dramatis's OP recommendations is exactly the type of weekly and novelty series that I'm tired of. I'm not even keeping up with OP anymore :|
The posts compiled are exactly not the type of weekly and novelty series that you're so tired of. I essentially gather almost everything I see that qualifies as an impression of a first volume or a first chapter, a recommendation, or a review. There's probably some I didn't catch because I was skimming the thread too quickly, but by all means if there is something that should appeal to you it can be found there. One of the points of me collecting the posts in the first place was to perhaps have someone who read that one thing manage to reach a new reader. There's variety captured from as many different manga as people read here, from Mr. DTL's scandalous stuff to wonzo's crazy reads to [insert somebody maybe]'s artsy fartsy highbrow manga.
One of the other points is that there are people who share common lewd interests that may not be following the thread that closely, so they can just peer into the list and see what A Huge Battleship is reading and think, "It's probably porn" and "Reading". That's the reason why I label each link with a poster name.
Not all of them are recommendations. You can see from the label I started adding to each one, (imp), (rec), (rev), which are quite self-explanatory. The ones I do not label, that is usually the content of the post (one-liners) so you can judge for yourself which of the three it is.
I understand that since I'm lumping pretty much everything together, sifting through the imp/rec/rev list itself may be a problem. However, the reason I keep to the format is because I think that manga can be less of a "I'll read what you recommend" thing and more of a "It might be interesting to try something new" thing. If you think it's too hard and too much work to skim through the list and find something that catches your eye, the option of flawfuls's and cosmicblizzard's threads are there, and moreover there is always the option of asking the thread itself. The ever reliable Google is also an option. You can bump the threads you asked about! You are welcome to make your own manga recommendation thread! Go ahead and make a thread in OT asking for 'not weekly or novelty' manga recommendations.
What you are saying, as it sounds to me, is "I'm too lazy to look for myself, can somebody else make a detailed list of manga that fit the vague description of 'not weekly or novelty' for me? I put the effort to make a post asking for the list, rather than using the same amount of effort to ask for recommendations. The list in the OP doesn't fulfill my requirements, sorry about that". I made a list. If the list is useless, say so; I will stop compiling. You are free to use the "hunt and peck" method of NeoGAF search before I started making the list (the third reason why I started compiling posts).