Naruto's better than Bleach.
Naruto's better than Bleach.
Not after that last chapter.
Hey Ignis. Bleach is great. Every passage is rife with meaning and every single element ties together with perfect cohesion. There is not one wasted panel. Not one wasted drop of ink.
Big One. Bleach's writing is perfect. If you disagree then you are objectively wrong.
The Ninja War is horrible.
Yet I still find it more enjoyable than Bleach's excuse for a war.
Mondaijitachi Z ch2
I can't breathe
She is the best thing.
No seriously, this is great. I love this. Give me more.
There's something wrong with you on a cellular level. There is no cure.
Yamato was plugged into a tree FFS.
He's trolling everyone every chance he gets. It's the price they must pay for having their lives saved by him every other page.The guy seems really rude. I always take my headphones off when I talk to people.
Okay now we're getting somewhere. But it's Saturday, not Monday.
Big one is literally objectively always objectively wrong.
Aww, give him some time. Balbadd is part of his character definition. It's not like he starts out Sinbad.Magi 1-68
I'm really getting fsick of Alibaba's lack of a fucking ballsack. He knew what it was going to come to and still couldn't do it. When you fight an opponent, you fight them to the death.[/IMG
I'm second?! That's... scary. I also have almost 200 posts more than I did in the last thread and we're only halfway.[/QUOTE]
Ya post too much bro, can't believe you have more posts than me now!
He can't go two posts without insulting Kubo or Bleach on some level.
I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out he has a Helga-Arnold like fascination with Kubo while dedicating a shrine while writing Bleach Fanfiction.
Fairy Tail
So did anyone call out/predict the Eclipse gate being where the dragons came from?
I kinda figured something like that would happen, but I've barely had a chance to post here due to school.
It was so obvious that I couldn't believe that was the 'twist'. Although what happens next is up in the air.
Nah, I think the rumor was about Kiruko ending in the Golden Week double issue (speaking of which, that's happening soon. That's gonna be torture), and Medaka the issue after that. Golden Week is the last week of April.Toriko
Really good fight all around, hopefully we see Zebra's fight next.
Medaka Box
Lolol trollololol. We all should have seen this coming. Have we confirmed that next week is the final chapter or what?
Also didn't the rumor say this would be the last week for rookie police woman? Is there anyone still reading that who can confirm/deny that?
Also didn't the rumor say this would be the last week for rookie police woman? Is there anyone still reading that who can confirm/deny that?
So fucking what? it's still better than a random giant laser or generic ass shonen special moves. The Titan guy might be getting his fight ideas from old WWE videos, but I don't really care. seeing wrestling is more refreshing than 80 of the "special beam attack" fighting shonen shit I usually read.
I like having the titans wrestle. They'rebig and heavy so it makes sense having them fight like this instead of being super nimble.
Im usually the one posting Medaka spoilers, I can stop doing that if you like. I know I like to see em because I'm curious but I know they can be accidentally seen and whatnot.
Its not like theyre hard to find if you do wanna see them
Look at the stare she's giving Kakiman there. You know who won this.
Oh youMedaka Box - end
I liked it
It was fun to read, full of "WHAT" moments and filled with intresting characters overall.
Trully a manga i won't soon forget.
FixedMedaka Box - end?
You know I don't think this manga ever got as good after the student elections arc.
Nah, I think the rumor was about Kiruko ending in the Golden Week double issue (speaking of which, that's happening soon. That's gonna be torture), and Medaka the issue after that. Golden Week is the last week of April.
Besides it's too early for cancellations. They're usually on the very end of April or beginning of May.