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March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Big Shoes Mean Big Appetites



I've not watched TNA in months, and despite how obvious this seems just by reading some TNA shit here now-and-then, I can't lie... makes me interested all the same haha.

The Dudleys in full-blown dickbag heel mode running a heel stable sounds awesome on paper.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
I don't think Bully is in Aces & 8s

He probably just paid them off like Roode did a few months ago
So Brooke didn't turn?

I think the Bully Ray turn at least adds some legitimacy to A&8. He's the best heel in the company. But who is going to be his foil?


Vince should take notes at how ineffective the trash-toss was and turn Once in a Lifetime 2: Electric Boogaloo into a HITC match.
Jeff Harvey, of course!

They really missed an opportunity to make Bully into Hunner by not having Steph, er Brooke turn too. But at least he has a lot of heat on himself (and we were spared from having Bischoff revealed as the President, hopefully there isn't a CEO or COO).

Guess we have another PPV with A&8 to live with. Gah.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
this should ahve happened 8 months when jeff and bully had this same amtch and aces invaded

But that would have made sense. :p

The faction looked incredibly weak on this show. They had to cheat to get Wes Brisco out of the cage and lost "clean" to the TNA side. Bully is the only one who actually did anything and he could have done the same thing without their "help."


They really missed an opportunity to make Bully into Hunner by not having Steph, er Brooke turn too. But at least he has a lot of heat on himself (and we were spared from having Bischoff revealed as the President, hopefully there isn't a CEO or COO).

Guess we have another PPV with A&8 to live with. Gah.



I wouldn't rule out Brooke turning, just not right away. They are still married and could easily have her in Hardys corner only to double cross him when he has the odds almost overcame.
But that would have made sense. :p

The faction looked incredibly weak on this show. They had to cheat to get Wes Brisco out of the cage and lost "clean" to the TNA side. Bully is the only one who actually did anything and he could have done the same thing without their "help."

I think that's one of the main issues of this angle. Besides having jobbers, the wins by A&8 have been few and far between, making them comical.

That's a good point about AJ coming back and championing TNA and makes sense for Bound for Glory. Too bad that means two more PPVs with Aces and Eight.



WCW Greed 3/18/2001

The final WCW PPV. Last ever. It makes me sad that WCW never got a reunion PPV. I mean, there is TNA, sure, but it's not the same. I think WCW deserved a reunion PPV a lot more than all 12 that ECW got, but whatever. Probably would have been hard with most of the ex-WCW guys that WWE didn't take in TNA.

Kwee Wee vs Jason Jett

EZ Money has a JHV of Jackyl's Down On Me. They must really have been high on him to throw him on a PPV after a week of his debut. He kind of has boobs. They're distracting, not unlike Heath Slater's gyno. Oh shit, Nick Patrick is back to being a ref. He hadn't been in the ring in a long time. Angry Alan does a hair toss over the top to the floor and then misses a dive. Rebound DDT on the floor from EZ.


EZ gets back dropped over the ring post and thrown into chairs and Penzer. Kwee Wee tried to make a pin on the floor for some reason. Ed Asner press! "Near capacity crowd". Lol. The stage and tron takes up 1/3rd of the arena and it's pretty much completely empty behind the announcers from the floor all the way to the bowl. Empty. I would guess that most of the hard cam side was empty, too. They do the EZ/Kid Kash super bomb/rana spot.


Handspring elbow from EZ. Fuck, he has the dumbest names for his moves.

All of them have ridiculous indierific names. EZ plays opossum and Kwee Wee misses an elbow. Crash Landing for the win.


I feel like EZ could have been a big player in WCW if it had continued, despite his terrible hair and tights. He was the perfect size to work with the cruisers and heavyweights with no one batting an eye, he had cool moves, and crowds were responding to him right away.

