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March Wrasslin' |OT| Don't Forget, You're Here Forever.

Man i think its been posted already but ive just benged watched all of 97 raws(some fast forwarding) and almost every fucking match espically with ahmed johnson ends in a dq like all of them its quite emmbaressing. austin/rock for the ic title was still as entertaining as it was when i first watched it tho that beeper skit was gold.

Also i cant wait to see the melt downs on this thread the day after mania should be intresting read.
Ahmed Johnson should've been a good little boy instead of running his fucking mouth and we wouldn't whoop his ass every week.

When you see 3-1-6 on that beeper that means you're mine


I mean are you surprised? This is the most VINCE WrestleMania ever.

* Booking a giant guy who can't wrestle to win the battle royale.

* Booking a giant guy whose gimmick is 'Fuck all non-giant muscle men' to squash a 5'6" flippy guy

* Booking his son-in law in the main event against his pet muscle man the crowd hates.

* Booking his actual son in the co-main event against the fucken Undertaker

* Throwing all the popular (read: short and/or fat) guys into a multi-man match because fuck 'em they don't need a program.

* Booking the most boring, heatless people on the roster who happen to be related to the Rock (not really) into a match with 2 other 45 year old Attitude Era guys they've fought like 4 times.

Women match to be 5 minutes?
It really is WM 2000 again


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Women match to be 5 minutes?

The first one will be, I'm sure (assuming it makes it onto the card). The title one I bet will probably get full time; the rumor is that Vince is a super huge mark for Sasha Banks which for once matches up with the crowd.


I remember being optimistic that the HHH/Steph Authority storyline would be done after Bryan won at WM30 also

I bet they had plans for it, but then all the stuff happened with Bryan going out and they probably had to fall back on some plan C or D. Hard to just slot a guy in that spot and make it work, as they've found out.

new paige



I mean are you surprised? This is the most VINCE WrestleMania ever.

* Booking a giant guy who can't wrestle to win the battle royale.

* Booking a giant guy whose gimmick is 'Fuck all non-giant muscle men' to squash a 5'6" flippy guy

* Booking his son-in law in the main event against his pet muscle man the crowd hates.

* Booking his actual son in the co-main event against the fucken Undertaker

* Throwing all the popular (read: short and/or fat) guys into a multi-man match because fuck 'em they don't need a program.

* Booking the most boring, heatless people on the roster who happen to be related to the Rock (not really) into a match with 2 other 45 year old Attitude Era guys they've fought like 4 times.

I mean, we've reached the point where if John Cena walked through the curtain, buried everyone on the roster on the mic and announced he was now in the main event, everyone would be fucking rapturous.

McMahonMania! All we need is Zombie Linda back.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I bet they had plans for it, but then all the stuff happened with Bryan going out and they probably had to fall back on some plan C or D. Hard to just slot a guy in that spot and make it work, as they've found out.

In storyline, the authority angle moved towards the Shield, but then after Bryan got hurt, it kind of stuck around. But I don't think it was going away.


Tyson Kidd and Sami Zayn were definitely the MVP's in NXT 2014. They were gold together when in the ring, whether it be in promos or matches.


NXT Dallas will be worth it for sure, no doubt there.

Also, Jericho is a pro. Even if I don't exactly enjoy seeing him in 2016 what he did with Neville deserves huge props.


I want every finisher to be like that. Well, like, 99.9% of the time, at least.






gdfdfgdjgdfgdfgfh i cant believe i even typed that


ok so REAL x-pac question

Did he come around too early to ever be considered for an upper card run? because nearly every guy in the super hot tag team attitude era had a strong singles run, and they were all about his size (edge/christian/matt/jeff etc)

because as much as I dislike him, he always seemed like he had 0 aspirations outside of just being on TV and doing whatever. maybe that was part of his problem.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I bet the actor playing Reigns is probably pretty sad he's universally hated by the people he performs for every day.


ok so REAL x-pac question

Did he come around too early to ever be considered for an upper card run? because nearly every guy in the super hot tag team attitude era had a strong singles run, and they were all about his size (edge/christian/matt/jeff etc)

because as much as I dislike him, he always seemed like he had 0 aspirations outside of just being on TV and doing whatever. maybe that was part of his problem.

Xpac was just..I don't know. Annoying.

And not in a skillful way like Miz.
ok so REAL x-pac question

Did he come around too early to ever be considered for an upper card run? because nearly every guy in the super hot tag team attitude era had a super strong singles run, and they were all about his size (edge/christian/matt/jeff etc)

because as much as I dislike him, he always seemed like he had 0 aspirations outside of just being on TV and doing whatever. maybe that was part of his problem.
The year that Billy Gunn won the KoTR Pac was supposed to be the guy but for some reason it was changed.

