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March Wrasslin' |OT| Don't Forget, You're Here Forever.


I actually think last years Mania build was worse than what we have now. Seeing as they have booked less matches in the lead up , they have less to fuck up.

Consider this time last year we had

- IC belt stealing, making the title an utter joke, burying Barrett even further, produced the "your a turd" line and a meaningless, dangerous multiman match. At least we have some semblance of story this year with Zayn/KO

- Rollins/Orton which was heatless seeing as they pulled Randy off the program when he was getting really hot to do a movie, then cooled his huge babyface return down by immediately having him turn heel only to turn on Rollins two weeks later because

- Bray Wyatt cutting promos to no-one, burning a casket or something and then losing a match that he 100% had to win to remain credible in the main event. Fuck you Wyatt, we'll bring in the Undertaker to build matches with real stars that can carry this company into the future like SHANE MCMAHON.

- The Miz/Mizdow feud, which took the New Day position of carrying a portion of the show each week with characters that people actually gave a fuck about in a competent storyline. As Mania drew closer it was clear that the longest running and best built feud on the entire roster was not getting a singles match that could have launched Sandow as a big babyface.

- Divas ??? storyline that kept the title being defended off the show. AJ's most unceremonious last match.

- HHH/Sting which was serviceable but shifted around so much, Sting vs Authority to WWE vs WCW. The match...well we all know how that went.

- And finally, the main event singlehandedly saved by Paul Heyman and a snowed in Raw where they had to do something different. Otherwise hilariously terrible, birthing many awful moments, including beanstalk promo, the Roman enters the Rumble promo and please may I borrow your belt Mr. Lesnar among others.

You're not wrong. Then again, this is like debating which of the last three Transformers movies was better.

In other news, The New Day vs. The League of Nations for the WWE Tag Team titles just got added to the Roadblock card.
They let us know the outcome in advance by telling us that Sheamus and Barrett would be the ones wrestling for the League of Losers.
The last time Barrett & Sheamus won a match on television as a tag team was back in October on Smackdown.
Oh, so you're gonna make me feel old, ok. I was 16 and did the same. I watched the first hour of Nitro, then switched it to Raw for the entire 2 hours, then switched it to ECW which came on at 10:30, then watched the Nitro replay. I just got into wrestling that year because everyone in school was talking about it. Hell in the Cell was the first PPV I saw and that main event was mind blowing. I had no idea wrestling could be so epic. It was like a incredible action movie. Shawn Michaels instantly became my favorite wrestler and still is. When he retired in 98, that was crushing.
I remember when ECW came on TNN at 1030 or 11 on Fridays. I only knew who RVD, Taz, and Sandman was for the most part. Never got to see much of him but Mike Awesome was my favourite because of The Awesome bomb. I have a save from SD 2 where my created wrestler is a clown of his with dx green lol.

HBK was my favourite right along with Taker. When he left, I was like wtf? So I grew to like Ken Shamrock and The Rock. I didn't latch onto Austin like everyone else did at the time but now I'm appreciating him more.

We grew up in a house with boxing and a lot of our family member were heavy on wrestling. It was fucking real forreal back then

They still ask if I keep up with it and the answer will always be the same,

The group had a decent song.
Baby grind on me, relax your mind take your time with me
Something I wish The Network offered was playlists based around storylines or wrestlers. I was thinking about trying to watch the Shield stuff but it spans too much time to try and cover. So a playlist of Shield moments or even just the shows with significant events

Don't fuck with me
I'm not. It was posted here or squaredcircle after Raw.
Vince comments on John Cena missing Wrestlemania 32:

“John is Babe Ruth, he’s everything to us. And a real warrior. I don’t know how long he’s going to pursue this … I don’t know if it’s going to be 70 like me, but he’ll try. It’s just in him and he loves it so much, even when he was a little kid. I don’t know if you’ve seen some of the videos where he’d have a mini-championship belt made out of cardboard and all that kind of stuff. And on top of it, he’s a hell of a guy.

Vince explains why Wrestlemania is returning to Orlando:

“I must say that we’re welcome here and that’s part of the reason and it’s the first time we’re repeating [the same arena]. There have been a lot of improvements. We would not have come back had there not been a lot of improvements to the Citrus Bowl. We just can’t now. And playing at these stadium shows is, for us, our big deal. We try not to play stadium shows during the year; we’re trying to keep this just for WrestleMania. Orlando is special.

When you think about family-friendly events and attractions, here in Orlando there’s no brand that fits that better than we do on a global basis. Maybe some of the brands are here in America but in Orlando, ours dwarfs all of that in terms of everything with YouTube. We had eight billion views last year on YouTube alone and a lot of that is international.

