Lots of people need to come back. Solune for example, went on a break due to things BUT IT'S TAKING HIM FOREVER. And also like, everyone ever below the top 15.
Let's try to bait Solune
check out that awesome scarf
I still don't understand how did most of them become slaves if they're all so powerful physically
HEY! You back for real now?Seems I was summoned. Is there a new smut list like dumbyugi posted a while back?
Switch Girl!! 1
This is great. The "Off Mode" of the MC turns her into a real Nodame from Nodame Cantabile :lol
I love that the author admits she's exactly like her. There are notes between the chapters where she explains that most of the things Nika does are true! :lol
Definitely a good shoujo.
HEY! You back for real now?
Whatever you do, never ever even think about checking out Iinazuke Kyoutei or Otome Historic
Also by the way, I don't know if you know this. Steins;Gate is pretty dang amazing and amazing.
Just read a bunch of reviews comparing it unfavourably to kare kano. Given that I'm still on the fence about kare kano... eh.
Not the anime! The VN! I just finished it yesterday, so I'm still on the feel. I'll check the anime out when the movie gets translated, in 3 years.Yup I am back, at least when I remember to visit the thread. Too much time into Waifu Emblem and Rising and now Monster Hunter. Gotta get through Bioshock too.
Anywho I assume the spoilered part is what I need to check out and I need to catch up to Akame.
And yes Steins;Gate is great, I caught the bug around Sept and it was fantastic after I read animeGAF impressions. The movie is actually coming out in 2 weeks or so too I believe, but don't hold me to that as I haven't visited animeGAF either in a long time.
Just read a bunch of reviews comparing it unfavourably to kare kano. Given that I'm still on the fence about kare kano... eh.
Give it a shot!
I've only seen positive reviews about Switch Girl to be honest.
I haven't read Kare Kano, only watched the anime, but I don't feel it's all that similar apart from certain character's premises, like the main girl having a fake persona for school/others and a "relaxed" one at home and the main guy being a pretty awesome dude.
Personally I consider it a really good shojo with the main draw being that it has no shame about depicting certain (embarrassing) aspects about girls and inserting some comedy even in the most drama filled situations (Nika rocks).
Eyeshield 21 141
Fuck yeah Musashi.
Fuck yeah.
I just re-read Bitter Virgin.
Whats wrong with me?
Ah well. Hiruma and Mamori are pretty cute together.
You're a masochist. I read that once when it came out...I couldn't talk to anyone for a week.
Just ... yup.
Famous last words.I'm in quiet awe that two people are having a quasi-normal relationship in this manga.
There have been a lot worse covers, DTL.
Pairing undertones bothering you or something?
Dreams crushed.Think I'm late for this but I really like the new volume cover of Naruto.
Think I'm late for this but I really like the new volume cover of Naruto.
Dreams crushed.
Confirmation of NaruHina even more.
Dreams crushed.
Confirmation of NaruHina even more.
What did you expect?
Think I'm late for this but I really like the new volume cover of Naruto.
* Sai shrugs.I don't think you can call something so blatant an undertone.
Everything that isn't Naruto/Hinata and the Juubi looks hilariously awful on this cover.
lmao at Neji the phoenix.
Its all good except for Neji in the middle, which is awful.
He died for the NaruHina shippers.
"Finally"? He's been saying the same thing since he was introduced. The whole "Seeing Goi as hideous beasts" thing isn't even new.
Naruto loves Hinata guys.
It's why we never see him talking to her again after she risked her life to save him from Pain.