Yandere Kanojo 49
Awww, what a cute chapter. Poor Manabu.
Awww, what a cute chapter. Poor Manabu.
I'm almost tempted to ask God's Beard to just post a URL and then sit back and watch this thread implode and eat itself
We both like Murata.Sometimes I wonder if Halycon and Kurita are the same guy
That's something a sociopath would enjoy.
Are you a sociopath upandaway?
I'm almost tempted to ask God's Beard to just post a URL and then sit back and watch this thread implode and eat itself
Bokura no Kiseki chapter 1-20
Intriguing premise with the past life stuff and the princess supposedly having reincarnated as a guy, though the pacing seems a bit too slow with some plot twists seemingly slowing down the solutions to certain mysteries by adding more mysteries and twists on top of what is already there.
At this point, I feel like Zeze is the mysterious boss, though who he was in his past life, is something I'm still not sure about.
Art is nice enough.
I thought the whole arc was uninteresting and what's worse, unnecessary. There's no reason why this couldn't have been told in 5 chapters. But hey, at least we got a creepy bathing session with his hot mother and some super creepy loli sex tease. I bet it was worth it.
Sometimes I wonder if Wiseblade and upandaway are the same guy
Magi 182
lol Alibaba. And why a month break?
Edit: Oh Sinbad side-story will begin next week. Thats better.
Next issue, Colossal, yes. But not next week.
Yeah it's not Golden Week yet...it's Mario week!!!! Thank you Kishi
Another week of garbage. This really has turned into shounen tripe. Page after page after page of pointless stuff. Random explosions, dudes posing, glamour shots, dramatic faces, zero story content. In the last 10+ chapters, there's been maybe 1 chapter with actual story, and the rest were just shounen Michael Bay nonsense. Except Michael Bay can direct movies, and Magi's action is just mostly rubbish.
Glad this is taking a break. After reading 10+ chapters of Silver Spoon, it just makes it all more obvious how terrible the pacing of Magi is right now. The manga was better when it was about people talking, instead of 15 pages of KABOOOOOOOM + AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH + YOOOOOOOOOOOOOU + NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO + BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAST + BADABOOOOOOOOOOOM etc every week. How the author reflects on where the series is going before it's too late to salvage it from being the next Bleach.
Its a war arc. Not sure if we could expect something else besides a lot of action.
Go read 7 Seeds.
Horimiya 20
Oh my.
Maybe, possibly, perhaps some sort of development between these two???
Ugggggghhhhhhh i want more chapters
Horimiya 20
Oh my.
Maybe, possibly, perhaps some sort of development between these two???
Ugggggghhhhhhh i want more chapters
If by development you mean an excuse to make things akward for a couple of chapters before things return to normal, then probably.
Well he pretty muchand now she's aware of it. It's small but I'll take what I can get!confessed
But yeah I'm sure they'll keep tip-toeing around that for a few chapters before actually dealing with it.