did the Part 4 translation improve?
I think everything but the final volume has been retranslated.
However the quality of Duwang is grossly misinterpreted. Only the first few volumes are really bad (My name is Guangi Kuangli etc). The rest is pretty serviceable, at the end it's pretty fine, it even has a certain charm to it, some JoJo fans would say it's a "rite of passage" of some sort but I wouldn't go that far. Duwang is better then the current Part 5 scans, which act like they are getting everything right but are actually just straight up fucking lying (this is where the utter confusion of King Crimson comes from.)
I read Duwang all the way through and I still really like Part 4 anyway. It gets everything basic conveyed like character and Stand powers. That's more then you can say about the Part 5 translations