Iron Maiden 1
man, that is not where I was expecting the whole "that day" thing to go.
man, that is not where I was expecting the whole "that day" thing to go.
I should punch whoever made Akihiko lose.
him losing makes perfect sense
Can anyone recommend me some horror manga? Like really scary, creepy manga.
Sneewitchen is a pretty nice collection of (mostly) Grimm Fairy Tales with a twist.Can anyone recommend me some horror manga? Like really scary, creepy manga.
Yankee-Kun and Megane-Chan
Let me see if I get this straight:
Everyone else leads a cool life but she stays the same? The whole refusing to turn in the application was a cop out. No school would let that happen in real life. This ending is lazy. WHERE IS MY HAPPY EVER AFTER ENDING? Adachi x Shiragawa was right there and THEY DUN FUCKED IT UP, as the great opiner of videogame knowledge Angry Joe would say.
Seems that ComicWalker is up and they're slowly rolling out stuff. Notable series so far include:
- Gundam: The Origin (in Colour)
- Evangelion (in Colour)
- Haganai
- Log Horizon
- The good MMY
Shit looks so good on my iPad Air.![]()
It looks like everything's starting from the first chapter (which are free for now) and they'll probably upload the rest over time.I might need someone to hold me if we actually start killing off the cast.
Tell me more.
It'll be 1 deadly sin by 2015.
This post made my goddamn night.
- Evangelion (in Colour)
my name recognition is really shot. I can't remember anybody's names in Yankee-kun at all.
This post made my goddamn night.
I had never seen the first chapter in color before.
Yeah, crazily bad, they should stop doing those terrible coloring jobs stat.