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March Wrasslin |OT| Road To WrassleMania

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HHH/HBK = Ugh, why don't these two just kiss each other already?

Ace/Teddy = Crowd loved it, I enjoyed it, Santino got thrown the belt since he was over with the crowd at the EC PPV I guess. May as well give it to someone who is over anyway.

Ryder = Ugh, though I think his face when he got kissed by Eve is total .gif worthy.

Jericho/Sheamus/Bryan/Punk: Alright.

Big Show/Miz w. Cody video: I guess the video bit is Cody's new thing, whatever.

Rock history lessons:

1. Funny.
2. Okay.
3. Okay.

Truth/Kane random match with Randy outta nowhere: Now that Kane is done jobbing to Cena he can job to Randy.



Self-deprecating doesn't work, people don't want to hear him make fun of himself, they want others to do that. They know he's told to wear that shit and say the shit he says. Stop trying to get people to like him.

Rock: Rock's promos are still all over the place bearing little to no consistency except for saying bitch or calling Cena a lady. I think it's shitty that they're basically shitting on Rock for this walking billboard. Who won't leave.

Also Cena corpsing like a moron is grating.
im bout to blow the lid off on the feud in a second.
Anybody else think Cena is ruining the Rock/Cena feud by trying to act too cool for school?

Seriousna here for a moment, The Rock when he is talking shit and staring Cena down straight up looks like he wants to shove his fist down his rectum and fuck his stupid face up fa reals.

But when Cena does things all he does is have this shit eating grin on his face, smiling, running around, then says some generic shit. AKA typical cena in every feud. He doesn't seem as into it.

Even his serious promo in a serious empty arena was stupid, and what does he do when the rock once again gives him the death stare, he eats more shit and grins about it. He isn't trollface. It's not cute or anything. YOU'RE NOT SELLING THE GODDAMN FEUD. Making the same argument over and over and the same jokes don't make this a personal rivalry, it just makes you an annoying dick. HURR IM WRITING SHIT ON MY ARM WITH A MARKER, GET IT AUDIENCE? I'M EXPANDING ON THE SAME JOKE I MADE LAST WEEK.

Say what you want about the rocks promos on certain nights, but the dude is into it. He looks like he wants to ravage Cena's ass with every fibre of his being. Cena just don't care nawmsayin? It's so annoying. Like seriousna Ceners, you're not that cool your fanbase consists mostly of tiny children, you stopped being cool when you sold your personality for a company spot. This idea that he is winning the "war of words" is laughable. All he is winning is the award for giving the least of a shit of supposedly the biggest match of all time, and grinning like punk ass mcdonalds Grimace looking asshole.

Hey guys this is the biggest match in wwe history, NOW WATCH ME NOT GIVE A SHIT AND CLOWN AROUND CUZ IM CENAAAAAAA.



look at this goof


what a clown. Get into it or get the fuck out.



Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Did You Know:
WWE plans on milking this Undertaker thing another 5 years?


NeoGAF's smiling token!
That's another thing, Rock treats Cena like he's a kid, Cena then acts like a kid. Great fucking build up.


Cena is kinda ruining things by acting like the same old Cena. Rock actually stepped it up last night with the history lessons but Cena is still Cena. Even when Rock gets in Cena's face all he can do is laugh, shrug it off and respond when Rock has left the arena.

Kane was right, Cena needs to embrace the hate....but it's impossible.

Random thought: Last night when I saw Cena's B.A. Star logo on his shirt, I thought it would be awesome if Cena wore a heel shirt that said Bad Ass Star.

Random Thought #2: I just saw a random guy wearing a CM Punk Best In The World shirt out in the wild.


HHH/HBK = Ugh, why don't these two just kiss each other already?

Ace/Teddy = Crowd loved it, I enjoyed it, Santino got thrown the belt since he was over with the crowd at the EC PPV I guess. May as well give it to someone who is over anyway.

Ryder = Ugh, though I think his face when he got kissed by Eve is totally .gif worthy.

Jericho/Sheamus/Bryan/Punk: Alright.

Big Show/Miz w. Cody video: I guess the video bit is Cody's new thing, whatever.

Rock history lessons:

1. Funny.
2. Okay.
3. Okay.

Truth/Kane random match with Randy outta nowhere: Now that Kane is done jobbing to Cena he can job to Randy.



Self-deprecating doesn't work, people don't want to hear him make fun of himself, they want others to do that. They know he's told to wear that shit and say the shit he says. Stop trying to get people to like him.

Rock: Rock's promos are still all over the place bearing little to no consistency except for saying bitch or calling Cena a lady. I think it's shitty that they're basically shitting on Rock for this walking billboard who won't leave.

