Wow so I'm reading a manga about bullying
You have fine taste, but it's important that you appreciate all mono-eye, not just theI want to date abig breastedwise cyclop like Dr. Hitomi
What striferser said, he's more in denial state than bullying.Wow so I'm reading a manga about bullying
She was quite strange for me at first, but she quickly grew on me. I could see why big-Late (computer's still RIP) but happy birthday Akito!
You have fine taste, but it's important that you appreciate all mono-eye, not just thebig-breastedwise ones.
frog-chan's birthday or akito's bday
I miss killua.I'd like to remind everyone it has been over a year since the last Hunter x Hunter chapter.
Not even going to bother posting in the HxH Community Thread, wouldn't want to give anyone false hope.
Shinozaki-san 20
Haha, this could apply in a couple of situations here.
shinozaki-san is probably my current favourite manga.
Dr. Hitomi's Infirmary - Impression So Far
I was once if there is any SoL monmusu manga without harem shtick or directionless random worldbuilding stuff, this particular manga really fill my craving. It's not technically monmusu per se, but the element of it are major part of the manga, and actually play important role so far to theme that the mangaka try to convey.
Speaking of theme, the writer handled it really well. Many much of the student or the teacher monster feature utilized to get the message across in creatively unique way. We know that those problem they face are kinda unique to their own monstrous trait, but we still can understand that and relate to them. Despite many theme of the manga is about lesson of overcoming puberty, change in your life, or even life in general, the message never felt heavy handed to me.
The art is also nice and kinda have unique feel to that. It's matched with the general tone of the manga which make the read is even more enjoyable to me. I must said the style is similar to Dowman Sayman, a very mild and normal one at that.
One pet peeve of mine that I found it kinda grating is the constant yuri tease. But honestly besides the hair-teacher, Hikage and that oni Vice President, in some way or another, I can't really distinguish between girl skinship or straight up yuri.
Before I close my impression, one thing that I particularly love with Dr. Hitomi's Infirmary is how there is a small ongoing plot despite being a SoL. I really like it when a SoL do that, especially when done right and in light-hearted manner.
Thx guys and gals. I'm not that big on frog girl so here's me cosplaying as me.
Hello Manga-Gaf. I'm just a lurker.
I've just read the entirety of Eden its an Endless World .What's the consensus ?
The first 4 volumes were some beautiful cybertechno-war sci/fi. That entire action setpiece is one of the better elaborated sequences i've ever had the pleasure to go through. Hiroki Endo ability to show motion in action is incredible. Such perfect space awareness.
I was very surprisded how the story evolved after the prologue. And once again how it shifts after that first arc.
The entirehas been so overused that's its a little hard to be innovative in universe/end of the world scenario/humanity legacy
A very fun and brisk read.
Thx guys and gals. I'm not that big on frog girl so here's me cosplaying as me.
It looks like you and I share the same expression all the time.Thx guys and gals. I'm not that big on frog girl so here's me cosplaying as me.
Why does this looks like it's from Akazukin Cha Cha?
I promise I'll post my pick ups of Comiket soon! So busy!
It looks like you and I share the same expression all the time.
Happy birthday. You're getting old. Get some laugh lines while you still can.
The Shokugeki no Soma spoilers are VERY interesting. Cannot wait.
I promise I'll post my pick ups of Comiket soon! So busy!
Looks like Akito from Kodomo no Omocha
So many stuff I should probably read up.
Koi wa Amaagari no You ni 1-2
Good story so far. A high school girl who works part time in a family restaurant and has a crush on her middle aged manager. Since she has a expressionless face no one can tell how she feels and her manager thinks she thinks he's pathetic since he's old and in a dead end job.
I like that it doesn't follow a normal story arc and that it doesn't try to hard to be different either. The art style is distinct and appeasing as well. Hope the series continues and continues to see regular updates as well.
That mysterious Ghoul is totally gonna job to Saiko's humongous kagune. Gonna be totally awesome.Tokyo Ghoul:re 40
Hopefully the Yamori group and the Tatara subordinate aren't jobbers. Please don't let it be and I especially don't want the mysterious Ghoul at the end to be a jobber.
EDIT: Never mind. But yes, Hitomi's Infirmary is amazing. Are you reading the scanlations? The series is available in English officially, so you should pick it up if you haven't.Dr. Hitomi's Infirmary - Impression So Far
I was once if there is any SoL monmusu manga without harem shtick or directionless random worldbuilding stuff, this particular manga really fill my craving. It's not technically monmusu per se, but the element of it are major part of the manga, and actually play important role so far to theme that the mangaka try to convey.
Speaking of theme, the writer handled it really well. Many much of the student or the teacher monster feature utilized to get the message across in creatively unique way. We know that those problem they face are kinda unique to their own monstrous trait, but we still can understand that and relate to them. Despite many theme of the manga is about lesson of overcoming puberty, change in your life, or even life in general, the message never felt heavy handed to me.
The art is also nice and kinda have unique feel to that. It's matched with the general tone of the manga which make the read is even more enjoyable to me. I must said the style is similar to Dowman Sayman, a very mild and normal one at that.
One pet peeve of mine that I found it kinda grating is the constant yuri tease. But honestly besides the hair-teacher, Hikage and that oni Vice President, in some way or another, I can't really distinguish between girl skinship or straight up yuri.
Before I close my impression, one thing that I particularly love with Dr. Hitomi's Infirmary is how there is a small ongoing plot despite being a SoL. I really like it when a SoL do that, especially when done right and in light-hearted manner.
EDIT: Never mind. But yes, Hitomi's Infirmary is amazing. Are you reading the scanlations? The series is available in English officially, so you should pick it up if you haven't.
Sadfuly I'm not living in the US and importing will be very prohibitive. I can only hop it'll have an anime, become more popular so it can licensed in my country.
So many stuff I should probably read up.
For what it's worth it's one of only 3 manga that ever got a 10/10 from me.Kodomo no Omocha is pretty good, with some nice depth and darkness behind the smiles and cute kids.
For what it's worth it's one of only 3 manga that ever got a 10/10 from me.
That mysterious Ghoul is totally gonna job to Saiko's humongous kagune. Gonna be totally awesome.
FMA and Touch.Interesting. What are the other two?
FMA and Touch.
Yuusuke Murata's Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows cover.
Yuusuke Murata's Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows cover.
The store didn't have the covers from Mr. Nightow or Mr. Terada, but this is the one I wanted most anyways.
Looks so good.
The story doesn't drag, things happened in a pretty quick pace.
I would like to see the Manager rejecting her unless/until she puts in serious effort in courting him.
The Shokugeki no Soma spoilers are VERY interesting. Cannot wait.
I can't see that happening because why would Ishida just suddenly draw a menacing Ghoul at the end just for him to job to Saiko. Im also considering the fact that Saiko seems to have a strong Kagune but it seems to take a lot of energy and time to use it. From the auction arc the only reason she got Nutcracker was because she was already immobilized by Shirazu. So what I can see happening is that she'll probably get a attack in but that won't be enough to take down the Ghoul because we have to consider her low stamina and terrible speed. Plus the Ghoul confronting her seems pretty fast, insane, and strong. I mean the guy has God written all over his tie.
The next chapter is called Hello Despair so I can't see the Ghoul jobbing otherwise it would be disappointing.