I wish i can read black bullets LN but alas!
You mean this?

I wish i can read black bullets LN but alas!
Which one? Black bullet?
The anime for Black Bullet is pretty bland, tbt
This has actually been running for a while now.
Surprised I only just heard of it in the last week.
This has actually been running for a while now.
Surprised I only just heard of it in the last week.
Is anyone actually reading Fuuka? I read one chapter and thought it should be called Rage Phone instead.
Bokura no kiseki 2
A manga about a magical, ancient war? Cool! Now let's make everyone die and reincarnate as modern high school students because a high school setting sells better.
All kidding aside though, this is a genuinely cool premise. Interested to see what this leads to.
From a young age, Minami Harusumi has had recurring dreams of Veronica, a princess whose kingdom is on the verge of destruction. He believes them to be recollections of his past life, and that he is her reincarnation. Because of this, he is ridiculed by his classmates. One day, when the mockery escalates into bullying, he rediscovers magic - something Veronica had studied and used. Reassured his past life is not merely a fantasy, Minami tries to learn more about his past memories and the reason behind them...
So god damned ridiculous. If your so worried that your panties might be seen, then stop wearing micro mini skirts!
Does he... turn into a girl?
He just has memories of being a princess.
The premise of people trying to figure out how to deal with the values of their past lifes conflicting with their present life is pretty fun.
Have you read Spirit Circle?
Nope. Should it be something for me to look at?
Yes. Spirit Circle is by Mizukami Satoshi, the same author of Hoshi no Samidare, and Sengoku Youko. If you're looking for action series with great humor, all three series are quality stuff.
How many chapters? I keep forgetting to get to reading it. Much like everything recently, it seems.
I don't take a dangan ronpa comparison lightly.Bokura no kiseki 17
What I expected:
What I got:
It honestly hasn't been that terrible yet.Stop reading Fuuka guys
I don't take a dangan ronpa comparison lightly.
I guess I should start reading it.
I feel like you are trying to bait me into reading this.
CR's got 20-22, and there's scans up to 19 out there.
Bokura no kiseki 17
What I expected:
What I got:
The fact that in the last 3-4 pages KINGDOM was only mentioned three times at most is a travesty.
Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry 01
First we have a school, throw in a protag who apparently the worst student there, throw in a princess, toss in sword and magic cause everyone loves those, said princess is fire based, then I guess they start living together, already saw each other naked, protag turns out to have some secret power and he'll probably get a harem too. Yay it's a LN!
So it's very much a LN adaptation. I mean at this point it's like taking Tetsuya from Mahouka and Shana and throwing them into a school that teaches sword and magic. The only thing that's missing is some sort of incest.
I read Shana and got happy.
Yes, I'm that easy.
You should read DanMachi
There really should be a distinction between non-smut, sort of smut, and full-on smut in the OT.