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Manga News/Discussion |OTE| Thought it was a smut paradise, it was shounen hell

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Nanatsu no Taizai 71 - ...um. Uh. Like, I feel like I should know better about this and all but uh ... er ... is Diane actually dead now?
Yankee-kun and Megane-chan 207

No, she's actually a cyborg. My headcanon demands it.

Yankee-kun and Megane-chan 208

Ahhhh, graduation ceremony feels.

Yankee-kun and Megane-chan 209

Yes, I'm surprised they remember about Megane-chan but still feels good.

Yankee-kun and Megane-chan 210

I wouldn't mind seeing a series about Yankee-kun's college days. And hell even his days as a teacher more.

Yankee-kun and Megane-chan 211

I like seeing how everyone else ended up. I also don't mind how Adachi just randomly shows up again with no rhyme or explanation.

Hell, I really wouldn't mind more random adventures with everyone now. I want more.

Walkure Romanze - Shoujo Kishi Monogatari (NO. Gomesu) 8

Anime eat your heart out.

The true final boss has arrived.
Iron Maiden 2-6

Hrm, childhood friend will probably make me stick with this. She may have iron coming out of her a lot of the time, but man...

also, that must be suuuuuuuuper awkward to deal with. I wonder how many mattresses she's gone through what with that big spike that comes out of her back?

what am I event talking about I should go to bed

Ana Satsujin 9-11

An acquaintance of yours is going to die by the hands of your murderous girl friend.

At the same time, you're watching this unfold through the peephole in the comfort of your own room.

What do you do?

A.) Call the police.
B.) Tell her to stop.
C.) Run outside and yell for help.
D.) Nothing.

His choice?

The answer.

The results.

And as an added bonus, the stupidity.
Yankee-Kun and Megane-Chan

Let me see if I get this straight:

Everyone else leads a cool life but she stays the same? The whole refusing to turn in the application was a cop out. No school would let that happen in real life. This ending is lazy. WHERE IS MY HAPPY EVER AFTER ENDING? Adachi x Shiragawa was right there and THEY DUN FUCKED IT UP, as the great opiner of videogame knowledge Angry Joe would say.

Yeah, it's horseshit. They couldn't just let them have a nice happy ending, which is why I'm wary of how Yamada is going to end.


Seems that ComicWalker is up and they're slowly rolling out stuff. Notable series so far include:

  • Gundam: The Origin (in Colour)
  • Evangelion (in Colour)
  • Haganai
  • Log Horizon
  • The good MMY

Shit looks so good on my iPad Air.


I might need someone to hold me if we actually start killing off the cast.

Seems that ComicWalker is up and they're slowly rolling out stuff. Notable series so far include:

  • Gundam: The Origin (in Colour)
  • Evangelion (in Colour)
  • Haganai
  • Log Horizon
  • The good MMY

Shit looks so good on my iPad Air.

Tell me more.


It does seem the iPad app is a tad bit buggy but that might be because my PS4's downloading that beanie game and using all my bandwidth, making the app shit itself. It also looks like someones cracked the DRM too (the image is made up of randomized squares in a jpg and put back together) so rip.


Tokyo Ghoul 4-45
I wasn't too flash on the battle manga nature of the last arc but everything else has been fantastic. Really anticipating the anime adaptation of this now.


Unconfirmed Member
Koisuru Mitsuba 3-4
It's the typical super shy, socially awkward girl meeting the popular, but kind guy who dotes on her, which makes her spend the rest of the manga feeling unworthy of him and being bothered by how many fans he has.


Unconfirmed Member
I only remember Shinigawa, Adachi, Rinka, and Chiba I think. I forget the short one's name, Izumi I think? Otherwise I remember no one.

Granulated Sugar
A oneshot about a guy who wants to save his first kiss for when he gets married, and his girlfriend. And as you can expect,
he doesn't make it.
Sort of cute I guess.

Chiguhagu Planet 1-4
Same author as the oneshot from above. It's about a girl who has the habit of acting like a mother and taking care of the people around her, and a clumsy guy who's lovably odd and has problems expressing himself. Cliched as you can expect, but it's still decent. No love rivals (well... there's a rival for affection, but that's different), misunderstanding drama is resolved quickly (probably because it's only 4 chapters long lol), and while the guy is acknowledged to be handsome, he has the popularity of a pet rather than the irritating notoriety of a school idol put up on a pedestal. So yeah, verdict is read it if you want something short and shoujo, but you've probably read this story told a few times over.


Comic Walker. Interesting how its different to Manga Box. Thats all stuff unknown to me, whilst this is all big name stuff, almost all stuff now in anime form.

Still don't understand the business model. Guess its just a big ad for print editions and/or anime.
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