Prime Time/Kid Romeo vs Filthy Animals WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championships

Tony says that people have said that Rey only got better after losing the mask. What the fuck. That's why WWE didn't hire you back, Tony. Some fast action to start off with Kidman in the ring. Rey hits the goofy leg drop with a guy on the ropes move. At least it made a little more sense since Kidman was holding Elix. Elix gets hip tossed off the ramp on to Romeo. Rey and Kidman then both jump off the stage.


I think Romeo for real poses after every single move he does. Romeo's story is great. He was a male stripper and was recruited to the Power Plant in 1999. They trained him, he worked some dark matches, then showed up on shows in January of 2000. Then he left and went to NJPW. Then he worked a match on Jakked and was hired back the next week. If he hadn't wrestled for a WWF show, he probably wouldn't have been brought back. Top rope BK Bomb. Rey finally gets tagged in. He does a rolling senton and then dives to the floor. Kidman hits an SSP to the floor. Ugh, they really named that the Kidmakazi? Gross.


Tiger suplex from Elix. Romeo hit a top rope leg drop while Rey was in the move. Romeo hits Rey with his Northern Lights Bomb. New champions! I wish I could get a clear shot of the belts. They look really cheap.

TO THE BUFF CAM. Buff got his own camera man so he could be on camera, too. Just like on TV! The camera work is like a Shield attack. It's giving me motion sickness. Flair runs down the matches. Animal got jumped on Thunder, so Scott is locked in his room until he can find out who has been attacking people.

Shawn Stasiak vs Bam Bam Big Yellow

Makes sense to follow up 30 minutes of fast paced and crowd pleasing matches with this. Meat has new music and it is awful. It's early 90s C&C Music Factory type stuff. Fuck this match. Stacy didn't even dance. Stacy was from Baltimore. What are the odds that McNulty fucked her? Meat won with a neckbreaker. Some really awkward kissing after the match. Zero chemistry between Meat and Stacy.

TO THE BACK. Cat arrives and tried to tell Ms. Jones to stay in the back for their match. The new champs celebrate. This isn't security footage, but everything else is security footage besides Buff's camera, so it's weird to have a normal backstage segment. If you just listened to the audio, you'd think there were about to fuck each other with strap ons, which doesn't make sense since they both have wieners. They hugged but then realized someone might think they were the gay, so they shared a manly handshake and walked away.

Team Canada vs Hugh Morris/Konnan

Lance requests over and over for the anthem, but the Joker laughs instead. Hugh runs to the ring without his partner, which seems like a bad idea. It worked out for him, though. This is such a waste for Lance and Mike. Both guys were poised to be the next main eventers, but shitty booking has them in a 4th on the card match with Konnan. Hugh Morris was also being set up to be a top guy, but he's in the same boat. Shitty booking killed him. A match with Konnan as FIP is not one I'm going to watch. Awesome pins Hugh with an Awesome Bomb.

TO THE BACK. Security footage from the Rhodes locker room. Dusty has a lot of Mexican brought in so he can make the kiss my ass match much worse for Flair.

Buff is in Rick's locker room. Remember when Rick broke Buff's neck? Rick talking in a normal voice is so weird to hear.

TO THE BACK. Palumbo and O'Haire said they're going to retain their titles tonight. "Clear". Nice production, Mr. Director.

Shane Helms vs Chavo Guerrero Jr. WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Weird music issues for Shane. He's now in trunks. No more raver pants. Tony suggests that Dusty may shit himself in the ring later tonight. Their match at Sin was boss, so I have high hopes for this. Especially after the past two duds. Shane kind of has bird legs, which is probably why WWE made him put tights on. Sweet t-bone from Chavo with a kimura pin to follow. Chavo gets things grounded and slows the pace down. This was in Florida and Hudson made some Solie references, which Tony picked up on. Scott then basically called Gordon Solie a drunk. It was weird. They were also amazed that Chavo could actually wrestle. What? Chavo was always the cruiser who did wrestling instead of high flying. Crowd is chanting boring, but they are still loud and cheering at the same time. This isn't boring. It's a well booked match playing off their other matches and the familiarity they have with each other. It's just not a crazy MOVEZ kind of match. Chavo tried a Vertebreaker, which of course was reversed. Shane wins and is the new Cruiserweight Champion.


