Wait, there's Kingdom chapters?
Oh god.
love lab - 10
oh my god hnnnnnnnnngh
Oh god.
love lab - 10
oh my god hnnnnnnnnngh
Little jumper 3
I'm going drop this now in case there is any time travel incest, which seems like a possibility in this manga. Just not what I'm looking for right now.
Wait, there's Kingdom chapters?
Berserk HXH FMA are nothing alike to one piece with regard to groundwork. For one everything is connected and there not much if any fragmentation with individual chapters unlike how Oda does it. The groundwork in op has been utter boring. 75% of this arc has been boring. And there´s a difference between laying a groundwork and having filler panels/convo that does not add to anything
Well god damnKINGDOM
What you call filler other people call story \ character interaction , also explain to me how everything is connected in HXH and FMA with individual chapters but OP got so much fragmentation .
Plus who fucking cares about individual chapters most people read manga by the vol .
Been a while since i did this .
Well god damn
On breakwhere's one piece :l
The story and character interaction are very boring. How many skull jokes, nose bleeds, lost his way, overreaction panels there should be? Character interaction is very unnecessary and utter bore. 80% it does not add anything. The chapter are fragmented because Oda tries to unsuccessfully cover multiple characters doing different things in one chapter. Which make the whole thing unnecessarily drags on.
Doesn't Obito have a Rinnegan? What are the odds that Obito going to ask Sakura to take his Rinnegan and implant it into herself?
Holy shit, what an awesome looking shikai. I just hope it's ability is as cool as it's appearance.
It's boring to you , the character interaction is one of the reason OP sell as well as it does . People enjoy the SH fool around acting like there self during arcs , it adds to aspect of the crew being a family .
A huge amount people don't read manga by chapters , so covering different view points per chapter is not problem when it come to Vols .
Reading manga by chapter has been dying for years this is showed by magazines sales going down and all big series sell more than magazines counter parts .
Yes sometimes OP drags on but parts of what you calling drag on are not that way for a huge amount of the fan base.
There's actually a cute/funny reason why she said that, hahaha.
A big sword...original and extremely exciting (he seems excited at least...). Nothing in Bleach really comes off as surprising really. The series lacks impact. This series seems to have lost substance over time. Just a series of posturings, explosions, excited/fearful expressions, and hollow exchanges...
Kubo is the Michael Bay of the Manga world.
So the Final Battle begins. Of course, it probably won't be long before Madara fuses with the tree, and Naruto and Sasuke face off against Treedara in the Final Final Battle
Citation needed.
That´s a convenient way to circumvent that the chapters are actually fragmented. The matter of the fact that every chapter prior to climax jump all over the place which makes it feel fragmented. We read manga on a weekly bases, so don´t tell me volume this and that to try to minimize what other people see when they read a chapter. Even as a volume it will still be fragmented. Where´s Sanji and co. for instance? We have not seen Sanji since chapter 330.
Kubo is the Michael Bay of the Manga world.
This... is actually kinda apt. lmao
Oh wow hnnnnglove lab - 10
oh my god hnnnnnnnnngh
Didn't they say that Sasuke's eye was a sharingan when we saw it on Kaguya, make up your damn mind Kishi
Man, Comic Walker sucks.
They never add new chapters and keep changing the dates.
We were supposed to get some 2nd chapters of stuff by now, but nope, they keep messing stuff around.
Well at least they continuously add new manga, like todays
Sleazebag! Hanamura-san
I want to know more about the Frog, and how the hell this is all happening.