JAPW and CZW had huge heat at the time, but CZW had shown interest in Ki, the Haas Brothers, and The Hit Squad, so they started using them all. As dumb as it sounds, it lead to one of the bigger dream matches in NJ indy rasslin at the time: Ki vs Ric Blade. They did like three matches total together: January 2000 in CZW, one for New Millennium Wrestling in early February 2000, and then one like a week later for CZW that was a ladder match between Ki, Blade and Mercury. Blade got hurt during the match (Low Ki had nothing to do with it either, Blade fucked himself up coming off a basketball hoop and putting Mercury through a table while Ki was selling *he actually did that back then* near the ring and couldn't see what happened) and couldn't do everything that was planned. Ki, being Ki, has always had to get his shit in. So the dude just starts flipping out in front of the crowd because he thinks it's some kind of screw job/set up, with CZW trying to fuck him over for being a JAPW guy or whatever. Everyone is standing around wondering what to do because he won't calm down. So security dude just decides "fuck it" and scoops Ki up in his arms, mid-tantrum, as if he were a child throwing a hissy fit and carries him to the back. The Hit Squad tried to intervene too, and got in a shoving match with security. Neither Ki or the Hit Squad were brought back.
For whatever reason CZW edited it off the video they sold and that picture is the only image from a forgotten moment in indy rasslin' lore.