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March Wrasslin' |OT| Don't Forget, You're Here Forever.


Yeah I wasnt sure if this was a shoot or not. Jericho pushed him pretty hard. However, I could easily see this being a failsafe that guys can use if their opponent is too injured to finish.

I honestly think Jericho tried to roll him up for a clean pin but the ref didnt realize how badly injured Neville was, so Jericho took it up a notch and went for a DQ.

The look on the refs face is almost shock after he got pushed, so I could see it being a shoot.

Jericho shouts "HE'S HURT!"

As opposed to "that was a 3 count!"


Meltzer on WOR says that Neville suffered a broken shinbone and broken ankle during his match with Jericho on Raw.

maybe if everyone gets hurt we'll get Owens/Zayn in a straight up singles match


Fucking carny ass company

Honestly you have to blame guys like Hogan, Nash, Hall, and even somebody like Booker T(Look at what his brother made) for that.

Vince points to the crazy salaries of WCW and the fact they failed to succeed because of that.

WCW may have screwed people with workplace politics and creativity but at least guys got health care and travel costs covered.


Look what is out today!





Adult Swim's Off The Air Nightmares video has to be the legit scariest thing I have ever seen. They know nightmares. They know.


Methinks Brother Bionic needs a new av, and that Cena works is a good starting place...

Edit: ah screw, new Stunnin' Steve Page:




Becky Lynch has talked about for all non US and Canada shows they get travel fees paid for. So European trips, Asia, Middle East, and Mexico they get covered. The rest of the time these guys are paying for Rental cars.

Ryback used to ride with Cody and Daniel Bryan but he couldn't take it and he eventually budgeted his year so that he could rent car and room alone.

With regards to gear guys like CJ Parker have to make their shit and thats why they often try to sell it afterwards on ebay. The exception is if you are wearing a WWE created shirt or shorts. So for somebody like Kevin Owens he still has pay for boots and knee pads but things like shirts and shorts get taken from him after big shows to be sold on WWE auction.

Sasha Banks for example has to cover all of her expensive for costumes but her fiance makes her gear as well as for other female performers.He was a huge cosplayer and his work is great.

NOTE: Some people get tour buses and expense written into their deal. For example top guys or guys with tenure there get Travel written into their deals.


They've talked about the travel situation for years. Sharing rental cars, cheap hotels, etc. I remember something about Lex getting heat when they had the Lex Express. Not because his push was the Roman of the 90s, but because he traveled for free.
I don't understand the Taker/Shane thing. Taker shows up talking about how he does whatever he wants to do, nobody bosses him around...then he just goes after Shane cuz the boss told him to. Why? What is the motivation being his match? Is there any goal besides Shane getting beat up for 20 minutes?

then they got Roman Reigns coming out, and he does Roman Reigns stuff, and nobody gives a shit. Compare the audience reaction to Dean Ambrose(or hell, Dolph Ziggler), who's promos are far from polished but he seems organic and the audience wants to hear what he has to say. Reigns comes out after two weeks off TV and beats up everybody, and the crowd just shrugs.

They have tried so hard to get Roman Reigns over and it's simply not working. At all.

and these are your two big headline events for the biggest wrestling event of the year!


I don't understand the Taker/Shane thing. Taker shows up talking about how he does whatever he wants to do, nobody bosses him around...then he just goes after Shane cuz the boss told him to. Why? What is the motivation being his match? Is there any goal besides Shane getting beat up for 20 minutes?

then they got Roman Reigns coming out, and he does Roman Reigns stuff, and nobody gives a shit. Compare the audience reaction to Dean Ambrose(or hell, Dolph Ziggler), who's promos are far from polished but he seems organic and the audience wants to hear what he has to say. Reigns comes out after two weeks off TV and beats up everybody, and the crowd just shrugs.

They have tried so hard to get Roman Reigns over and it's simply not working. At all.

and these are your two big headline events for the biggest wrestling event of the year!



After 20 minutes of murdering Shane, UT will hit a chokeslam, then be down on his hands and knees catching his breath. Out from under the ring, a returning Rollins does the curb stomp and rolls back under the ring, giving Shane the clean pin. Rollins is Shane's new boy, you get Rollins/HHH for the title at backlash or whatever.

