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Manga News/Discussion |OTY| Creatively Bankrupt

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What's that? Looks interesting.

Strong and Cool? What kinda girl do you like?

Can't tell if title or tagline
It's the title ("do you like cool and strong girls"), I saw the name tsuyojoshi before, I think that's the short name for it but could be wrong

Yeah googling tsuyojoshi gives this manga


Baito Saki wa "Aku no Soshiki"?! 1-5

High schooler joins an evil organization Antares to get money for his orphan family. Poor dude starts getting treated like a father by the other orphans just because he's bringing home money. I can see his mind aging rapidly by the second!

Antares seems like a good employer so far given the unavoidable the job hazard. I want to see the heroes get rekt, the people in that sentai team really don't strike me as virtuous or even likeable individuals, yet as "heroes" they get to ride the high horse. There are apparently other heroes too in this city.

Sort of spoiled by the 1st chapter character synopsis pages, I'm pretty sure
the motherly orphan girl is a superhero who's yet to appear.
This'll be an interesting conflict


Huge Nickleback Fan
Redemption or growing up tales are always welcome in my books. Monster x Monster is gradually transcending to something I like.

Agree, i really like from zero to hero story, especially if the character is not teen, but in the mid twenties or even in their forties. Make you believe that there's no such thing as too late.

Prison School 173

lol this entire chapter is so good. Just the imagery of PBR and Medusa talking then Kiyoshi and Medusa, lol.

But seriously, that girl ain't right.


Ah good, so my work was already done!
Part of the fun of KNIM is reading people reactions to it.

Two years ago?
You probably have some 5 chapters to catch up with!....


But yes, Kingdom is a good series, thought outside of the violence I don't find it too similar to Berserk, its really more of a shounen, to a negative point in my view. But a good series none the less.

You two are crazy, your English is more than fine.

Hypest politics manga as well!

I wish, if that was the case I'd be morally obligated to go.
Even something along the lines of 1000 yen would had been an acceptable price to go and check it out, 2500 is "I could buy a game/figure with that" money.

Thanks :)
oh and for that event
I'll sponsor your encounter with Mizuryu Kei. Just give me a paypal and I'll send 2500 yen your way.
This could be the life-changing experience passing you by. And an occasion to get a dope autograph from the maestro!

You're the best

Sangokushi v1

Only one volume in and I can already start to feel the heart-pounding passion Gakuto feels about ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS.

So this is the source of Gakuto 3 kingdom imagination.

Reading Boku no Hero...

Can't really seem to remember reading a manga recently where a female character is legit strongest, not this kind-of-lame "oh she's strong because she tried her hardest but lose anyway lol."

Naruto? Nope. Bleach? It once had a potential with the Real Kenpachi but then of course she's succeeded by a man because we can't have a woman held the title of strongest of anything. One Piece? The women mostly served here just as fanservice.

Probably Full Metal Alchemist? The general lady was cool, as is the housewife. Let see, what else..... oh, Houshin Engi, that was also kind of cool with how strong Dakki is and how the last boss is a female, but even there the absolute strongest one amongst the "good guys" is a guy.


Prison School, vice prez unnerfed version is probably the strongest one and can easily beat the boys.

Lucifer and Biscuit Hammer i think Samidare is still the strongest by the end of the series (not counting defeat by the power of love)


It begins in the US training centre arc and things are really weird. One of the main elements of the arc is that there were only three people around that could speak Japanese and Maruo couldn't understand a word most people were saying.

But in the anime, it's never really addressed amd Maruo justseems like he's ignoring people or failing to understand simple language.


Welcome to animu, where foreigners speak in Japanese but Japanese characters hear it as a foreign language.
And vice versa.

Nodame Cantabile (live action version) nailed this in a funny way by showing a message basically saying "Yeah it's too bothersome to put subtitles so from now on the French characters will also speak in Japanese. Thanks!"


Welcome to animu, where foreigners speak in Japanese but Japanese characters hear it as a foreign language.
And vice versa.

Nodame Cantabile (live action version) nailed this in a funny way by showing a message basically saying "Yeah it's too bothersome to put subtitles so from now on the French characters will also speak in Japanese. Thanks!"
Yeah, but they could have at least allo allo'd it, or even had a throwaway line aying that they're all speaking english. As things stand, it just makes Maruo look stupid.


