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March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Big Shoes Mean Big Appetites

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
So, I think mid 2000s is one of the greatest eras in wrestling history because of the explosion of the internet(for indy and puro) and the independent wrestling scene.

ROH was fucking awesome.
PWG was fucking awesome
IWA-MS was a lot better than it is now
Chikara was fucking awesome
Dragon Gate was fucking awesome
Kenta Kobashi was having his mega comeback of throwing fools

I'd easily put it side by side with the 'Attitude Era'


I remember when I used to watch Velocity and Kennedy/Anderson first showed up... thought he was awesome at the time, and loved when he got a decent push as part of the main roster.

WTF ever happened?!?

Kennedy got to TNA, saw that former WWE stars never got fired from there and got lazy.



TNA in Corpus Christi
Needs more dudley players

I play Dudley. *Glove bump*.....then again I play the entire roster besides Ibuki. But I do play Dudley the most.
Idk, Kennedy has to be the biggest implosion of "the next big star" in recent memory.

Drew McIntyre also comes to mind. Jack Swagger would also be in this list if it wasn't for his current run. Actually I'm sure he'll still make the list.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks again for the Mania stream. It was very distracting. My favorite wrestling periods were WWF 1984-1995 and WCW 1993-1998. I still watch classic wrestling but have a hard time sitting through current WWE or TNA. I am trying to catch up on older NWA/WCW and AWA. Luckily for people like me wrestling produces so much content that I don't have to ready my veins for the new stuff when I need my fix.

Fave Five. Eh, I am terrible at these. Too indecisive. Since WCW bashing seems to be fashionable here I will pull my Five out of the pocket of my mohair bell-bottoms.

N Dubya O


Dubya C Dubya

Ultimo Dragon
La Parka
Booker T.

(List is subject to change, it was hard leaving out Hennig and Flair)

Something that may set myself apart....hmmm. Here are some random wrestling opinions that may not go over here.

The Attitude era was awful and has aged like milk that has been under the sun for a decade.

I would take WCW's toilet bowl swirling 1999 over WWF's 1999.

Austin was overrated. (His matches with Bret were good though)

I fail to see how all of these are fucked. Are they talking about the booking, the quality of the matches, or both? Because not all of those hit all three pegs.

Welcome! Thanks for taking the time to do a Fave Five, and I hope to see more from you in the future, especially with such a bitchin username/av combo. And yeah, WCW's 99 is better than WWE's :p
Hernandez had a pretty cool spot where he had Kaz up on one shoulder, Daniels on the other, before dropping them to the mat. Still, I can't watch a Hernandez match without thinking he's about to injure someone every time he's in the ring.

So, I think mid 2000s is one of the greatest eras in wrestling history because of the explosion of the internet(for indy and puro) and the independent wrestling scene.

ROH was fucking awesome.
PWG was fucking awesome
IWA-MS was a lot better than it is now
Chikara was fucking awesome
Dragon Gate was fucking awesome
Kenta Kobashi was having his mega comeback of throwing fools

I'd easily put it side by side with the 'Attitude Era'

I'd mark 2004-2007 as the real boom period of indy wrestling and the best of that era, most of the companies that you listed were firing on all cylinders back then (even CZW), although it's different for each of them. I'd argue ROH's was 2004-2006, but NOAH's would be 2002-2005, etc. Definitely one of my favourite eras in wrestling and I know I wouldn't be a wrestling fan today if it wasn't for the internet making it so ridiculously easy to watch so many promotions from the world over.
Seeing as we have lots of MGS fans/detractors in WrassleGAF, I thought this would be a good place as any to show off my latest haul.

I spent way too much money to get them in decent condition from the Amazon marketplace over the past week :p Thankfully they arrived as described.

Oddly enough, I'm currently unable to play any them with my setup. I only have a Pal no-BC PS3 lol.

Reasoning why I got them:

MGS: VR:- I never owned the PS1 version, although I have it on the PC.

Document of MGS2:- Never even Youtubed it oddly enough. Not expecting great things, but I had to have it for collection purposes.

MGS3: Subsistence:- I used to have it, but lost it. I've since bought the Essential Collection, and the HD collection. However, since they don't come with the content in the 2nd disc, I had to get it so I can still experience that stuff.

MGS: The Twin Snakes:- I never owned a GC or a Wii lol, so I never played it. I'm thinking about picking up a used GC to finally play it. Didn't decide yet though, and I don't like emulating crap, so that's not really an option either.

