I don't mind cop-outs, but I dislike it when the series tries to oversell the hype of it by reiterating that if 'situation X' happens, there's no turning back.
If you're not going to have the guts to land the killing blow, don't oversell it in the first place.
As much as I would like it to happen. It seems to me Ishida spend way too much time on Sasaki and his interactions with CCG and Q's to now just flush all that down the toilet. And Kaneki coming back would mean that as II don't see a viable and believable way for him to stick around.
Nisekoi Vol.09
I don't like Haru.
She just takes lol misunderstandings and drives them to an eleven. How is that any enjoyable? She should also stop being in windy locations or places with animals.
The race was pretty fun though.
The apparently widespread adoration for her mystifies me to no end.