I love language things in anime, especially when they start fucking with the translation convention.

Remember when the Japanese girl who studied in Japan for a semester or something had way better crappy English than the actual American in Genshiken? Good times.


Inside Mari 47



kinda hope its the pathetic NEET

Peephole 67-68

Kinda hope they actually end this sooner than later but that dumb alphabet makes it look like it'll end once it reaches z ._.


Kingdoms 427

It was a nice touch up to have Ryo Fui respecting Sei's fortitude. That was similar to the wily old fox in Sanctuary.


Fuuka 56

That was a pretty good FU to Producer-san.

Also, Sara u jelly.

Shokugeki no Soma 113

That was a pretty good chapter. I'm expecting him not to win, but to hold his own.


The female lead from Psyren basically beasted everyone she went up against. Probably not legit strongest, but she was no one's second choice in a fight.

Also, Revvy in Black Lagoon, the Claymores in Claymore, Medaka from Medaka Box, the leads in Zettai Karen Children are god-tier, there's a bunch of bad-ass girls in manga and anime, they're just outnumbered by moe-blobs these days.

Also, the Vanadis in Madan no Ou to Vanadis


Domestic na Kanojo 34

Hina is such a nice person, first going after a married man and now going after the man she knows her sister likes.

Domestic na Kanojo 35.5

So I guess now that he's going to hit Hina the author felt like it was only fair to show us how it was with Ria even though it's completely irrelevant to the plot at this point.

Would this convince you to go? (NSFW Twitter)

Don't force yourself to go if you really don't want to.

Well, that makes a pretty compelling arguement eithr way.

I'll sponsor your encounter with Mizuryu Kei. Just give me a paypal and I'll send 2500 yen your way.
This could be the life-changing experience passing you by. And an occasion to get a dope autograph from the maestro!

Wow, are you serious?
That would be ridiculously generous of you, I'd feel bad, but I might very well take you up on the offer.

Someone might want to ask Mizuryu (NSFW twitter) if he'll be signing stuff or not at the event though.

7 Seeds 1

Premise is interesting, but the characters don't leave the best first impression, I have to say. We've got mean guy, nice guy, uber-shy girl, and ... other person. Knowing the good reputation this manga has, however, I will continue on. There's got to be more development coming down the line.

I think it's fair to say it has a slow start, but keep with it and it will pay off.
Welcome to animu, where foreigners speak in Japanese but Japanese characters hear it as a foreign language.
And vice versa.

Nodame Cantabile (live action version) nailed this in a funny way by showing a message basically saying "Yeah it's too bothersome to put subtitles so from now on the French characters will also speak in Japanese. Thanks!"

The ones I watch get great americans and also the jpn actors speak good english.


Domestic na Kanojo 34

Hina is such a nice person, first going after a married man and now going after the man she knows her sister likes.

Domestic na Kanojo 35.5

So I guess now that he's going to hit Hina the author felt like it was only fair to show us how it was with Ria even though it's completely irrelevant to the plot at this point.

It's probably better for Rui at this point if Hina "steals" Natsuo from her. Being rejected is a better outcome than being used as a Hina replacement.



Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Wow that's a shocker, the thread that is interesting in literally anything yuri is interested in something that looks like yuri


Wow that's a shocker, the thread that is interesting in literally anything yuri is interested in something that looks like yuri

Yeah, there are series like Love/Death that look interesting, but half of them all look the same.

Although I feel the same way about pretty much every Shounen Jump action series, so that's probably just the attitude people have towards genres they aren't usually interested in.


It's probably better for Rui at this point if Hina "steals" Natsuo from her. Being rejected is a better outcome than being used as a Hina replacement.

If it was someone else I'd agree, but her own sister?
That will not just destroy Rui relationship with Natsu, but with Hina as well when she finds out (which she will).
It's honestly a worst case scenario for Rui, and yet Hina just doesn't show any kind of care or worry about doing this to her sister.

She's truly an awful person.

I want a Pokémon manga drawn by Asano.
That sounds like it'd be an extremely depressing Manga waiting to happen.
But I'd read anything by Asano.