I'm not sure why I even posted this, but here it is!


Speaking of an implosion of the next big star.....Randy Orton is bigger than Kennedy. He's in 2 strike creative purgatory for the rest of his career.


theres too many kings in Game of Thrones. i rent season two on dvd and theres kings everywhere. i dont even know who some of them are.

wrestling comment. uhhhhmmm. oh yeah Raw. Wade Barrett used to be the prime threat of the WWE for a whole year. now he gets kicked in the balls before a match.


Seeing as we have lots of MGS fans/detractors in WrassleGAF, I thought this would be a good place as any to show off my latest haul.

I spent way too much money to get them in decent condition from the Amazon marketplace over the past week :p Thankfully they arrived as described.

Oddly enough, I'm currently unable to play any them with my setup. I only have a Pal no-BC PS3 lol.

Reasoning why I got them:

MGS: VR:- I never owned the PS1 version, although I have it on the PC.

Document of MGS2:- Never even Youtubed it oddly enough. Not expecting great things, but I had to have it for collection purposes.

MGS3: Subsistence:- I used to have it, but lost it. I've since bought the Essential Collection, and the HD collection. However, since they don't come with the content in the 2nd disc, I had to get it so I can still experience that stuff.

MGS: The Twin Snakes:- I never owned a GC or a Wii lol, so I never played it. I'm thinking about picking up a used GC to finally play it. Didn't decide yet though, and I don't like emulating crap, so that's not really an option either.

I'm not sure why I even posted this, but here it is!

MGS5 is gonna be the greatest video game(s?) of all time, right?! MGS 3 is usually my favorite but depending on how I feel 1 can be tied with 3.


I play Dudley. *Glove bump*.....then again I play the entire roster besides Ibuki. But I do play Dudley the most.

Drew McIntyre also comes to mind. Jack Swagger would also be in this list if it wasn't for his current run. Actually I'm sure he'll still make the list.

I feel like Kennedy was set to be something way bigger than whatever Drew was going to be. He was going to be THE next top guy to carry the company. His first feud was with the Undertaker. He BEAT Taker. Dropping the MITB case to Edge totally derailed him and by the time they got back to it, he fucked everything up by being an idiot.

I want to play MGS4 so bad, but I'm not going to buy a PS3 for it. Also, I really wish I had played MGS1 first. That should have been included in the HD Collection. I got through 3 and 2 not really sure what I was playing or if I liked it, then it all clicked and I loved PW. Then I played 1 later on PC and it was fucking great. Then I replayed most of 2 before a hard drive died and enjoyed it so much more than the first time.
MGS5 is gonna be the greatest video game(s?) of all time, right?! MGS 3 is usually my favorite but depending on how I feel 1 can be tied with 3.

I never understood why she was made a referee in the first place.

And MGS4 is a great game. I will not let anyone tell me otherwise! IT'S STILL REAL TO ME DAMMIT!

MGS is my favorite series. I love all of them equally honestly.

I'm still sad about Hayter though ;(
Seeing as we have lots of MGS fans/detractors in WrassleGAF, I thought this would be a good place as any to show off my latest haul.

I spent way too much money to get them in decent condition from the Amazon marketplace over the past week :p Thankfully they arrived as described.

Oddly enough, I'm currently unable to play any them with my setup. I only have a Pal no-BC PS3 lol.

Reasoning why I got them:

MGS: VR:- I never owned the PS1 version, although I have it on the PC.

Document of MGS2:- Never even Youtubed it oddly enough. Not expecting great things, but I had to have it for collection purposes.

MGS3: Subsistence:- I used to have it, but lost it. I've since bought the Essential Collection, and the HD collection. However, since they don't come with the content in the 2nd disc, I had to get it so I can still experience that stuff.

MGS: The Twin Snakes:- I never owned a GC or a Wii lol, so I never played it. I'm thinking about picking up a used GC to finally play it. Didn't decide yet though, and I don't like emulating crap, so that's not really an option either.

I'm not sure why I even posted this, but here it is!

Dedication. Do you happen to have the Metal Gear Saga dvd's that try to explain the whole fuckery of the story?

MGS3 > MGS4 > Twin Snakes > MGS1 > the rest of the shit.

I like the Ac!d games by the way. I think I'm one of the few.


So, I think mid 2000s is one of the greatest eras in wrestling history because of the explosion of the internet(for indy and puro) and the independent wrestling scene.

