fixedWorst post:
Hiruma x Mamori 4 ever
Now this is something i could back up.what if its
Hiruma X the muscled construction worker kicker guy.I totally did not forget what his name is
Sena x Hiruma and Hiruma x Musashi seem to have a lot of fans.
Well, yeah.
Wait, no Kurita?
Sena x Hiruma and Hiruma x Musashi seem to have a lot of fans.
Well, yeah.
Wait, no Shin?
Only rightfully so.
I think it's Shin and that other guy on his team.
Is that our new measurement?
shin and that commercial dude
as for sena
shin and that commercial dude
as for sena
rushed ending, enjoy the reboot!
everyone's favoriteTL route
meh, who cares about sena
he's like tsuna from Reborn. The main character but no one cares enough about him to pair him up with someone. inb4 dtl spams me with tsuna pairings
I missed the last 10 pages or so, didn't see what had happened. I stand by my statement though- there is so much going on that it's impossible to follow or understand in my opinion.
FWIW, I originally had "a touch of autisim" before realizing that was pretty insensitive, and went with ADD, something I've had since I was 4 years old, and totally understand is real when I'm off my medicine
Edit: While we're talking about reborn, i hated the non ending
would have liked to see more of his 10 year self or something
i liked tsuna more than sena
i kinda hate kyoko tho
Edit: While we're talking about reborn, i hated the non ending
would have liked to see more of his 10 year self or something
A timely coincidence then lol.
That said, I'd almost say the opposite personally. I'm not patient enough, I think, to fall into this massive world building it's attempting. Or maybe a combination of both? I can't find myself following the frantic "HERE'S EVERYTHING" it's attempting.
Hatsukoi Shinjuu 14-15
kind of gross
I dunno, I like it. I like the world and how there's like everything about it.
I mean I'll probably be sad since there's this giant world and it'll probably get cancelled before it gets fully explored.
Well, I'm interested but I suppose that's the same case here: It'll probably be cancelled so I can't really find myself devoting much energy to following all the world building when i don't have faith in it bearing fruit.
I mean I guess its only boon in a chance of surviving is the prestige of its writer, who has Baccano and DRRRRR! fame.
we're having the most less shitty shounen protag contest now?
Take a look at the recommendations lists that dramatis painstakingly compiles for every OT (it's near the OP). It's a bit big but if you mentioned the flawfuls thread, you might not mind.
If you want something more concentrated, just give us something some tags and we'll recommend on the spot.
dramatis's OP recommendations is exactly the type of weekly and novelty series that I'm tired of. I'm not even keeping up with OP anymore :|
Well, what do you mean by "weekly" and "novelty"? When I hear that, I think of the shonen staples and slice of life series. Judging by what little you've said, I think you're looking for things that are either A) already completed B) have meaningful growth or character development on a regular basis.
With that said, if you don't mind ongoing manga, try Spirit Circle (battles and supernatural), Koe no Katachi (drama), or Shougeki no Soma (food battles and comedy). For finished ones, try Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer or Full Metal Alchemist (as if you haven't read/watched it already). Another good completed one that I haven't read is Oyasumi Punpun, which is depressing as fuck apparently.
The posts compiled are exactly not the type of weekly and novelty series that you're so tired of. I essentially gather almost everything I see that qualifies as an impression of a first volume or a first chapter, a recommendation, or a review. There's probably some I didn't catch because I was skimming the thread too quickly, but by all means if there is something that should appeal to you it can be found there. One of the points of me collecting the posts in the first place was to perhaps have someone who read that one thing manage to reach a new reader. There's variety captured from as many different manga as people read here, from Mr. DTL's scandalous stuff to wonzo's crazy reads to [insert somebody maybe]'s artsy fartsy highbrow manga.
One of the other points is that there are people who share common lewd interests that may not be following the thread that closely, so they can just peer into the list and see what A Huge Battleship is reading and think, "It's probably porn" and "Reading". That's the reason why I label each link with a poster name.
Not all of them are recommendations. You can see from the label I started adding to each one, (imp), (rec), (rev), which are quite self-explanatory. The ones I do not label, that is usually the content of the post (one-liners) so you can judge for yourself which of the three it is.
