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March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Big Shoes Mean Big Appetites

Damn what an incredible writeup. Some of these guys I remember.

But to show you how out of it I am thought John Cena was some beloved by both the crowd and wrestling enthusiasts guy.

And the Rock I understand but why are some of the other guys part time guys? Grueling road schedule?

Does Stone Cold sometimes show up still?

Jericho is a TV presenter and has a band. He commits time to both these as well as WWE. He wrestles a decent amount when he can, but is not afraid to take month (or year) long breaks.

HHH is close to retiring. He is legitimately married Stephanie McMahon. They both do backstage and office work now. HHH commits time to that more than wrestling now. He is doing some good work getting indie talent to sign with the company which will help the company in future years.

Brock's contract is only for him to work a few days a year. He is loaded and does not need to do anymore than that.

Stone Cold shows up a few times, but has been away a good length of time now - almost 2 years. He has had ongoing neck problems since about 2003, which limits him getting highly involved in actual matches. These is talk of him coming back for a one of match with Punk - that might be WM30
It might sell more copies than the Brandon Walker 3 disc DVD set.
I'm still waiting for it to release.

Maryse would forgive you. Well, if she weren't engaged to the MUST-SEE WWE SUPERSTAR OF THE MODERN ERA..."THE NATURAL GUY" MIKE MIZANIN. BECAUSE HE'S THE MIZ...



I came to play...
This is straight up Ice Cold.

Hulu Plus has the entire NXT Redemption run. It might be the only marathon of wrestling worse than watching WCW 2000.
So what you're trying to say is Strobogo should give it the WCW revisit treatment one day in the future.


I think you're playing up HHH's in ring too much. He's had I think 5 matches since 2010. 3 of which were in 2011. Including a ladder match with Kevin Nash.
It is not just the dancing, Emma's whole clumsy/awkward gimmick is the best think on TV now.





Although the dancing is great...


shes adorable. what does NXT come out on?? you guys are always talking about it and i have no idea where to catch it at
Classic Match of the Day:

Tatsumi Fujinami vs Vader - IWGP Heavyweight Title Tournament Semi-Final - (NJPW 04/24/89)

Great match here as Tatsumi Fujinami discovers that vacating his IWGP Heavyweight Title to put it up for grabs in a tournament may not have been the best idea when his opponent is Big Van Vader. They start things out slowly, but Vader's sheer power puts him firmly in control. The crowd are hot for this one and the sound is great as Vader lets out a gutteral scream before levelling Fujinami with a lariat. Vader wrenches in a headlock, but Fujinami manages a backdrop out of nowhere, though Vader's only down for a second and Fujinami's kicks don't seem to phase him. Eventually, Fujinami scores with another backdrop and a dropkick to send Vader to the floor! He tries to follow up with a suicide dive, but Vader sits back down before rolling in the ring. They lock up, which proves not to be the best stategy for Fujinami as Vader uses his size to pull him down to the mat. Vader works over the arm before powering Fujinami into the corner to hit some body blows, but Fujinami strikes back with palm strikes that stagger the big man! Seeing his oppertunity, Fujinami goes straight after the arm, doing everything he can to submit the monster, but Vader powers out and just slams him to the mat! Vader runs him into the rope and bodychecks him, but when he goes for it again Fujinami scores with a Japanese-style armdrag and transitions smoothly into an armbar! Vader makes it to the ropes and starts throwing fists. He goes for a vertical suplex, but Fujinami floats over and hits an awesome backdrop for a 2-count! The finishing stretch of this one is electric, as Vader realises he has to bring out the big guns to put Fujinami away before he can do any more damage to his arm, while Fujinami tries desperately to lock in that Fujiwara armbar submission. Very nice touch right at the end as Fujinami puts the armbar on the wrong arm, allowing Vader to make it to the ropes and, ultimately, pick up the victory.

Here's the playlist of other classic matches so far;


