Mmmmm, wrong.No
She doesn't read lewd manga like you
The first image in the manga has her read Futari Ecchi openly in the train. She's Super-Zweizer
Edit: beaten
Mmmmm, wrong.No
She doesn't read lewd manga like you
I beg to differ:
Mmmmm, wrong.
The first image in the manga has her read Futari Ecchi openly in the train. She's Super-Zweizer
Edit: beaten
Mmmmm, wrong.
The first image in the manga has her read Futari Ecchi openly in the train. She's Super-Zweizer
Edit: beaten
Let me retreat to little shame shell of mine
Pics or it didn't happenHey! I do read smutty stuff in public transport too! How is she more Zweizer than me?
Pics or it didn't happen
Hey! I do read smutty stuff in public transport too! How is she more Zweizer than me?
Reading with phone didnt count!
Everyone must able to see the smutty cover
It really isDoing it hidden is way more exciting!
Is this you? (censored nws)
Is this you? (censored nws)
Well this was quite a lot of fun. Much more than I was expecting after the disappointment that was Breaker. I think I tried to start this 2 or 3 times before but with this, completely new to me format, meh art and weird ass premise I always stopped during the first few chapters. But then I saw here some Rachel related posts a week or two ago, grit my teeth, persevered till the crown game and from then on, I was thoroughly hooked. The art thankfully, improves immensely during the duration of the series.
Rule would be to wear an avatar of the worst character!
Dude is using a bigass tablet and didn't check his surroundings. Amateur.
Doing it hidden is way more exciting!
Raku avatar's for everyone!
Using a bigass tablet is hard mode!
I just stick to my 7'' inches one.
I remember one of my friends pointing out women on the train in Japan using slip covers to hide that they were reading porn novels. Is it like that?
I remember one of my friends pointing out women on the train in Japan using slip covers to hide that they were reading porn novels. Is it like that?
Obviously it was too hard for an amateur like him!
Some people like to aim for the moon and then get burned, in this case by public shaming like the picture above.
Maybe he wanted to be caught though.
D Grayman lost me after a year or so into the story. The bad scanlations weren't helping either.
Why did it get moved to monthly again? I might try giving it another shot.
I'll never read lewd stuff in public, that's too shameless!
I occasionally checked certain eX site. Just checking for when I get home, nothing else.
I believe it had to do with some wrist problems and ink poisoning. Though the good think is that Hoshino is going digital rather than traditional which will help her from straining herself.
What's this now?
Shitoge avatar's for everyone!
Some Friends of mine told be to read the latest FT chapter even though I dropped it a few months ago
Fairy Tail 433 434
" One of the 15 Gods" (which was just likely just shoehorned in)
"Friendship power"
I can't
he has a talent for productivity I am sure but story-wise...Yeah, but you got to respect putting out double chapters. A lot lately and the art has not been suffering from it.
He want's to get done with FT already
he has a talent for productivity I am sure but story-wise...
the fact that the chapters start off with a coloured pinup cover of Juvia says things
Does this mean we're one step closer to Mashima's Seinen series?
I'm surprised Fairy Tail hasn't been changed to "Fairy Tail: Friendship is Magic"
I am glad I dropped this series
Some people trying to defend it by saying that well Natsu is E.N.D so this is needed since he will turn evil soon
Taking out the fact that other FT members defied logic on numerous occasions you can probably tell how Natsu is going to get defeated/return back to his normal self
via friendship screaming + a combo of ass and tits shots
that's the only reason i read fairy tail doe.
i mean, any other sane person would have dropped it after the 6th iteration of "EVIL GUILD with 3 male, 2 female heads who eventually turn good from an old fashioned beatdown while having lucy in various states of undress"
Well first time encountering a Frozen reference in shonen jump manga. I guess it was bound to happen at some point (Unless the non translated series had already done it).
Jeez that title is too fucking long. I should just call it "Dance Manga" or something.
maybe next week's new manga will be better.
Oh right, they're not including Lady Justice. Does anyone know the reason?
I have not seen the one-shot.
Though if it's a fanservice-based gag manga like E-Robot... yeah I can see why they wouldn't translate it.
The one shot was basically about howLady Justice, the strong super hero, loses her panties and is unable to stop criminals because she is embarrassed that she isn't wearing panties.
Honestly, I'm not shedding any tears they aren't picking it up.
Looks like Viz went with the more literal translation as Momiji Meet and Greet rather than being figurative like they were with the Fall classic
I find it unreasonably annoying they the official translation for Orihime talking to Chad is that she just calls him "Chad." His name is Yasutora Sado. Ichigo is just rude and calls him "Chad." It doesn't make sense that Orihime would call him by whatever rude name that Ichigo calls him.
Cat Wars 1
It's RoTK
Except with cats