Did some reading between yesterday and today:
Ousama Game Volume 1
The king game wreaking havoc in a class can be an interesting premise and here it seems used well enough, at least initially. By the end of the volume though I was questioning people's thinking ability.
As soon as things start getting serious and classmates dieing, I would have expected the MC to go to the police, but he waits until the fourth death or so. Naturally, no one there believes him, or the manga wouldn't keep going.
I didn't really like the way the first volume ended, since main dude will have to decide between keeping his best friend alive by letting him fuck his girlfriend or saving his girlfriend and letting his best friend die, but I'm curious to see how it'll develop.
I'm considering grabbing the novel as well.
Adekan volume 1
Despite what one could think, this is a shojo and actually pretty intriguing. The art is fantastic (despite a certain lack of backgrounds here and there, since the focus is a lot on the characters) and the story seems to alternate well the serious and comedic parts, with a bit of out of character citations (like the Super Sayian stuff).
The chemistry between Shiro and Kojiro is quite nice and the way the author toys with them through yaoi undertones has even me interested (mostly it's because of the art that has Shiro look so slender and girl looking).
Shiro's brother doesn't spell anything good and I'm curious to see more about what happened between them.
Rain volume 6
More hints about some linked relationship between Rain and the Princess (now Queen) but nothing really concrete still is revealed, though the end of the volume seems to promise something happening next volume.
Shafir's change redeemed him and while I would have preferred that with his change would have been enough to redeem him, he decided that at that point, the only right thing to do was fight. His death by Rain's hand was honorable and had him go off like a knight should.
The World God Only Knows volume 13
Hectic volume, with Keima on the offensive to save Kanon. I can't help but laughing my ass off when Keima gets abused and at the same time respect him for his conquests plans.
I wish he'd try to conquer the teacher, which is the hottest woman in the manga.
Special mention for Elsie, that is quite funny even as Kanon's double.
Ilegenes volume 3
It seems like every other man wants to get into Fon's pants. Even Es, Janis' clone.
The plot has taken an even deeper political turn, with the formation of an anti-government group to help root out the corruption that's been plaguing the people in power.
Seeing Jack trying to help/shield Fon from harming his own self through his rash actions dictated by his thirst for revenge has him almost seem in love with Fon.
Nicolas back story explains a bit of why he doesn't like the Ilegenes government, but it also made me wonder how they got their hands on his sister's genes.
Ism/i volume 2
This was weird. I understood very little of what was said while they were talking of miracles, heretics, double personality and a lot of other stuff. But the Woman the protagonists were after did all she did in order to get the girl she was in love with to live once again and that was enough for me to forgive her. She and her lover died, but not before her lover woke up from her death state, giving a sense of fulfillment to what she was trying to achieve.
Confusing as fuck, but pretty.
OZ volume 4
Tinman is a piece of shit. Using people and then throwing them away like it's nothing.
The story so far has been a bit too lacking in giving the right amount of explanations imho while still introducing new characters and hinting at stuff as we're getting closer to the end.
So far it would seem that Dorothy is like a computer program or a very advanced A.I. or something, though I don't understand why she disappeared by the end of the volume.