important to the story is more a personal frustration. If I'm reading/watching something about a sport/game real or fake I want to have some idea of what the heck the rules are and how the game is played so that I can have an understanding of the eb and flow of the competition. I'm sure there are plenty of how to play go guides online, I just wish the manga series about it spent a bit more time explaining people completely unfamiliar with the game the basics.


I'm okay with the former (I just want to see Hikaru grow a bit quicker then he has) but the latter while maybe not important to the story is more a personal frustration. If I'm reading/watching something about a sport/game real or fake I want to have some idea of what the heck the rules are and how the game is played so that I can have an understanding of the eb and flow of the competition. I'm sure there are plenty of how to play go guides online, I just wish the manga series about it spent a bit more time explaining people completely unfamiliar with the game the basics.

The thing is Go follows a simple set of rules, it's just that most people aren't at the level to understand the opening, mid game and end game tactics. The games in that series was supervised by Go professional.
Tokyo Ghoul:re 40


It was nice knowing you Saiko.😌

Either Saiko will find a way to escape or she'll get kidnapped. I wanna say the latter because Ishida drew a picture that showed Saiko with Ayato so she will probably get kidnapped. I have to say while Urie is shit he was going off the rails wreaking him Kanae. He's probably still jealous of Takeomi for breaking that Ghoul's neck lol. Let's hope Urie doesn't go insane for his own sake.

It seems Shirazu has his own Stand with Nutcracker.😆 Seriously though the guy has some PSD issues over Nutcracker. Torso is still a creepy fucker. He literally said him and Mutsuki are connected through their knives. We finally see a Ghoul use a Quinque which was stolen from CCG and the reason for the Auction arc. The last page really takes it all just seeing how insane that mysterious Ghoul's design is.

Hopefully the Yamori group and the Tatara subordinate aren't jobbers. Please don't let it be and I especially don't want the mysterious Ghoul at the end to be a jobber.


Nisekoi 136-181

Finally the latest chapter! I'll echo what has been said about it: it's so odd to see the plot moving. If they keep the pace, I'll be a happy camper.

And by "rooting for Haru" you mean rooting for her to not end with Raku right?

Not really? I do think that they look good together. Then again, I feel the same way about Chitoge at least. Onodera... hmmm, it feels like she would be a boring choice at the end, tbh, but I won't hate the series if Raku ends up with her.

I do admit to be easily swayed by the last chapter I read, however.

Now to wonder what will my next read will be. Most likely will be Itoshi no Karin. Good thing this one's finished already. I need to find more series like that...
Baki Dou 65-66

to this day i don't understand why baki characters like to tank stuff by blocking with their face and eyes open

still looks cool doe....


Only manga I've bought living here this time is the newest volume of Ore to Akuma no Blues.
Did that ever get translated?


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Blue Excorcist 70: I really wish this series would be released quicker. Very selfish thing to ask, but I am really liking where everything is going. I just really wished it would move a little quicker without ruining what I think is pretty great pacing.


Blue Excorcist 70: I really wish this series would be released quicker. Very selfish thing to ask, but I am really liking where everything is going. I just really wished it would move a little quicker without ruining what I think is pretty great pacing.
What I think about every non-Jump manga ever.


Sensou Gekijou v1

Fukuchi kept retweeting about v2 of this coming out so I checked out the first volume. This is pretty fun. Character designs are amazing, and the concept's nice for a short chapter manga. It's a Sunday gag series with 10 page chapters.

Ruri's demon > angel (though they're both great), for Midori the angel is clearly superior. From what I read it didn't break from the formula too much but it probably will at some point.

I feel like the real war here will be among the fanbase for who is best girl between angel and demon


Purple Qualia 1-18 (END)

So that was...not what I expected it to be. I think the way I tried describe it after the first 10 chapters was the manga version of that Less Wrong guy's HP fanfiction, but with actually accurate science. Seriously, it does a really good job of describing Schrodinger's Cat and various other thought experiments (shitty translation not withstanding), but it seemed it was pretty much written just so the author could tell the reader about all of these cool new science things he had just learned. The narrative took a backseat to the main character's monologues (I only found it was a light novel originally after I finished, which makes a lot of sense considering the structure) about the new things she'd learned, and her friend with an interest in quantum physics would seem to break into lectures completely unprompted.