TO THE BUFF CAM. Jeff and Ric talk about Dusty and Dustin. Ric kisses no one's ass. Maybe that's why he keeps getting divorced.

TO THE BACK. Booker T talks about Rick Steiner.

Palumbo/O'Haire vs Totally Buffed WCW Tag Team Championships

Did Buff have fake pecs? They don't look real. Two super kicks, two Seanton Bombs. Double pin. Champions retain in under a minute. "That was a squash!" Lol. In January, these guys put Goldberg out clean. Two months later they lose in a minute to rookies.

Steiner was on his 100th pull up. He's going to kill DDP.

Kanyon vs The Cat

They ran the b-roll, but Totally Buffed were still in the ring and stayed in the ring 5X longer than their match. Kanyon had new music and entrance where he came out from under the stage and was wearing a leather jacket. Because he's a bad ass now, you see, so he needs a leather jacket and moody music. He also has a cast on his hand that came from punching SMOOV too hard. Cat brought Ms. Jones out, which seems like asking for trouble. Kanyon was really positive about what he and Cat were going to do that night, but this match seems like a normal Cat match. If there isn't a Kanyon Cutter, I'm going to be heartbroken. The thing is, it's obvious Cat was trying his best, but his best just wasn't good. Kanyon makes a pin with his feet on the ropes, so the match must continue. Kanyon hit the ref for fun so he could get Ms. Jones in the ring. She accidentally hit Cat with a head kick. She misses one on Kanyon, but the second one hits. Cat hits a Feliner and wins. Kanyon hits a Flatliner on Cat after the match and was about to hit Ms. Jones when SMOOV made the save. No Kanyon Cutter, no pictures, no gifs. BULLSHIT.

TO THE BUFF CAM. Buff and Lex argue. The camera man wasn't supposed to tape that.

Dusty is having gas issues after 30 burritos. "It's all headed down to my saddlebags."

Booker T vs Rick Steiner WCW US Championship

There's like an hour left with 3 matches left. Three matches, one which featured two guys in their 50s that hadn't wrestled in months, and one features your world champion who has a back injury and can't feel his leg bellow his knee. Not a lot of high hopes. This match was okay on Nitro. Tiger Bomb from Rick. Looked like Book hurt his back on it. Angle Slam from Book. Rick cuts every comeback off with a stupidly stiff strike. The ax kick had been renamed the "Ghetto Blaster". Wasn't that the name for Bad News Brown's enziguri? The ref gets hit with a side kick, which he sells like he got poked in the eye. Shane Douglas comes out and hits Rick with his cast. Booker hits the Book End and wins the US Championship. He's now a Grand Slam Champion in WCW. Off hand, the only other guys I can think of in that category are Lex, Sting, DDP, Scott Steiner, and Hardcore Holly.

TO THE BUFF CAM. Buff was laid out. Animal was the one to find him. Lex thinks Animal might have been the one responsible.

Dusty and Dustin Rhodes vs Ric Flair/Jeff Jarrett Kiss My Ass Match

Ric Flair is going to wrestle in slacks, dress shoes, and a Hawaiian shirt. This is technically the first time Flair and Dusty have in a match together on a WCW PPV. Ric says he isn't going to wrestle and Jeff will beat up both guys on his own. Then he changed his mind. The ref sent Animal to the back. Surely Ric could over rule that, right? Dusty is the most over guy on the show. JJ is the only one in any kind of wrestling gear. Jeff and Dustin start out, but everyone is waiting for Ric and Dusty. Dusty gets tagged in and the crowd loses their shit. Hopefully Dusty doesn't lose his shit. For real, the 2-3 minutes of Ric and Dusty was the hottest crowd I've heard this entire project.


