You haven't?!
oh man
I was at work so my manga reading kinda stands still.
You haven't?!
oh man
oh, that makes more senseThat's arashi, the side story.
In a way i hate 14-sai no Koi because it shows pretty much what would i wanted to experience in my youth but never did.
But for the same reasons i love it.
God fine, I'll read it. I'll read it.
dakku, you haven't read 14-sai yet? you are making Kanata sad, go correct that mistake
God fine, I'll read it. I'll read it.
I'll do it after I get caught up with all the new mangos out today.
(I have no idea what's out today)
Mother Sarah vol 1
Post apocalyptic sci-fi story by the Akira guy, Otomo Katsuhiro. Surprisngly the art isn't done by him which is weird since the art in Akira was competent enough. Either way, it's not a big deal since the other artist is fucking awesome at doing large scale doublespreads. The story seems to revolve around Sarah trying to find her children after humanity was able to come down to Earth and live there again. There isn't enough to judge the story, but the art is really immersive and the action scenes are fluid and fast which is a really good thing in these type of manga. Excited to read the rest.
And, man, Arashi is an interesting way to start with Nana to Kaoru lol
The girl knows what's up.
it's good and depressing.
Witch Craft Works 31
That imouto delusion. So amazing.
Seven Deadly Sins vol 4 (20-29.5)
King continues to be my reason for going along with the series. He delivered on being so far the most powerful character as the fairy king and the one with the best weapon. That spear and all its forms were amazing in the destruction of Gaira(sp?).
I was disappointed in the backstory as it seems so odd that Ban would be into romance like that and then we got two kisses out of it which felt forced and out of place in the context of this series. That could have been something left to the fandom and not something to be thrust in our face at this time. No wonder King has such a personality in regards to Ban and needs to keep watch over him. Though it is fortunate that Elaine is now removed and out of the way of the plot as we can focus on bigger and better things.
Meliodas complete eradication of the land teased in the story told by the ones with Gilthunder was incredible. Unfortunately it has to be fake as there is no way he could be that monstrous and dark. Why else would everyone follow him?
The last volume on Crunchyroll before it switched to the magazine scans. Perhaps this means that I will finally get to see how well the artist does colour pages?
Soon she will learn what her love really means.
That'll change her route forever.
Seven Deadly Sins vol 4 (20-29.5)
King continues to be my reason for going along with the series. He delivered on being so far the most powerful character as the fairy king and the one with the best weapon. That spear and all its forms were amazing in the destruction of Gaira(sp?).
I was disappointed in the backstory as it seems so odd that Ban would be into romance like that and then we got two kisses out of it which felt forced and out of place in the context of this series. That could have been something left to the fandom and not something to be thrust in our face at this time. No wonder King has such a personality in regards to Ban and needs to keep watch over him. Though it is fortunate that Elaine is now removed and out of the way of the plot as we can focus on bigger and better things.
Meliodas complete eradication of the land teased in the story told by the ones with Gilthunder was incredible. Unfortunately it has to be fake as there is no way he could be that monstrous and dark. Why else would everyone follow him?
The last volume on Crunchyroll before it switched to the magazine scans. Perhaps this means that I will finally get to see how well the artist does colour pages?
Unless there's actually a magic that causes this to happen.
And she'll never leave her route.
You only didn't like Bans backstory because it sunk your Ban X King ship.
Stretch 15
Hah, Ran was blushing red at the knowledge that Keiko was having sex when she was in high school, but now she's teasing her about it. How things change
To be fair, Keiko wasn't that much of a bully in the first place, just a little forward. Her bad rap is what cast her actions in the bullying light to RanFunny how Ran seems to be the bully between the two of them now :x
I'm expecting her to stay on the route even harder :x
A whole year I guess, that's the gap between the release of each volume in Japan, too :|The Day Before Summer volume 4
Goddammit Tetsuo, what the fuck are you doing?!?!Seeing Akira's faceHanami is cute and all, but Akira is the perfect waifu!What I wasn't expecting wascontorted with tears after she saw his drawing of Hanami was heartrending.It's so weird, feeling both aroused and put off at the same time because of what you're seeing and what you're feeling.that hate sex she forced on him right afterward, though it was mostly given, as she milked him in basically.
Now how long will I have to wait for volume 5?!
This is my interpretation, but the sensei killed Haruka and Takane to use their bodies in an experiment, which is creating Haruka's avatar Konoha from his body I guess. The snake made Takane's residual spirit into Ene, who goes to Shintaro. The black haired guy is the evil version of Konoha who kills everyone for whatever reason. After Shintaro dies and meets up with his childhood friend (forget her name), time rewinds to the beginning. This is an alternate scenario where he doesn't spill soda onto his keyboard, but into the rabbit food instead. No one's aware that time has rewinded as of yet.Kagerou Days
I'm all caught up but don't understand chapters 16-20. Can someone help?
In a way i hate 14-sai no Koi because it shows pretty much what would i wanted to experience in my youth but never did.
But for the same reasons i love it.
To be fair, Keiko wasn't that much of a bully in the first place, just a little forward. Her bad rap is what cast her actions in the bullying light to Ran
The sole user of the How to get your Onii-chan to marry you and have kids without all the squishy parts magic.