If it was someone else I'd agree, but her own sister?
That wikl not just destroy Rui relationship with Natsu, but with
Hina as well when she finds out (which she will).
It's honestly a worst case scenario for Rui and yrt Hina just doesn't show any kind of care or worry about doing this to her sister.

I meant better for Rui to have an instant heartbreak, not better for Hina's relationship with her.

Let's assume hypothetically that Hina shuts him down, and he continues dating Rui. How do you think Rui would react after finding out that Natsuo was in love with Hina from the very beginning? And Hina knew that he was in love with her the whole time, but didn't let Rui know about it. I don't think that situation would end any better for any of them.

The only outcome that probably wouldn't cause a drama nuke between Hina and Rui is if Hina immediately tells Rui that Natsuo is in love with her and is actively thirsty towards her, and that none of the three should be in a relationship together. Although that will still at least cause a drama bomb.

PK Gaming

Reading Boku no Hero...

Can't really seem to remember reading a manga recently where a female character is legit strongest, not this kind-of-lame "oh she's strong because she tried her hardest but lose anyway lol."

Naruto? Nope. Bleach? It once had a potential with the Real Kenpachi but then of course she's succeeded by a man because we can't have a woman held the title of strongest of anything. One Piece? The women mostly served here just as fanservice.

Probably Full Metal Alchemist? The general lady was cool, as is the housewife. Let see, what else..... oh, Houshin Engi, that was also kind of cool with how strong Dakki is and how the last boss is a female, but even there the absolute strongest one amongst the "good guys" is a guy.


Sounds like you need to read Binbougami ga!


She's the main character too.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Seems like it's a fitness-oriented gag series? Here's hoping it'll get some translations soon~

It looks like its about a girl aspiring to be get built like a professional wrestler given the wrestling championship belt. *shrug* I'm pretty sure that cover picture is a before and after of the same girl...


I meant better for Rui to have an instant heartbreak, not better for Hina's relationship with her.

Let's assume hypothetically that Hina shuts him down, and he continues dating Rui. How do you think Rui would react after finding out that Natsuo was in love with Hina from the very beginning? And Hina knew that he was in love with her the whole time, but didn't let Rui know about it. I don't think that situation would end any better for any of them.

The only outcome that probably wouldn't cause a drama nuke between Hina and Rui is if Hina immediately tells Rui that Natsuo is in love with her and is actively thirsty towards her, and that none of the three should be in a relationship together. Although that will still at least cause a drama bomb.

That's why I said I'd agree if it was someone else, such as book club girl stealing Natsu away.

I absolutely agree that Natsu using her as a replacement would be am awful situation for her to be in, but her sister going behind her back to steal the guy she likes... That would destroy any trust Rui could have on Hina from this point on, I just can't see how Rui could trust Hina again after that.
And considering that they're family that would have some really bad long lasting effects on the entire family.

They're in a situation where any outcome would result drama, at best the drama can be minimized, but Hina actions (alongside Natsu obviously) will result in the exact opposite.


Keijo ch26

Sadako's grudge!

Keijo ch26.5

What a nice granddaughter~

The assistants' versions of Nozomi are all pretty nice.


Bradherley no Basha
This was recommended to me because I really like Horror manga. It wasn't Horror, though. It was really disappointing. Depressing and sometimes disgusting. The way the author depicted the women as so helpless and never able to live happily, while all the men are either evil, unable to help the women, or they're rationalized rapists. Awful. The art is pretty good, but beyond that, I didn't enjoy this.


Reading Boku no Hero...

Can't really seem to remember reading a manga recently where a female character is legit strongest, not this kind-of-lame "oh she's strong because she tried her hardest but lose anyway lol."

Naruto? Nope. Bleach? It once had a potential with the Real Kenpachi but then of course she's succeeded by a man because we can't have a woman held the title of strongest of anything. One Piece? The women mostly served here just as fanservice.

Probably Full Metal Alchemist? The general lady was cool, as is the housewife. Let see, what else..... oh, Houshin Engi, that was also kind of cool with how strong Dakki is and how the last boss is a female, but even there the absolute strongest one amongst the "good guys" is a guy.

You should read the Voynich Hotel!
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