Shane vs. Undertaker was a bad idea.
Shane misspoke a lot last night. And then the fight between the two was not encouraging.
There is something super depressing about a guy lying there with multiple fractures and the thing he is most concerned about is having to buy new boots.
Bigger issue in the Shane taker fued is that if Shane wins
No more authority
Guys like Cesaro, sami, AJ and Owens get pushes.
End of 50-50 booking(maybe)
Can't see them following up on that
So you're totally buying the very obviously force fed story they're going for? Do you really think if Shane wins that things will "change"?
So you're totally buying the very obviously force fed story they're going for? Do you really think if Shane wins that things will "change"?
Might as well ask for Kevin Dunn to get fired and a revamped commentary team that actually sells the product instead of the brand.Bigger issue in the Shane taker fued is that if Shane wins
No more authority
Guys like Cesaro, sami, AJ and Owens get pushes.
End of 50-50 booking(maybe)
Can't see them following up on that
They always lie about it, stop giving them the chance to make you believe the lie
Bigger issue in the Shane taker fued is that if Shane wins
No more authority
Guys like Cesaro, sami, AJ and Owens get pushes.
End of 50-50 booking(maybe)
Can't see them following up on that
Might as well ask for Kevin Dunn to get fired and a revamped commentary team that actually sells the product instead of the brand.
They could never convincingly follow through on Shane "taking over RAW" because the fans would know it's bullshit the second they hear Vince's voice come out of JBL's mouth.
So yeah, it's a pointless stip... just like most stips. Meltzer's doing a better job of selling it to the hardcores than the WWE by trying to work this angle that Vince secretly hates NXT, disapproves of Triple H and wants Shane back in the picture for a legit power struggle.
Would be pretty silly for them to do a storyline of "HHH/Steph have been running WWE into the ground and Shane is here to save it" and then have Shane lose and the guys who are running the company into the ground remain in power.
Weeks away from WM and there's an alarming lack of Kane and Show on the card.
Also let me say as a man who dumps on Ziggles a lot, his promo was okay so....decent going Zigs?
Can't wait for Mania of the dubious offence as oodles of noodles Ambrose and phantom stirke shuffle Shane face off against the best pure strikers in the business.
WM is always supposed to be the payoff that ends the season and sets up the next one. I'd at least give them the chance to lie about it.
Neville out till winter, damn :[
Also Booker almost killed someone on the preshow
Would be pretty silly for them to do a storyline of "HHH/Steph have been running WWE into the ground and Shane is here to save it" and then have Shane lose and the guys who are running the company into the ground remain in power.
I get that, but things aren't going to be night and day kind of results. If anything it will probably just be Shane's version of Authority.
The speech shane gave may as well just been quotes from reddit and GAF. It was so clearly pandering to smarks.
Yes they have to pay for their own gear. I don't know how much good quality ring boots cost but probably enough that he'd like to avoid paying if he can.
Andrew The Giant prestigious battle royal dark match.
Meltzer complaining on WOR that Ambrose didn't bury HHH in his promo and say how much he sucks and instead, Ambrose "buried" himself (Meltzer's words) even though it makes no sense to walk out 3 weeks before WM and say the guy in the main event sucks given that Ambrose is the most over babyface anyways. Like, I get that Ambrose is over and should be more protected than he is, but it makes almost no sense to me to suggest Ambrose should have walked out there and said HHH sucks and he beat him fairly and HHH got away with it. HHH isn't being booked like a chickenshit heel, so why would he suggest that he's a chickenshit that stole a win?
Also may have been gifted by someone, of sentimental value.
This WM is shaping up to be the biggest cluster of all time. I don't ever remember a WM in worse shape this late in the game than it is now.
Meltzer complaining on WOR that Ambrose didn't bury HHH in his promo and say how much he sucks and instead, Ambrose "buried" himself (Meltzer's words) even though it makes no sense to walk out 3 weeks before WM and say the guy in the main event sucks given that Ambrose is the most over babyface anyways. Like, I get that Ambrose is over and should be more protected than he is, but it makes almost no sense to me to suggest Ambrose should have walked out there and said HHH sucks and he beat him fairly and HHH got away with it. HHH isn't being booked like a chickenshit heel, so why would he suggest that he's a chickenshit that stole a win?
Have they actually mentioned it this year? seems like something they'd be banging on about by now.
I believe the complaint was that Ambrose went out and said HHH didn't take him seriously as a threat, underestimated him, etc, but then HHH beat him anyway while not taking him seriously. Doesn't make Ambrose look like much of anything.
I didn't take it that way and I think Meltzer was reading too much into it. I just don't think there's a lot of additional things Ambrose could feasibly say about the main eventer in Mania when you are not his opponent.
Man i think its been posted already but ive just benged watched all of 97 raws(some fast forwarding) and almost every fucking match espically with ahmed johnson ends in a dq like all of them its quite emmbaressing. austin/rock for the ic title was still as entertaining as it was when i first watched it tho that beeper skit was gold.
Also i cant wait to see the melt downs on this thread the day after mania should be intresting read.
Looks like Big Show will be defending his prestigious title after all.
WM is always supposed to be the payoff that ends the season and sets up the next one. I'd at least give them the chance to lie about it.
So who, realistically, could/should win the Andre Battle Royal this year?
I remember being optimistic that the HHH/Steph Authority storyline would be done after Bryan won at WM30 also
So who, realistically, could/should win the Andre Battle Royal this year?
I remember being optimistic that the HHH/Steph Authority storyline would be done after Bryan won at WM30 also
Jesus christ, I still can't believe the angle's gone on this long.
Also, to answer your question (and I'll put this in spoilers just in case because there's a 90% chance it isn't getting changed)Strowman
The rumor is that itsBrawn Strongman.
You know who I really miss? Tyson Kidd
I know right? How did this angle not die once Bryan won?The answer is Steph