alright, stopping at 131. I've read 103 chapters today.
I should probably sleep.
alright, stopping at 131. I've read 103 chapters today.
I should probably sleep.
It's really just a lot of despair.
Hagure Yuusha no Kichiku Bigaku has a gary stu. I think he's why I dropped it.Gary stus are awesome
I'm actually looking for manga like that
Wakabayashi Toshiyas 4-koma Collection 20
All that blushing.
Hagure Yuusha no Kichiku Bigaku has a gary stu. I think he's why I dropped it.
Assassination Classroom 85
Pouts and manipulation abound
alright, stopping at 131. I've read 103 chapters today.
I should probably sleep.
But not delicious.
Black Bullet 4
That girl has some serious revenge issues.
Find it refreshing that he looks to be following an antihero approach to the whole thing.
Not so much when he yells at her though.
alright, stopping at 131. I've read 103 chapters today.
I should probably sleep.
Well yeah, but it's annoying seeing him win all the time and never getting shaken up. The only time we saw him like that is during Tadokoro's fight with the alumnusSoma works cause of the art
I mean he look so glorious
I really hope for the best for them.
Really do.
Please don't kill the girl off.
ColossalLazyMagi 222
another handful of chapter
Oh no.
This is one of those manga/LN?
Now I'm worried.
Magi 222 page 12
This is the first time I can honestly say that I'm proud of him.
Yep he grew some backbone there.
I would do the same
What was that manga were the kid goes to jail for killing his parents and learns Karate?
It got me too (obviously, haha). Turned my head around. I wonder how the thread took it back then.TWGOK
That dokurou reveal. *mindblown*
That was actually handled surprisingly well.
Senakagurashi 1-2
Well, both the main character and the girl are off to a great start. Not gonna lie, the premise is ridiculous, but, hey, I laughed.
Also, goddamn at that sadist mom, hahaha.
Stealth Symphony 08
A cute satellite cannon and ninja stars that can go into space. These powers are awesome.
But will they be enough? Probably not.
Saenai Kanojo (Heroine) no Sodatekata 02
I never saw the point of this. So average girl is now selected by this completely useless (in terms of writing, drawing etc) guy to become the start of his own dating game?
And this is for some reason getting an anime?
Gotta read it so i can comment.
There's two versions. One on the average girl (Saenai Kanojo (Heroine) no Sodatekata) and one on the tsundere best friend (Saenai Kanojo (Heroine) no Sodatekata ~egoistic-lily~).
Oh looks like there's even a third one, Saenai Kanojo (Heroine) no Sodatekata - Koisuru Metronome, based off the third girl.
I mean it's basically pick your waifu route but the story is still very bland that I don't understand its popularity.
I mean it's basically pick your waifu route but the story is still very bland that I don't understand its popularity.