Then the actual plot started and everything changed. Everything I'd gotten bored by in the first chapters became its strengths, and although I honestly think the first half could have been written so that the lectures didn't seem as random in the narrative, they served as a great backbone for the chapters that followed. It was a great setup to explore a subject that the author found interesting but that the general audience might have different levels of knowledge of. Although I think the last 8 chapters were the most interesting part of the narrative, they certainly wouldn't have worked very well without the explanation that preceded them.

To be honest, I don't really have an opinion of the way the story went or its themes. The relationships between Manabu and the other characters weren't particularly of interest, and the plot itself seemed more of a means to an end to explore the way you could incorporate quantum physics into a story somewhat accurately. I think the real success of it was that given the backbone of the narrative by the author, I was able to follow it and that a story involving multiple dimensions and time travel actually managed to come across as coherent.

Also, "Qualia the Purple" (the translated name) is total bullshit and I'm still confused as to how somebody came up with it. It's about as bad as Attack on Titan.


Purple Qualia 1-18 (END)

Also, "Qualia the Purple" (the translated name) is total bullshit and I'm still confused as to how somebody came up with it. It's about as bad as Attack on Titan.

I'm pretty sure Qualia the Purple is written in English on the covers. The translation has issues but the title is official.


Oh. So it'd be (theoretically) more work for you than me?
At the very least it's a shit ton of work for every party involved.

Has anyone claimed dibs on it yet? I imagine it'd be popular enough for some work to have begun on it, no?
Haven't been keeping up with it at all but I haven't heard of any official groups calling dibs. There were some /a/non working on ch1 but that never saw the light of day either.



From Yuki Urushibara, the author of Mushishi, we have the typical single volume that it really is a compilation of short stories done in her earlier years, unpublished before, and edited now thanks to her bigger notoriety.

Almost all of them have the ephemeral, mono no aware feeling that her style is so known for, of course. Several of them have ghosts or spirits themes, there is a pair of romantic ones, and it's finalized with two chapters that were the prototype for Mushishi. Curiously Ginko isn't the mc, but two other mushishis, one a kid, the other an older guy, and here the mushis are more literal insects, not insect-spirit things. And the setting is modern instead of feudal.

The older stories can be noticed by a less polished and more common drawing style. Apart from that, we can distinguish the longer, more worked on stories from the others, as several are very short, being just 3-7 pages, sometimes with an almost experimental tone.

Overall, I recommend it, even if it's a bit below Mushishi's level.

Sounds interesting and I'm eager to see how her art looks as I've only watched Mushishi anime so far. Will give it a try once i'm done with it.

Tokyo Ghoul:re 40

Where everyone has a cooler mask then the MC does.

At least he can see something through his. ;)

Tokyo Ghoul: :re 40

Yamori now has a whole clan now? Bit belated introduction for them.

Weird to see Tatara's subordinate using a quinque.

Torso and his "we are connected through knives" line was hilarious.

Tower of God S2 163

First chapter in a long while that managed to keep my interest. RIP Bam,.


Is chapter 302 of SZS considered canon ? I think I want my
ending back. D ;


All you Baki lovers should read Kenga Ashua. You get pure hype from looking at the intro of the 32 competitors. ( raw but very mild spoilers ).

The best part to this manga is the match-up's unpredictability and way the action sequences are being drawn, they are explosive and emphasis on kinetic movements. Oh and they have Sasuke.


Unconfirmed Member
Happy birthday Akito!

Ouji ga Watashi o Akiramenai! 3

Glasses-guy too stronk.

Normal dude is pretty cool though, and will most definitely make the prince jealous.

Sasen no Warukunai 2

Whoa, they already had sex. I was half-expecting they wouldn't.
Koe de Oshigoto! 48-52
I err...
I don't really know what to say. I guess I kinda still enjoy this guilty read. I still can't handle that scene though, she literally just went super sand.
I will continue catching up with this.
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