  • Nobuhiko Takada vs Bob Backlund - (UWF 12/22/88)
  • Antonio Inoki, Riki Choshu & Kantaro Hoshino vs Dick Murdoch, Bob Orton Jr. & Scott Hall - (NJPW 11/17/88)
  • Billy Robinson vs Nick Bockwinkel - (AJPW 12/11/80)
  • Bob Backlund (c) vs Stan Hansen - WWF Heavyweight Title - (NJPW 09/30/80)
  • Tatsumi Fujinami (c) vs Tony Rocco - WWF Light Heavyweight Title - (NJPW 09/11/80)
  • Takako Inoue vs Kyoko Inoue - (AJW 01/24/93)
  • Tiger Mask (c) vs Bret Hart - WWF Light Heavyweight Title - (NJPW 02/05/82)
  • Stan Hansen vs Andre the Giant - (NJPW 09/23/81)
  • Mitsuharu Misawa & Kenta Kobashi vs Toshiaki Kawada & Akira Taue - Real World Tag League FINAL - (AJPW 12/03/93)
  • Jumbo Tsuruta & Tiger Mask II (c) vs Stan Hansen & Ted DiBiase - PWF World Tag Team Championship - (AJPW 11/07/87)
  • Keiji Mutoh (c) vs Nobuhiko Takada - IWGP Heavyweight Title - (NJPW 10/09/95)
  • Aja Kong (c) vs Dynamite Kansai - WWWA Title Match - (AJW 08/25/93)
  • Naoki Sano vs Masakatsu Funaki - (SWS 04/01/91)
  • Koji Kanemoto (c) vs Jushin 'Thunder' Liger - IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title - (NJPW 01/04/96)
  • Nick Bockwinkel (c) vs Jumbo Tsuruta (c) - AWA Heavyweight Title & NWA United International Title - (AJPW 02/23/84)
  • Terry Funk vs Stan Hansen - (AJPW 04/14/83)
  • Jushin 'Thunder' Liger vs El Samurai - Top of the Super Jr's III FINAL - (NJPW 04/30/92)
  • Genichiro Tenryu vs Yoshiaki Fujiwara - (WAR 11/27/97)

I've said it before and walked away unscathed. WCW fuckin' sucked. And no amount of "vicious and squishish" or whatever by Sunflower can convince me otherwise.

WCW in the 90s was all about the cruiserweights and a few awesome mid-card characters. Everything else sucked.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
WCW in the 90s was all about the cruiserweights and a few awesome mid-card characters. Everything else sucked.

Like Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton, who went on to bigger and better things. VICIOUS AND DELICIOUS

Also early 90s WCW was neat but way different than late. VADER's monster run! International talent!

WCW never gets enough credit.



I've said it before and walked away unscathed. WCW fuckin' sucked. And no amount of "vicious and squishish" or whatever by Sunflower can convince me otherwise.

He's been tapping that for months. They are currently engaged to be married.

WCW didn't always suck. 1991-Spring of 1994 was mostly awesome. The midcard was some of the best shit ever from 1996-early 1999.

The Dangerous Alliance, Dustin Rhodes vs Studd's Stable , Vader, Sting, Barry Windham before his knee exploded, Brain Pillman before his ankles exploded, Steve Austin before his knees and neck exploded, Ricky Steamboat, Cactus Jack before his whole body exploded, Steiners at their athletic peaks (and freaks! HOLLARRR!!!).

Then Rey, Dean, Benoit, Eddie, Jericho, KANYON, Saturn, Raven, La Parka, Norman Smiley, Kidman, Goldberg, random lucha dudes, random Japanese dudes, completely bizarre "how did this guy get hired" guys like Jerry Flynn and awesome jobbers like The Gambler. Plus you never knew when you'd get a completely random and out of the blue territory guy on Nitro against someone who there is no way he would work well with. The randomness of the WCW midcard around 1997-1998 was so great.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
WCW didn't always suck. 1991-Spring of 1994 was mostly awesome. The midcard was some of the best shit ever from 1996-early 1999.

You're the man right there. The undercard of WCW from 95 on was magical. The main event cards from 90-95 was great.


So not worth it
Like Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton, who went on to bigger and better things. VICIOUS AND DELICIOUS

Also early 90s WCW was neat but way different than late. VADER's monster run! International talent!

WCW never gets enough credit.


WCW was awesome. It was.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Sad @ Bootaaay throwing WCW under the bus considering how much of a cultural impact it had bringing more diverse styles of wrestling to America. WWF sure as hell wasn't doing it Boots! Lucha, Japan, traditional, British - WCW truly had it all, and they all worked together. What a great promotion it was.
Did actually see a good Shooting Star Press last page? Man.

Paul London's always had an excellent-looking SSP. Bourne's is probably crisper, but it doesn't have the same quick rotation as Paul's.

Also, seeing Paul London's SSP makes me think that more high-flyers should concentrate on making one flip look really good, rather than go all crazy and try for shit like this in every match;


Sunflower said:
Sad @ Bootaaay throwing WCW under the bus considering how much of a cultural impact it had bringing more diverse styles of wrestling to America. WWF sure as hell wasn't doing it Boots! Lucha, Japan, traditional, British - WCW truly had it all, and they all worked together. What a great promotion it was.

