Ok, let´s forget that Hinata liked Naruto since forever, and never gave up on him, or shun him like the rest of the village. Sakura was never, ever interested romantically in Naruto. Sakura is exactly the kind of girl that Shikamaru described when Gaara was revived. Sakura is a shallow self centered girl, while Hinata is not.
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Hinata, but that is because I have no reason too. She has very little to her character.
I mean, seriously, all I really get from her are these things:
She's nice.
She's shy.
She likes Naruto.
That is it.
Not that I wouldn't mind getting to know this character. But, she either gets no screen time or just comes out-of-no-where and gets these very flamboyant scenes of trying to save Naruto, or giving him a pep talk
when any other character (you know, the ones who ACTUALLY spend time with him) could have done so.
She's kind of a Mary-Sue to me. And, I can't stand female characters like that.
The sad thing is, I
want to like Hinata
When she was younger I liked her a lot better, she had a bit more to her personality, was a little weird and out of place. Had the potential to be three-dimensional.
But nope, Kishi took her personality away and made her quiet, out of the way and hot. No wonder all my guy friends have a thing for her
Wouldn't care too much, but she just pops up to do something amazing and out of character, out of the freaking NOWHERE! No development, nothing!
That irritates the fuck outta me.
So, now unto Naruhina. Same thing, nothing really
wrong with it
absolutely no development.
Oh, I know she confessed to him when she totally failed at saving him, I know she has been stalking him her whole life, I know that NOW it kinda, maybe, sorta, looks like he likes her too
It STILL is really underdeveloped to me
here is why
Naruto has more screen time with characters like Shikamaru than with Hinata. What the fuck do they even know about each other? Not that shounen has had the reputation for love interests knowing each other that deeply, but bare with me.
Now, I don't think he has to spend ALL his time with her. (Harry obviously had more screen time with others than with Ginny, but that's a conversation for another time) But, seriously, they have very little time actually spent together in the manga or getting to know eachother.
Here's a question, what does Hinata know about Naruto? And, information from stalking doesn't count to me
that is saved for her pep talk from 615. I mean, does she know he likes or liked Sakura, or even why? Does she know he wants to be Hokage
I mean I guess from observing the guy she may
but, does she even acknowledge his faults? That he is hyper, he has a temper, he is rude
or his just Captain McAwesome to her.
Picture the two of them on a date
I mean really do it
Honestly, Orihime is pretty much Hinata done right. She is the shy,attractive , who falls in love with Ichigo, but there is more to her than that. She is quirky, weird, creative, somewhat ditzy, funny, loving, charismatic, cheerful, selfless, a tragic past, she is not just the SHY/NICE girl. She isn't even the main girl, but she has screen time, and spends time with the Ichigo, gets to know him, even though she is nervous around him. If Kubo somehow had Orihime end up with Ichigo or Rukia (though the latter is highly unlikely considering their brother and sister like relationship, but I digress), he'd be in the clear because he gave proper development to BOTH of their relationships with him.
But, getting back to the point, Hinata has not always been there for him, she has always stalked him
the real people who have been there for him ALWAYS are Sakura and Kakashi.
*looks up*
I just wrote several paragraphs about shipping.
Goddammit! X__X