I understand that since I'm lumping pretty much everything together, sifting through the imp/rec/rev list itself may be a problem. However, the reason I keep to the format is because I think that manga can be less of a "I'll read what you recommend" thing and more of a "It might be interesting to try something new" thing. If you think it's too hard and too much work to skim through the list and find something that catches your eye, the option of flawfuls's and cosmicblizzard's threads are there, and moreover there is always the option of asking the thread itself. The ever reliable Google is also an option. You can bump the threads you asked about! You are welcome to make your own manga recommendation thread! Go ahead and make a thread in OT asking for 'not weekly or novelty' manga recommendations.
What you are saying, as it sounds to me, is "I'm too lazy to look for myself, can somebody else make a detailed list of manga that fit the vague description of 'not weekly or novelty' for me? I put the effort to make a post asking for the list, rather than using the same amount of effort to ask for recommendations. The list in the OP doesn't fulfill my requirements, sorry about that". I made a list. If the list is useless, say so; I will stop compiling. You are free to use the "hunt and peck" method of NeoGAF search before I started making the list (the third reason why I started compiling posts).
No disrespect to your fantastic OP but it isn't a poll of the best manga. It's a random collection of mangas with an interesting premise. Only a quarter of that list is rec/rev and even then the rec/rev posts rarely go more than a paragraph or compare to other works. I'm saying let's take stock now and then and do some ranking. What seemed good the first time you read it might seem different in hindsight.
This is the best thread to post about a poll. *shrug* Well carry on
the what?
No disrespect to your fantastic OP but it isn't a poll of the best manga. It's a random collection of mangas with an interesting premise. Only a quarter of that list is rec/rev and even then the rec/rev posts rarely go more than a paragraph or compare to other works. I'm saying let's take stock now and then and do some ranking. What seemed good the first time you read it might seem different in hindsight.
This is the best thread to post about a poll. *shrug* Well carry on
Not sure why you bolded certain things of my post, but okay. Your poll idea assumes that we can agree on what qualifies a series as one of the "best". I could love some fluffy and cute romance manga that another poster hates for the same reasons, and another poster could love a gory and politically intriguing manga that I hate for those reasons. And that poll wouldn't satisfy you either if it included the weekly and novelty series that you were trying to avoid, seeing as you haven't adequately defined that for us. I think it's enough that the OP has the volume covers of most of the series that MangaGAF on the whole reads.No disrespect to your fantastic OP but it isn't a poll of the best manga. It's a random collection of mangas with an interesting premise. Only a quarter of that list is rec/rev and even then the rec/rev posts rarely go more than a paragraph or compare to other works. I'm saying let's take stock now and then and do some ranking. What seemed good the first time you read it might seem different in hindsight.
This is the best thread to post about a poll. *shrug* Well carry on
The problem is more that just saying, "please exclude novelty series and weekly series" works about as well as typing that exact phrase into Google.
You're asking for the impossible. You're not going to get a "best" manga by polling us. Give criteria that means something and you can get relevant suggestions. The list is just dramatis taking posts we do, not like any proper "Hey I liked this here's a write-up on it" sort of thing.
Not sure why you bolded certain things of my post, but okay. Your poll idea assumes that we can agree on what qualifies a series as one of the "best". I could love some fluffy and cute romance manga that another poster hates for the same reasons, and another poster could love a gory and politically intriguing manga that I hate for those reasons. And that poll wouldn't satisfy you either if it included the weekly and novelty series that you were trying to avoid, seeing as you haven't adequately defined that for us. I think it's enough that the OP has the volume covers of most of the series that MangaGAF on the whole reads.
That list from flawful's thread is still pretty applicable today, anyway.
I Was Human 1-6
A romance story about a hamster has no right to actually be good.![]()
Man, I don't have time to read another MangaBox title.
I was already getting tired yesterday reading my like 15 series from there.
It is not impossible to take a poll on GAF. It's already done every year for hiphop e.g. GAF-Hop presents: The 2013 Hip-Hop Awards (Vote now!) and GAF-Hop presents: The 2013 Hip-Hop Awards | The Results. I think best of year lists should only included completed series but that's up for debate.
If we do take a poll for best manga, we will be seeing a lot of weekly series such as One Piece, Naruto and Bleach.
Its what most people casually read.
Nah, you could start a thread in the OT, but the entire thread will be people voting for Berserk. Whether that's something you think is good, I don't know, but that's what you're going to get.
If one asked us in here, you'd get a much wider selection, but nobody's going to agree on anything.
I find it funny that the three you're not reading are the only three I am lol. Peephole, First Love Suicide Pact, and I Was Human.
If we do take a poll for best manga, we will be seeing a lot of weekly series such as One Piece, Naruto and Bleach.
Its what most people casually read.