I should have said late-90's WCW, as the only real problem I had with early-90s WCW at the time was that the presentation often felt rather dry. It's without question that when WCW was trying to put on a wrestling program first and foremost, they kicked Vince's ass at it, but when both promotions switched their focus to entertainment I found myself watching WWF a whole lot more. But, of course, even when WCW was the shits, there was still something to enjoy and, for me, that was their great use of international talent - I'm sure I've bemoaned on here more than once the fact that Vince has never taken the same approach to foreign talent as WCW did, because I'd love to see a WWE that acknowledged a world of wrestling outside their precious 'Universe'.


[late] The Rock still has an insanely electrifying presence that brings the best in THE PEOPLE. Other superstars have a hard time coming close.

DmC is awesome

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Late 90s WCW positives and negatives

+ International talent THAT GOT ACTUAL STORIES
+ Decent drawing power of main events
+ Crowd was hot. Hot!
+ Well worked matches by workers at the midcard level who wanted to prove themselves
+ Weird WWF vs WCW style of taking jabs at each other that sometimes amounted in some true hilarity

- Main event WRESTLING was not that great
- Wolfpac signaled the end of the nWo and the lack of depth
- Konnan
I'd mark for the music. Such a great theme.
Shamrock and Blackman had such memorable themes.
Forever a Jerry Flynn mark.
He is who I immediately think of whenever dream mentions "broken down, drug-addicted conmen."
now take back those mean words you said about DmC, because it is wonderful
DmC isn't even in the same league as MGR. It isn't even qualified to open the case for me.
Well, I can officially never say a bad thing about Miz ever again
Doesn't stop that mean ol' Keyser. :mad:


Late 90s WCW positives and negatives

+ International talent THAT GOT ACTUAL STORIES
+ Decent drawing power of main events
+ Crowd was hot. Hot!
+ Well worked matches by workers at the midcard level who wanted to prove themselves
+ Weird WWF vs WCW style of taking jabs at each other that sometimes amounted in some true hilarity

- Main event WRESTLING was not that great
- Wolfpac signaled the end of the nWo and the lack of depth
- Konnan

I 100% endorse this

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
DmC isn't even in the same league as MGR. It isn't even qualified to open the case for me.

MGR never clicked with me, made me sad. Sure felt uninspired :( DmC took a more simplistic approach and leaned hard on its art style and world far more than MGR did, but it was easier for me to absorb and be a part of.


MGR never clicked with me, made me sad. Sure felt uninspired :( DmC took a more simplistic approach and leaned hard on its art style and world far more than MGR did, but it was easier for me to absorb and be a part of.

-Sigh- I'm trying so hard not to derail this thread.

-Sigh- I'm trying so hard not to derail this thread.


It's okay. I got this.

MGR is amazing. Great and excellent. DmC is a fun game but there are other games out there that do what DmC is trying to do and does it better.

MGR being one of them.



Almost every star WWE had from 1990 to 2003ish were WCW guys besides HBK, Harts, Rock, and Cener.

Taker, HHH, Austin, Foley, Vader, Goldust, MARK MERO, Hall, Nash, Big Shoe, Booker, Goldberg, Rey, Kidman, Hurricane, Regal, Benoit, Jericho, Eddie, Boss Man, Giant Gonzalez, Lex Luger, IRS, Steiners, Nasty Boys (but fuck the Nasty Boys). Plus a lot of non stars, but still, a huge chunk of their biggest guys in the past 15 years came from WCW.

MGR never clicked with me, made me sad. Sure felt uninspired :( DmC took a more simplistic approach and leaned hard on its art style and world far more than MGR did, but it was easier for me to absorb and be a part of.

Ugh, what the fuck man? You're making me question my loyalty to WCW and Batista with that shit.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
We go off the rails but always come back to where it all began:


It's okay. I got this.

MGR is amazing. Great and excellent. DmC is a fun game but there are other games out there that do what DmC is trying to do and does it better.

MGR being one of them.


lel if only that were right, MGR is for weeaboos so no wonder professor "beef" and "falling" edge like it, you must file the game box right next to your katana and kimonos

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'd eat that goddamn tower if it was made of icing.

Ugh, what the fuck man? You're making me question my loyalty to WCW and Batista with that shit.

What's popular is not always right. I'm justified and vindicated by being right.


Anyone who thinks MGR was anything less than balls out awesome is wrong and I question every decision they make in life going forward.
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