What's funny is he got a wwf title shot before Hunter lol,


The year that Billy Gunn won the KoTR Pac was supposed to be the guy but for some reason it was changed.

What's funny is he got a wwf title shot before Hunter lol,

Billy Gunn winning KOTR at least gave us one of the funnier Rock promos of that era.

God: "Bob"

Billy: "My names Billy"



The 1-2-3 Kid was cool to watch until his heel turn. Then he just felt lost in the shuffle no matter the roster he was on, which is a shame. That match he had with Bret is still one of the best in Raw's history. But if he had debuted in the late 90s, I imagine he would've been spike dudley with long hair.


The 1-2-3 Kid was cool to watch until his heel turn. Then he just felt lost in the shuffle no matter the roster he was on, which is a shame. That match he had with Bret is still one of the best in Raw's history. But if he had debuted in the late 90s, I imagine he would've been spike dudley with long hair.

Wife and I are 1 week away from wrestlemania 2000 (so the gifs are pretty timely for me) and xpac is on full xpac heat right now. Anytime he's on screen the crowd erupts in deafening "XPAC SUCKS"chants that seem to go on forever.

Dude was in a tag match, standing on the apron not really doing anything and the crowd is mercilessly chanting it at him while two other performers are working in the ring.

Then again it was Chicago
I bet the actor playing Reigns is probably pretty sad he's universally hated by the people he performs for every day.
Reigns-"hey...so I can go heel now? right?"
Vince 'NO!"

Yeah that's the impression I get. I feel really bad for Reigns =( I think he's put on some amazing matches over the past year, and against all odds turned his main events against Sheamus into something really enjoyable to watch. Just the way he's booked is completely messed up and makes it almost impossible to connect with him.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Reigns-"hey...so I can go heel now? right?"
Vince 'NO!"

If you really can't change the card, the way to save WM is easy:

Triple H wins, Shane also wins but can't fire HHH like he claimed he would because Haitch is still the champion and fends off challengers until Rollins comes to take the title back siding with the "new" Authority.

The problem with this is that I don't know if 46-year old HHH really wants to be out there wrestling past WM.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Meltzer - vince threw a fit in front of everyone because of the crowd reactions.

Lmfao lovely

Apparently the entire backstage crew was pissed because Pittsburgh was a shit crowd that wouldn't play along with anything. The Reigns thing is to be expected, but they were dead silent for almost everything other than Ambrose and Lesnar.


I would feel bad for reigns if there weren't countless interviews with stars from all eras that say standing up to vince and telling him no is one of the best things you can do because he respects people who tell him no.

At some point reigns had to take responsibility and say no more of this bad booking and do something himself to change it. While it's probably too late to do that as most is the damage has been done to his stock, there's always something out there that can turn everything around. It just takes a lot of creativity to get there
Apparently the entire backstage crew was pissed because Pittsburgh was a shit crowd that wouldn't play along with anything. The Reigns thing is to be expected, but they were dead silent for almost everything other than Ambrose and Lesnar.

No. Really????

You're telling me a crowd didn't react positively to stuff building up to their biggest show like Miz being inserted into the only feud left they could possibly care about, Neville's year ending early, more dumb Lana shit, and Ryback announcing his intent for a title match? I don't believe it!!!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I would feel bad for reigns if there weren't countless interviews with stars from all eras that say standing up to vince and telling him no is one of the best things you can do because he respects people who tell him no.

At some point reigns had to take responsibility and say no more of this bad booking and do something himself to change it. While it's probably too late to do that as most is the damage has been done to his stock, there's always something out there that can turn everything around. It just takes a lot of creativity to get there

I think the funniest Vince story is the Jericho one where Kofi Kingston was on a flight with Vince and Vince disrespected Kofi, so Kofi just got mad and and went back to his seat. When Jericho found out, he's like "no man you gotta go back there and fight Vince" so he did, which resulted in a physical scuffle between Kofi and Vince after which Vince started laughing and gained respect for Kofi for doing it.

No. Really????

You're telling me a crowd didn't react positively to stuff building up to their biggest show like Miz being inserted into the only feud left they could possibly care about, Neville's year ending early, more dumb Lana shit, and Ryback announcing his intent for a title match? I don't believe it!!!

Also, AJ Styles and Kevin Owens not having matches was pretty sweet.


Meltzer - vince threw a fit in front of everyone because of the crowd reactions.

Lmfao lovely
Can we get a BotchedSpot comic where Vince is throwing a tantrum while that ref Triple H gimped is hobbling behind him, Neville is stretchered out and the Usos attempt to calm him by saying "Uce Uce Uce"?
You're right JR, Chyna won't be able to help hhh win this match because DX will.

Lord can they be smarter and say if DX or anyone interferes to help hhh he will automatically lose?
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