That's it, I'm done with manga, or books in general, my shelf just broke down on me, again *sigh*
So good.4Koma is too much effort but I did this instead
You can draw dogs, though. What about dogs with hats...?Each one took me like 5 whole minutes, i can't do any more
besides avatars like dakku and kurita are beyond my capabilities
Kurita as a Jojo
That's it, I'm done with manga, or books in general, my shelf just broke down on me, again *sigh*
Nisekoi Vol.02
Tsugumi > Ruri >>> Onodera >>> Shuu >>>>> Chitoge
That's it, I'm done with manga, or books in general, my shelf just broke down on me, again *sigh*
That's it, I'm done with manga, or books in general, my shelf just broke down on me, again *sigh*
I need to by one made of real rather than compressed wood :|The horror.
I'm kinda surprised one of my bookcases never did that, though the wood started to bend.
Hey, they just kissed for the first time after 17 volumes, that's some progress right.Do I spot Kimi ni Todoke? Akito why
punpun covers ;_;
This is why we must embrace the digital age.
Nisekoi Vol.02
Tsugumi > Ruri >>> Onodera >>> Shuu >>>>> Chitoge
Majo to Houki to Kurobuchi Megane 6 - Continuing to continue expanding my horizons.
Also, that's a unique title.
think of the trees
I need to by one made of real rather than compressed wood :|
Hey, they just kissed for the first time after 17 volumes, that's some progress right.
Majo to Houki to Kurobuchi Megane 6 - Continuing to continue expanding my horizons.
Also, that's a unique title.
think of the trees
Swap Onodera and Shuu and it's the perfect list
That's what I'm doing!
This was pretty good. Very unique art style with non-standard paneling composition. Sorta similar to the way some shoujo manga do it, except there is solid foundation of characters design and visual creativity backing it instead of the usual flowers fluff in shoujo. Minor writing issues aside, the story tackled its themes pretty adequately with the right amount of angst and suffering.
Swap Onodera and Shuu and it's the perfect list
leaving chitoge last?
I thought we were bros
the trees want to be loved
To be fair, he hasen't encountered Marika or Haru yet, who are clearly behind Chitoge
To be fair, he hasen't encountered Marika or Haru yet, who are clearly behind Chitoge
So I was reading One Piece Volume 41 this morning before school, because I really like Robin's backstory and what not, and came upon this panel regarding the Poneglyph's:
Thinking about it now, that "enormous kingdom" is totally going to be Raftel. According to the One Piece wiki regarding the poneglyph on Ohara: "Located in Ohara, this poneglyph included information about the Void Century, including the name of the lost civilization, though it has yet to be said what the name is". The fact that we don't know its name yet either kind of gives more evidence for it that it will be Raftel (in my opinion), when and if Robin finally tells what its name is (if she even knows its name, though she was spying on them when they were researching it so i'm sure she does).
Today's theme
I don't think I'm expanding very well.
You never let me down with Kingdom hype.
You are discovering your true self.
You'll see man.
The way the protagonists being baited out from their current predicament is so ****ing epic it sent shivers down my spine when I first saw it. *Still* send shivers down my spine.
Majo to Houki to Kurobuchi Megane 1 - 2
Image describes this 4koma well.
"We're getting the long awaited volume 6 ready"
Valkyrie Profile!! <3That's it, I'm done with manga, or books in general, my shelf just broke down on me, again *sigh*
KnT is good man.Do I spot Kimi ni Todoke? Akito why
punpun covers ;_;
To be fair, he hasen't encountered Marika or Haru yet, who are clearly behind Chitoge
Ritz 01-03
The intense journey of the author of Saki, Kobayashi Ritz's journey in the manga world.
Super intense.
Dat shiptease.
Haven't forgotten the Adulthood Promise I made to read Soma, but I'm waiting for the tournament to end because I hate picking series up halfway through something like that.soma
Taken from the Twitch thread:Thats cute. But there are cuter pokemon.