I was thinking today whether Soma actually will beat Yugioh here. On the one hand, I think from a narrative standpoint, it would make more sense if he didn't, but from another view point, I feel like manga will never end if he's still a cooking genin by Chapter 200 or something.
Speaking of Part 7 of JoJo, does it ever pick up and start to become like the other parts (3-6 specifically)? I've been having a hard time getting into this one, mainly because of the throwback of setting, and the lack of focus so far on Stands compared to past parts. As much as I love Stone Ocean, I hate that it caused a reboot in universe of the series, all because the main JoJo of the series couldn't beat the main villian.
Domestic na Kanojo 51
Finally caught up. Fucking what? Why would you turn the comedy relief character into aThe fuck is happening?rapist?
since i dont follow nisekoi
whatever ended up happening with marika's illness?
*1. 583,208 *,585,272 Ao Haru Ride Vol.13
*2. 339,249 *,339,249 Kuroshitsuji Vol.21
*3. 183,830 *,183,830 Horimiya Vol.7
*4. 115,567 *,460,860 Terra Formars Vol.13
*5. 111,223 *,218,868 Hoozuki no Reitetsu Vol.18
*6. *90,353 *,*90,520 Nijiiro Days Vol.9
*7. *72,788 *,*72,788 I Am a Hero Vol.17
*8. *63,221 *,144,579 Historie Vol.9
*9. *56,792 *,370,961 Fairy Tail Vol.49
10. *53,323 *,*94,278 Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge Vol.4
11. *52,763 *,*52,763 Tomehane!: Suzuri Koukou Shodou-bu Vol.14
12. *43,243 *,*43,409 Mei-chan no Shitsuji DX Vol.2
13. *37,624 *,*37,624 Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru Vol.14
14. *34,336 *,*46,665 Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha ViVid Vol.14
15. *33,404 *,793,255 Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Vol.14
16. *31,822 *,311,379 Barakamon Vol.11
17. *31,663 *,*47,969 Kuma Miko: Girl Meets Bear Vol.4
18. *30,490 *,*56,805 Gugure! Kokkuri-san Vol.9
19. *29,777 *,*29,777 Jisatsutou Vol.13
20. *28,092 *,*58,413 Houseki no Kuni Vol.4
21. *27,259 *,*97,145 Love So Life Vol.16
22. *26,638 *,*26,638 Kekkon Yubiwa Monogatari Vol.2
23. *26,338 *,750,623 Haikyuu!! Vol.16
24. *26,068 *,*34,813 Kidou Senshi Gundam: Gyakushuu no Char - Beltorchika's Children Vol.2
25. *25,068 1,614,232 Shingeki no Kyojin Vol.16
26. *22,878 *,*22,878 Donten ni Warau Gaiden Vol.1
27. *22,358 *,*22,358 Übel Blatt Vol.17
28. *21,159 *,*23,518 Kainushi Juujin to Pet Joshikousei Vol.1
29. *20,902 *,461,976 Natsume Yuujinchou Vol.19
30. *20,730 *,*20,730 Touken Ranbu Online Anthology: Uijin
31. *20,488 *,*27,359 Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn -Bande Dessinee- Vol.13
32. *20,339 *,193,800 Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso Vol.11
33. *20,300 *,*20,300 Cardcaptor Sakura Vol.5 Nakayoshi Magazine 60th Anniversary Edition
34. *19,984 *,*19,984 Cardcaptor Sakura Vol.6 Nakayoshi Magazine 60th Anniversary Edition
35. *19,741 *,*19,741 Yuyushiki Vol.7
36. *19,694 *,*38,162 Fukigen na Mononokean Vol.4
37. *19,653 *,*19,653 Haru x Kiyo Vol.6
38. *19,532 *,*19,532 Mata Ashita Vol.1
39. *19,516 *,*36,701 Gugure! Shigaraki-san: Gugure! Kokkuri-san Shigaraki Ojiisan Spin-off Vol.2
40. *19,262 *,*19,262 Akazukin Chacha N Vol.2
41. *19,113 *,*19,113 Asahinagu Vol.15
42. *19,003 2,775,450 One Piece Vol.77
43. *18,676 *,*18,876 Fukigen Kareshi no Nadamekata
44. *18,626 *,*18,626 Koi to Kemono to Seitokai Vol.1
45. *18,586 *,*24,908 The Super Dimensional Fortress Macross - The First Vol.6
46. *18,563 *,*18,563 Mogura no Uta Vol.45
47. *18,552 *,123,009 Baby Steps Vol.35
48. *18,474 *,*18,474 Manga de Wakaru Shinryou Naika Vol.13
49. *18,262 *,*25,493 Tokyo ESP Vol.13
50. *18,151 *,175,118 Kingdom Vol.1
Shokugeki no Soma poll results
1. Soma
3. Takumi
4. Tadokoro
5. Hisako
6. Alice
7. Shinomiya
8. Hayama
10. Isshiki
Congrats to Soma for making that comeback and retaining the #1 spot.