Again, just that stat alone and social media one day might be our primary vehicle for Raw and SmackDown as we know it. Now, in terms of distribution, it’s growing so fast, it’s a land grab. We have our share of the land, maybe a little more than some people would like. But we’ll continue to grab that land. You have to do that. The amount of impressions that we do make every day, and [we will] make even more by the time we come back here, is really hard for someone to really wrap their arms around.

Orlando is going to be really, really good for us and we’re going to be really, really good for Orlando.”

Vince comments on seeing WWE prosper under Triple H and Stephanie:

“It’s extraordinary watching that growth. Growth is painful sometimes. Some of us really enjoy pain so it’s easy for us to grow. Most people don’t. Most people say they want to grow but more people are naturally comfortable with where they are. Paul’s not that way. Paul is very aggressive. Not outwardly so. When you meet with him and talk with him, it’s like, ‘what a nice guy.’ But inside, he has that competitive spirit and he’s always reaching for that brass ring.

“He’s done so well. I’m so proud of him, not just the years he’s spent in the ring and I don’t know how many more years that’s going to last. This may be his last WrestleMania. I don’t know. He’s a little long in the tooth as I say to his face and we all laugh about that now because I’m 70 years old. Nonetheless, corporately the growth over the last two years has been exponential and Stephanie’s part has been even more of a meteoric rise. What she does in terms of representing the brand, no one can represent the brand in all aspects, in all facets of our business, and she fits everywhere. Talk about an ambassador, she’s obviously beyond an ambassador and her growth corporately has been great. I’m very proud of both of them.”

Vince is going to adopt Cena or clone him.


I'm wondering how the crowd is going to react to either Shane or Taker winning to end Mania.

It feels like WWE put themselves in a no-lose scenario with that one.


I wonder how Ric feels about Cena breaking his world title record sometime between now and Wrestlemania 50, the 50th anniversary.
I think ric said he would be for it.

I mean RIC probably would have had more title reigns had WWE not tried to make him HHH's manager and then just a quiet guy.
I think ric said he would be for it.

I mean RIC probably would have had more title reigns had WWE not tried to make him HHH's manager and then just a quiet guy.
It gives Ric a reason to come back and get another paycheck by gaining the title again. I thought he was going to beat Edge in 06.
I think ric said he would be for it.

I mean RIC probably would have had more title reigns had WWE not tried to make him HHH's manager and then just a quiet guy.
This is very true. I always thought he should have won the belt in that match against Triple H in 2003 (I think), even if it was just for a week. Also I'm pretty sure the way Austin pitched the retirement angle was for him to actually get a world title shot at WM 24, and I wish we could have seen him win there and then retire the next night anyway.


Tyson Kidd: Injured.

Cesaro: Lol. And injured.

Natalya: Lol.

The New Day: Alive and well.

Los Matadores: Lol.

The Usos: Putting others over. Cold as fuck.

Naomi: Lol.

Big Show: In 2016. Put Brock and Roman over. Buried Cesaro and Wyatts.

The Ascension: The Ascension.

Fandango: Fandango.

Adam Rose: Adam Rose.

Ryback: Still injures people.

Bo Dallas: Bo Dallas.

Damien Mizdow: Lol.

Daniel Bryan: Lol. And injured.

Bad News Barrett: Lol.

R-Truth: R-Truth.

Dean Ambrose: Still over. Still no meaningful title run. Still protecting Roman

Luke Harper: Lol.

Dolph Ziggler: Jobbed to Breeze.

Stardust: Sadness.

Randy Orton: Randy Orton.

Seth Rollins: Lol. And injured.

Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury: Lol.

Triple H: in 2016.

Sting: Sadness. And injured.

AJ Lee: Extralol with Nikki taking her record.

Paige: Lol.

The Bella Twins: Injured/retired.

John Cena: Had a renaissance which elevated noone but himself. Also injured.

Rusev: Lol.

Lana: Lol.

The Undertaker: in 2016. Buried Wyatts again. Put over Brock again. Will put over Shane MacMahon.

Bray Wyatt: Lol.

Seth Rollins: Lol. Also injured.

Brock Lesnar: Still looking stronk.

Roman Reigns: Still looking stronk.