Then they can have UT kidnap Marissa as revenge on Shane or whatever, to get him to give up the shit in the lockbox, and there's your summer story.

Oh, and Nash comes out and powerbombs Roman back to his home planet, to the hugest pop in the world.
I don't understand the Taker/Shane thing. Taker shows up talking about how he does whatever he wants to do, nobody bosses him around...then he just goes after Shane cuz the boss told him to. Why? What is the motivation being his match? Is there any goal besides Shane getting beat up for 20 minutes?

then they got Roman Reigns coming out, and he does Roman Reigns stuff, and nobody gives a shit. Compare the audience reaction to Dean Ambrose(or hell, Dolph Ziggler), who's promos are far from polished but he seems organic and the audience wants to hear what he has to say. Reigns comes out after two weeks off TV and beats up everybody, and the crowd just shrugs.

They have tried so hard to get Roman Reigns over and it's simply not working. At all.

and these are your two big headline events for the biggest wrestling event of the year!

This got off to a hot perfect strat, and it just crumbled so bad from there, What is UT motivation?
Bigger issue in the Shane taker fued is that if Shane wins

No more authority
Guys like Cesaro, sami, AJ and Owens get pushes.
End of 50-50 booking(maybe)

Can't see them following up on that


Bigger issue in the Shane taker fued is that if Shane wins

No more authority
Guys like Cesaro, sami, AJ and Owens get pushes.
End of 50-50 booking(maybe)

Can't see them following up on that

Shane could lose, and then in the celebration, Vince gets conked on the head and they finally do my amnesia angle. Either way it could work out.

In other news, I haven't had a soda in about three weeks. First time in eons. But I don't feel any better, which seems weird.


Bigger issue in the Shane taker fued is that if Shane wins

No more authority
Guys like Cesaro, sami, AJ and Owens get pushes.
End of 50-50 booking(maybe)

Can't see them following up on that

Not necessarily. Maybe they just mean that there won't be 20 min of authority yapping every week, and no more stupid segments like "Well, Roman, you represent everything we hate, and we don't want you as a champion, ever. So we'll give you 100 tittles shots in a row.", etc.


This ends with Vince selling to Disney in real life and in 2 years WWE closes its doors after Disney decides that all they really wanted was an existing contract with Dwayn Johnson.

Kane shows up on Impact as Libertarian Louie
Yes they have to pay for their own gear. I don't know how much good quality ring boots cost but probably enough that he'd like to avoid paying if he can.

There is something super depressing about a guy lying there with multiple fractures and the thing he is most concerned about is having to buy new boots.


This ends with Vince selling to Disney in real life and in 2 years WWE closes its doors after Disney decides that all they really wanted was an existing contract with Dwayn Johnson.

Kane shows up on Impact as Libertarian Louie

They could go back to gimmicks, but with Disney backing.
Dean-ald Duck
Magicka de Paige
The Baloo Show
Neville Cloudkicker
Also Booker almost killed someone on the preshow https://youtu.be/V2J2U56s3ZY

Holy.... He may well have killed him off-camera afterwards. The host would deserve a beat down if that's two weeks in a row as well.

Jericho yells "HE'S HURT" and shoves Lil' Naitch and you can read his lips and he's like "he's broken his fucken ankle count it"

Yep, I was really impressed with Jericho for how he handled it. Neville collapsed right next to Jericho, the ref talked with the two of them, Jericho repeatedly asked "are you hurt?" and Neville made it damn clear to the both of them that he couldn't continue. Jericho rolls him up for the pin, the ref counts to two, and even though Neville clearly doesn't kick out the ref pretends he did and signals for the match to continue. Jericho blows his ****ing lid off and shoves the ref into the ropes shouting "He's hurt!" and the camera hilariously zooms IN so we can see Jericho giving the ref an earful for what felt like an eternity.

At least the ref was smart enough to call the DQ at that point, but he completely screwed up by not allowing the three count and deserved all that live abuse given the dangerous condition Neville was in.
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