For me, Tatanka will always make me think of Natural Born Killers and Rodney Dangerfield yelling for him to be killed.
Afraid not, couldnt afford the flights etc. on top of after-market ticket prices for NXT and Mania.
A friend of mine is doing the triple-package along with the HOF ceremony though and I'm incredibly jealous of her.
Millennial superstars getting worked by fans.
Millennial superstars getting worked by fans.
Challenge her to a tickets-on-a-pole match.
Undertaker obviously.So are they going to have all the Divas become Godfather's hos for the night when he gets inducted?
best year is between 97 and 2000
97 you got the GOAT match in austin vs bret, the GOAT heel run with Bret, the GOAT moment with the screwjob, and the GOAT promo "Everyone in that god damn dressing room is turning a blind eye to me. If you don't like it, TOUGH SHIAT"
fucking bret was a god in 97
2000 was just incredible from top to bottom. every ppv was a classic except for that one show
PatheticMillennial superstars getting worked by fans.
Millennial superstars getting worked by fans.
So not only is he bad on the mic, but he's also bad at insults.
FFS, even his burns suck
Millennial superstars getting worked by fans.
Oh god no you just reminded me that my wife and I are right around the corner from the bikertaker era. I remember just changing the channel back then when he came on. Bikertaker and The Unkillable Am I Fucking Going Over HHH of that era made me stop watching wrestling for a long time.
You need a ref?
He has to be turning heel.
Millennial superstars getting worked by fans.
How is Roman's insult going over everyone's heads in here?
How is Roman's insult going over everyone's heads in here?
i want to believe that is the real ryan leaf
The best thing you can say about CZW since Zandig sold it to Deej is that it's more diverse now - there's a bit of everything, not just the ultraviolent stuff. That doesn't offset what a terrible booker DJ is, however. Zandig's CZW was a lot more trashy, a lot more violent and had wonky booking a-plenty, but it had this charm to it that I struggle to explain. I liked that CZW, as terrible/dangerous/stupid as it could be.
Now people are shitting on American Badass Taker too? God damn you guys suck.
I'd argue he was better on the mic than ever during this period. American Badass/Big Evil was best Taker when it came to promos.His promos suck, had he stayed quiet or spoke very little, I would have liked Bikertaker a lot more.
How is Roman's insult going over everyone's heads in here?
So good.Bikertaker's greatest contribution to this business was working a crowd chanting "What" into a shoot.
How is Roman's insult going over everyone's heads in here?
I'd argue he was better on the mic than ever during this period. American Badass/Big Evil was best Taker when it came to promos.
Your yard.... IS IN THE MIDDLE OF MY WORLD._____, you wanna fight in my yard, I'm gonna kick your ass.
I fail to see what's wrong with this._____, you wanna fight in my yard, I'm gonna kick your ass.