And congrats to Erina for still being the most popular girl in the series.
Shokugeki no Soma poll results
1. Soma
2. Erina
3. Takumi
4. Tadokoro
5. Hisako
6. Alice
7. Shinomiya
8. Hayama
9. Nikumi
10. Isshiki
Congrats to Soma for making that comeback and retaining the #1 spot.
And congrats to Erina for still being the most popular girl in the series.
Shokugeki no Soma poll results
1. Soma
2. Erina
3. Takumi
4. Tadokoro
5. Hisako
6. Alice
7. Shinomiya
8. Hayama
9. Nikumi
10. Isshiki
Congrats to Soma for making that comeback and retaining the #1 spot.
And congrats to Erina for still being the most popular girl in the series.
I didn't expect Hisako to be that high, but good!
Bit shocked Nikumi only went for 9th though.
That poll. You're slipping Tadokoro. I'm really surprised that Takumi has such a following though.
That poll. You're slipping Tadokoro. I'm really surprised that Takumi has such a following though.
Pretty cool, huh?
this is the top-10 seat placement for when soma graduates confirmed
Nevermind I like the places this went ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Prison school 1 - 178
Since everyone's reading it I thought I might as well. This is now my new favorite guilty pleasure. Horribly perverted, pretty sure the author wants to give each kink it's fair shake, but god damn I haven't laughed so hard in awhile. Nor have I been so weirdly invested in a group of characters. Also, weird well written? I feel like the arcs have all played out in super weird yet clever ways.
Hana is the best girl.
Underground Student Council is old and busted. Above ground is new hotness, except for the fact...
Hana is the best girl. I haven't rooted for a ship this hard in awhile. Thanks for getting me into this Gaf
Prison school 1 - 178
Since everyone's reading it I thought I might as well. This is now my new favorite guilty pleasure. Horribly perverted, pretty sure the author wants to give each kink it's fair shake, but god damn I haven't laughed so hard in awhile. Nor have I been so weirdly invested in a group of characters. Also, weird well written? I feel like the arcs have all played out in super weird yet clever ways.
Hana is the best girl.
Underground Student Council is old and busted. Above ground is new hotness, except for the fact...
Hana is the best girl. I haven't rooted for a ship this hard in awhile. Thanks for getting me into this Gaf
Prison school 1 - 178
Since everyone's reading it I thought I might as well. This is now my new favorite guilty pleasure. Horribly perverted, pretty sure the author wants to give each kink it's fair shake, but god damn I haven't laughed so hard in awhile. Nor have I been so weirdly invested in a group of characters. Also, weird well written? I feel like the arcs have all played out in super weird yet clever ways.
Hana is the best girl.
Underground Student Council is old and busted. Above ground is new hotness, except for the fact...
Hana is the best girl. I haven't rooted for a ship this hard in awhile. Thanks for getting me into this Gaf