Lele! Noooooooooo! :-/
"Goddamn, that's a fine ass!" Yeah. Sure. Why not. *added to list*
Woah, back up a sec, when did I become the resident porn guy? I'm as pure as distilled water lapped up from the hands of an angel. Is it the avatar? It's the avatar isn't it?
Rock Paper Scissors1
Harem series set in a floating academic city in the Pacific, where kids with superpowers reside. Too early to say for sure how it'll develop, but the setting's home to 1,048 student councils so they'll probably be beating the bananas out of each-other at some stage. I lost count of the number of panty shots about halfway through. Based on a light novel and will likely be bad. Added to backlog.
"Goddamn, that's a fine ass!" Yeah. Sure. Why not. *added to list*