Magi 222.5 Paraphrased Edition
Y'know what I was getting curious, and Charade asked. Here's an honest try at translation. Here we go. Let's go. We're going. Numbered by paragraphs. Mentally add "probably" before every sentence so I don't have to write it (everything in this post could end up wrong, it also heavily depends on the quality of the Japanese translation). Also this is actually pretty dang important. I just wish it was an actual chapter because it deserves it. Anyway, go we go in go.
For the most important stuff, see 10 and 11.
Just so we're clear, this is all written by David, Solomon's father.
1. I lived for 800 years. My son [Solomon] is born, his birth was Destiny™
2. Destiny™, meaning the White Rukh's flow (or is it the other way around, haha)
3. I can see the where the Rukh's flow leads and intersects
4. There are other species with intellect to derive these things aside from me [referring to the Mother Dragon]. I noticed the birth of the Singularity™. The fact that it's me, a Magician [unlike the Mother Dragon], who noticed it, magicians being close to god and being able to use god's power. As the only magician who noticed, I'm feeling loneliness.
5. I cursed god for being the only one who could see the limits of the world [referring to the world running out of power as the Mother Dragon explained].
6. I realized my existence, and even the Singularities'™ existence, is all Destiny™. As part of that, I have a purpose.
7. As god's purpose is creation, and as I'm a magician who noticed [the Singularity™ and the end of the world], my purpose is the same as god's [obviously related to the fact that the world is ending].
8. Following this realization, I strived to extend my lifespan as far as possible, because magicians' magic is only limited by their lifespan. As I realized my true purpose, I also realized the Magician Country [as in, the current sovereign of the humans Solomon opposes] and controlling other species was not a goal in itself [the goal being creation].
9. Controlling the other species with the Gunud, the Orthodox and the "worthless" [<- important nuance] Agenda, were all means to the true goal. [here he's pretty clearly implying that he understands those things were "bad" and stigmatic, but nevertheless necessary for some kind of goal].
10. My son being born is also for the sake of this purpose of creating a new world [as is finally revealed, Solomon was born to create the world as the current world is ending, per David's prediction]. My son will defeat me as part of destiny [he recognizes that Solomon will oppose him because of the aforementioned "bad" things he did], and he will carry my purpose and advance the world to the next stage [referring to Solomon creating the current world that has Aladdin. Note that this isn't the true purpose, the new world's creation, yet, presumably because this world will also end].
11. My son isn't a singularity [meaning he won't create the "new world"] . He will understand my words but may not realize it [here meaning Solomon doesn't have the same level of wisdom as David in reference to the singularity's birth and the end of the world, as well as the true purpose of David, and the necessity of the bad things David did. But despite that, he will carry David's purpose. Because the current world is ending, Solomon has to create a new world to avoid it].
Afterwards [not sure what he means by "a long time", relative to what, but oh well], the True Singularity™ will be [born] in the new world [that Solomon created]. That time at the end of destiny is the true Utopia™ [meaning the destiny of the world ending every time is no more, and the world won't end due to running out of magoi], and I will become the a god, accomplishing my purpose that exceeds [the current] god [his purpose finally revealed, it means creating a world a world that won't naturally end].
Then the chapter ends with the symbol for Solomon's Wisdom meaning David was a good guy all along. Carrying from this, Al Tharmen's true purpose is the exact opposite of David's and Solomon's (not creating the utopia), and it has to do with the black rukh.
The True Singularity™ may or may not be Sinbad, but the point is that it's in charge of doing what the Singularity of Solomon's world didn't do as it just disappeared instantly. Who knows what exactly.