One Piece
And to think I actually had hopes for Rebecca actually being a decent female fighter. Her introduction of using Haki to fight in a somewhat unique way had potential, but she's basically just turned into another useless "Oh, I need a strong man to save me" female caricature. I hate how women are generally portrayed in One Piece... Even Nami and Robin are pretty much relegated to "fodder cleanup", while the men get the real fights. It's easily the most frustrating thing about OP, which is so sad since it is my favorite manga series.
And am I the only one that wonders why Doflamingo never used his Parasite ability on Luffy or Law not once during their fight? I was interested in seeing how Luffy would overcome such an ability, but it looks like Oda himself realized how overpowered it is and relegated it's use to situations like Rebecca/Viola. Also, big shocker about no chapter next week, although I had hoped that Oda would have pushed through until the conclusion before taking another break.