Laughing Banana
Weeping Pickle
Actually you are thinking of Tien and Chaotzu lol. Nappa punching off Tien's arm is still awesome to this day.
Wow Juubito is go powerful as expected. Seems that he doesn't have full mental control though. I would be impressed by him taking out the kages if it wasn't for the fact that they are regenerating zombies but it was rather quick how he took them out. Madara of course has that Black Zetsu trump card to pull.
I can see it already, everyone pools their chakra to Naruto and makes him a Pseudo Juubi jinchurikki to fight Juubito.
Slow chapter with no Ichigo or Uryu.But it was nice seeing all the side characters as things are moving forward.
Isshin please be active in the war along with Ryuken! Then again someone needs to keep Karin and Yuzu along with Karakura safe as only them 2 and (Yoruichi?) are left. Along with the Urahara shop gang.
Rukia and Renji sparring and training is a nice start. Byakuya alive and moving around naked will add to Bleach's ranking next week thanks to fangirls and boys. lol ^_^
Curious that Senjumaru doesn't have a trial and is really all about measuring clothes and lengths lol. BTW lots of different types of clothes including animal skin, PETA won't be happy.
LMAO Senjumaru actually threatening to castrate Renji if he didn't get naked.
Also Rukia lol!
Hiyori and gang seem to be doing well. Guess they chased off whoever came out of the portal or it was a friend. They do have hollow powers... Nice to see them doing something though, although isn't it dangerous to try and close the distortion?
Also I just realized that a shit load of souls must have been obliterated by the Quincy! The Soul King must not be happy about this.
Keigo's new hair still surprises me to this day. Seems like the last half a chapter and this chapter is all tying up loose ends. Mizuiro is crazy good at remembering people and picking apart the details. O_O!
But WOW Kyoraku the CC himself appeared to let Ichigo's friends know that he is going to part from them. Thats crazy and has huge implications!
Does Soul Society want Ichigo to become a Captain with 8th division empty? Is it the Soul King who wants Ichigo as a Royal Guard! So exciting to think of the possibilities!
One Piece My reactions as I read the chapter
ROFLMAO Dat terrible art Sunny and the Sunny's current crew.
Rebecca and that dad of hers, dunno where Oda is going with this.
Belemy is in a tough spot as he is kinda screwed if he attempts to kill Luffy lol.
Bart actually knows Luffy?
Luffy had a lot of fun with Ucy.
Fuck you Hajrudin! Go die, you are on my shit list with Blackbeard!
Yeah Luffy punch that bastard to death!
..........Why do I get a rather strong Dedication to Light's vibe from this post?
And bloody hell man, I added you to my FC for a long while now but you still haven't responded ;____________;