ROH was fucking awesome.
PWG was fucking awesome
IWA-MS was a lot better than it is now
Chikara was fucking awesome
Dragon Gate was fucking awesome
Kenta Kobashi was having his mega comeback of throwing fools

I'd easily put it side by side with the 'Attitude Era'
Its scary how i think only one of those things is in better shape now than then.


I only liked MGS 3 because it was First Blood the game.

Fuck all the others.

MGS1 was awesome for its time. Not to mention messing around in that game was fun.

MGS2 had some fucking awesome controls. (Played like a dream.)
Shame about the story...

Really hated how Melee got nerfed to shit in MGS3 (Big Boss kicks/punches so goddamn slow!), but CQC was neat to play with. Also had some very awesome fights.

I ended up watching MGS4...always wanted to play it, but I also didn't wanna shell out the money for a PS3.
Sting's talking 'bout SWERVES!

Hogan's shitty knock-off NWO music is awful.

Its scary how i think only one of those things is in better shape now than then.

PWG, I'm guessing? It does seem to get better and better with each year.

Also, I know he didn't list them, but both New Japan & All Japan are in better shape than they were in the mid-2000's.

Nocturnowl said:
Who the hell is this El Locale guy on NXT? I've never even seen this guy before.

Ricardo's alter-ego, unless it's the imposter El Locale that drives Sunflower so mad.
Dedication. Do you happen to have the Metal Gear Saga dvd's that try to explain the whole fuckery of the story?

MGS3 > MGS4 > Twin Snakes > MGS1 > the rest of the shit.

I like the Ac!d games by the way. I think I'm one of the few.

I actually got the Saga DVDs a few years back before they got expensive as shit.

I wouldn't consider myself a hardcore collector though. I don't have the LEs of 3,4, or PW for example, and I can live without therm.

I'm more concerned about owning all MGS gameplay content in some form or another, if you get what I'm saying.


MGS2 had some fucking awesome controls. (Played like a dream.)
Shame about the story...

I think this is the philosophy behind the entire series. Gameplay's great and the work of clearly someone very intelligent and very passionate about his work. It's what happens when you let a true tech geek run free with his ideas.

Unfortunately, the same can be said for the story.

I have no idea how this game series got as popular as it did when it's saddled with the story (or rather, the sheer amount of story) it has.
Really hated how Melee got nerfed to shit in MGS3 (Big Boss kicks/punches so goddamn slow!), but CQC was neat to play with. Also had some very awesome fights.
Plus no more spectacular spin kick, only a little toe punt, it was a depressing change.

Ricardo's alter-ego, unless it's the imposter El Locale that drives Sunflower so mad.
So it's usually Ricardo but sometimes undergoes Imposter Cara like switch ups?
Frustrated_Grunt said:
There's only been one match in the last hour.

Serious, get to some damn wrestling!

I will say though that the crowd were really into that Hogan/Flair segment. It may cost a ton for them to go on the road, but at least it ain't the Impact Zone.

So it's usually Ricardo but sometimes undergoes Imposter Cara like switch ups?

Yeah, you can tell when it's the imposter because he has more arm tattoos.


Actual storylines in TNA. I dig it. The writing is far better than WWE over the past 3 weeks. And there's good pacing in these shows. Kind of weird to admit that TNA is putting together a compelling product right now.


Actual storylines in TNA. I dig it. The writing is far better than WWE over the past 3 weeks. And there's good pacing in these shows. Kind of weird to admit that TNA is putting together a compelling product right now.

Storyline writing goes out the window during Mania season, you know this.
Hey, Petey Williams is back! And Scorpio Sky!

Also, I very much like that TNA shows actual logic in terms of who does and doesn't get a title shot. Makes a change from WWE's nonsense.
Actual storylines in TNA. I dig it. The writing is far better than WWE over the past 3 weeks. And there's good pacing in these shows. Kind of weird to admit that TNA is putting together a compelling product right now.

Yea, I was really surprised to hear about Aces and Eights story line. 8 months long and still going...WWE shit we are lucky for a proper 3 week story line build up.


Yea, I was really surprised to hear about Aces and Eights story line. 8 months long and still going...WWE shit we are lucky for a proper 3 week story line build up.

Come on long term story line of Aces and Eights was 9 monthes of crap and plot holes and Aces and Eights always losing that lead to this swerve.

Long term is fine if done correctly but TNA doesn't really do it well.
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