A lot of crotch grabbing from Jeff. This short feud has been the most enjoyable he's been his entire WCW run.


Bionic Elbow! Jeff makes the save. Ric got up quicker than Dusty. Double figure four is double reversed and Dustin pins Ric with the weirdest small package I've ever seen.


Dusty drops his pants. Stink face to Jeff. Dusty is probably one of the last people whose ass I would want in my face. Flair was laughing his ass off while apologizing to Jeff on the stage. Dustin was embarrassed that Dusty was standing around in his underwear and wouldn't pull up his pants.

DDP vs Scott Steiner WCW Championship Falls Count Anywhere No DQ

The stipulations were made the day of the show to work around Steiner's injuries. They brought Michael Buffer in for this, which seems like a huge waste of money at a time when they needed to be saving as much money as possible. But then, they also destroyed a limo and brought in like 6 new guys after getting rid of all the women. Starts off fast and goes to the floor with in minutes. You couldn't tell that Steiner had some pretty serious injuries except that his left calf looked noticeably smaller than his right. They fight to the Spanish announce table, which is hidden deep in the crowd because lol Mexicans. Steiner takes a crutch from a fan, which DDP then uses. DDP hits an elbow off a barrier through a table on Scott. Two count. This fan who was on two crutches is now walking around completely fine. I guess he forgot he was still on camera. Scott steals a plastic serving tray from Paul London and pie faces him.

DDP took one from a different fan. Why do fans in the front row have plastic serving trays? Steiner was busted open from it. Gets back in the ring and we have a bear hug spot. Why didn't Steiner have that as a regular move? It makes too much sense for Scott Steiner to use a bear hug, I guess. He's clearly in a lot of pain. Scott's foot is taped up over his boot, which seems weird. Kanyon Cutter! Bang! Rick pulled the ref out of the ring. Scott hit DDP with the belt. The story goes that DDP had two blades to make sure he got a lot of blood, but right before the spot, he noticed that both blades had fallen out of his tape, so he leaned into the belt shot and was immediately gushing blood.

I don't know why they need to have the ref distracted to cheat when it is no DQ. Steiner wins with pipe shots and the Recliner. This was a fun and crazy brawl. Stiener actually put way more effort into this match while hurt than he normally did while 100%.

This was a really uneven show. Started off strong with a half hour of fast paced cruiser action, then was sent to die with Meat/Bam Bam and the Canada tag, then back to fast paced with Shane/Chavo, then a squash and a 10 minute Cat match. All of the cruiser stuff was good, the Rhodes match was fun just because the crowd losing their minds at Flair and Dusty in 2001, and the main event was surprisingly awesome. But everything else was a waste of time to decent at best. So, perfect for WCW's last PPV.


It's cool that they threw trash to cement the heel turn. However, I really wonder if they did it because the turn didn't make a heck of a lot of sense. Of course, this is wrestling, so creative assumes most fans have the memory of a goldfish. And they'd be right in assuming so.

As interested as I am in seeing Bully lead a heel faction, TNA has TNA'ed so much that I barely care about this and feel it will only end in disappointment. They've been shit for so long, and have underdelivered time and again that I can no longer hold any optimism when it comes to TNA.


I felt like the nWo trashings weren't legitimate after a couple of months. Then it became the thing to do at shows. Kind of like Cena sucks chants when you knew the crowds didn't really mean it because they'd cheer him immediately after he won anyway. It just became part of the show, and I think trash throwing has just been something you're supposed to do now.
I felt like the nWo trashings weren't legitimate after a couple of months. Then it became the thing to do at shows. Kind of like Cena sucks chants when you knew the crowds didn't really mean it because they'd cheer him immediately after he won anyway. It just became part of the show, and I think trash throwing has just been something you're supposed to do now.

I remember they burried Rick Steiner once in a load of garbage and somebody threw a large coke at him full. It was really really funny
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