Rest: Whatever.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Spoiler alert: Neville says something into a mic on SmackDown

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
1. Terry Funk
2. Andre The Giant
3. Dump Matsumoto
4. Bruiser Brody
5. Stone Cold Steve Austin
6. Rick Rude
7. Jake "The Snake" Roberts
8. Yoshihiro Takayama
9. Jack Brisco
10. La Parka/LA Park

1. Hideku Suzuki
2. Yuji HIno
3. Pentagon Jr.
4. Tetsuya Naito
5. Takashi Sugiura
6. Dr Wagner Jr
7. Kamaitachi
8. Baron Corbin
9. Go Shiozaki
10. Hechicero
Nate Diaz
Just watched the New Day / Y2AJ match, even knowing the result I was super impressed. Big E looked like a million bucks. I'd love to see him, with Kofi/Xavier in his corner, and Bray with the Wyatt family in the title picture with the shield trio for the next year or so.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
With the state of the wwe being what it is, I feel like Dan Ryckert headlining a Wrestle Mania in the next couple of years is in play.
They have a ton of talent, it's just that we are in for years of mania being headlined by Roman vs. Old Guy.


I dunno about top ten list but I can comfortably say that Kobashi is in my all time #1 spot. I stopped watching wrestling when WCW folded. And one day I just happened to watch Krofatt/Furnas vs Kobashi/Kikuchi for the tag titles and just loved everything about it... the wrestling, the back and forth between the teams, Kikuchi being a great underdog, and Kobashi just having this incredible charisma. I think I've still seen nothing like it ever since. I wished he never aged after that tag team match...


But as he got older I felt he got even better. He knew he had the fans in the palm of his hands, and while he wasn't dropping himself on his head anymore to get people riled up, he could get them riled up by yelling to the top of his lungs about fighting spirit. His match with Takayama is a great example of that... especially in around 27:30 where it looks like Kobashi is about to get wrecked by a running Takayama but Kobashi lunges at him with a lariat.


Basically, his charisma is enough to make me think what I'm watching is real. Not too many I can say who are participating today in this sport I can say that about. And if they are, they're usually in Japan. I love watching the little I have seen of Tanahashi... he doesn't match Kobashi's charisma (IMO) but he makes a good argument that he's one of the better wrestlers in the history of the sport. Shibata is just unbelievable too... INCREDIBLE theme song and he just stiffs the heck out of people. And Honma is just fun to watch. I think if I watch those three wrestle way more then I'll add them to my personal all time list.


roman vs rock would be even worse than rock vs cena in the sense that rock inevitably shaking his hand after the match would be met with FEROCIOUS boos. rock would be the biggest babyface of all time in that situation.

Big One

Hell of a promo by Dolph.....on Youtube

It's alright.

I think the one thing Dolph is truly lacking is psychology. Dolph is a good spot-man, as in he has all of these cool spots that are all good and can lead to some exciting matchess. However he never really holds a lot of these spots back. As soon as Dolph enters into that ring he's already doing fameassers and all of his high spots. I'd like to see Dolph slow down a bit and build up to those spots rather than just, "I gotta get my shit in!" In (good) wrestling there needs to be a reason for everyone of those spots in the context they're used in rather than just spamming them like a video game.


dolph, like barrett, strikes me as the type of guy who can go to new japan and really make a name for himself. he's lost in wwe.


It's alright.

I think the one thing Dolph is truly lacking is psychology. Dolph is a good spot-man, as in he has all of these cool spots that are all good and can lead to some exciting matchess. However he never really holds a lot of these spots back. As soon as Dolph enters into that ring he's already doing fameassers and all of his high spots. I'd like to see Dolph slow down a bit and build up to those spots rather than just, "I gotta get my shit in!" In (good) wrestling there needs to be a reason for everyone of those spots in the context they're used in rather than just spamming them like a video game.

I mean can you blame him? Dude gets 2 minute matches night after night, on top of prematurely ending his push with no storyline explanation.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Dolph's easily the most overrated guy on the roster. Never understood what was supposed to be good about him and it only got worse when they started putting more and more competent workers on the roster. He's discount HBK. Then again, I don't understand why people think Big E should get a big push either. Dude was not good at all when he was in a singles push.
just watched the raw opening......meh.....from what ive read i thought it was gonna be better they did work me with the taker bell though

cant wait to see the shit fest that is Y2AJ


Nobody on the roster aside from Owens, Ambrose and Zayn understand ring psychology in WWE.

WWE needs a complete fucking restructure. It's a completely vindictive company where they hate you, your opinion and you getting in their way, regardless of who you are or your position, inside or out of the company. Nothing is ever wrong with them, it's always YOU that are at fault.

On commentary, they are so fucking focused on buzz words it's nauseating. JBL is just fucking trash. Byron is the most fucked up tool of an announcer...EVER. In anything resembling a sport. He's abysmal. I'd rather have Jerry Lawler on commentary than Saxton.
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