Also Cena corpsing like a moron is grating.

"pointing out" that he's been made into a stale clown doesn't fix the problem or make Cena more likeable. I don't understand how they can't see this.

You know what would fix it? Stop making him into a stale clown. Stop him needing to be a goody two shoes who goes aww shucks and smiles off every threat.

It's not even a case of heel/face or making him an anti-hero. Him NOT smiling throughout Rock's promo or wearing non-ridiculous clothing or taking the feud seriously does not stop him being a geniune good guy face. It just makes him a face that doesn't make you cringe.

See, his serious promo from a couple of weeks back was the direction they should be going if they aren't making him heel. It made him at least seem like he had a reason for this feud and took it seriously.

It's even worse with his corny but nevertheless super serious empty arena promo, that was contradicted completely by his yippee! demeanour at the end of the night.



Hey guys this is the biggest match in wwe history, NOW WATCH ME NOT GIVE A SHIT AND CLOWN AROUND CUZ IM CENAAAAAAA.


Don't you feel better now? Holding it in is not healthy.

On that note. I gotta go poopy!
Guys, Cena's a role model. He rises above hate. It says so on his t-shirt. Kane tried to make him hate, but it was just TOO DAMN IMPOSSIBLE. If Kane couldn't make him hate by breaking the back of his bestest broski, terrorising said broski's woman and violently attacking Cena at every opportunity, what makes you think anything Dwayne has to say could possibly make this man, nay, this giant among men, paragon of virtue and role model to all, unleash the hate upon The Rock? Sure, when Dwayne said some of the things he did, any normal man would have slapped the taste out of Rock's mouth and opened up a can of whoop-ass, but Cena's no normal man. He's a HERO.


Guys, lets face facts: Cena will never change. He will always be the WWE's walking bilboard poster boy. The only thing that will get Cena to change is retirement.
As much as I don't like the idea of HHH v. Taker III, it's exciting.

I really don't know what will happen. Will Trips really be the one to end the streak? Lots of signs are pointing to yes and the Shawn Micheals inclusion is just screaming screw job but will they really go through with it? I don't believe they would but then again who knows what they're thinking in the back nowadays? I'm seeing lots of scenarios that could go either way. My anus will be clenched during this match because it is so tough to call.

As for Rock v. Cena, I don't even care anymore. The buildup cannot be salvaged for me anymore at this point. I'm just looking forward to seeing the match. Again, most signs are pointing towards Cena winning (the empty arena promo = an overcoming the odds promo) but I'd like to be surprised. I think a 'not-good-enough-2nd-place' Cena would make for an interesting character shift. It's never gonna happen I know, even if he loses he'll be back to vanilla Cena the next night.


Dwayne Johnson has been added to the local advertising for the 3/19 Raw taping in Philadelphia, PA.

With The Rock Concert next week, and The Rock already being confirmed for Atlanta on 3/26, this means that The Rock is officially on every single Raw taping between now and April 2nd.


With The Rock Concert next week, and The Rock already being confirmed for Atlanta on 3/26, this means that The Rock is officially on every single Raw taping between now and April 2nd.

I have to give Rock credit for the commitment.

I am excited for the Rock Concert. I hope it can achieve these classic levels of quality.

Song 1
Song 2


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Guys, Cena's a role model. He rises above hate. It says so on his t-shirt. Kane tried to make him hate, but it was just TOO DAMN IMPOSSIBLE. If Kane couldn't make him hate by breaking the back of his bestest broski, terrorising said broski's woman and violently attacking Cena at every opportunity, what makes you think anything Dwayne has to say could possibly make this man, nay, this giant among men, paragon of virtue and role model to all, unleash the hate upon The Rock? Sure, when Dwayne said some of the things he did, any normal man would have slapped the taste out of Rock's mouth and opened up a can of whoop-ass, but Cena's no normal man. He's a HERO.
You know the worst thing about this is? Even if Rock wins, Cena will be on next Raw smiling like nothing happened.
HHH/HBK = Ugh, why don't these two just kiss each other already?

Ace/Teddy = Crowd loved it, I enjoyed it, Santino got thrown the belt since he was over with the crowd at the EC PPV I guess. May as well give it to someone who is over anyway.

Ryder = Ugh, though I think his face when he got kissed by Eve is totally .gif worthy.

Jericho/Sheamus/Bryan/Punk: Alright.

Big Show/Miz w. Cody video: I guess the video bit is Cody's new thing, whatever.

Rock history lessons:

1. Funny.
2. Okay.
3. Okay.

Truth/Kane random match with Randy outta nowhere: Now that Kane is done jobbing to Cena he can job to Randy.



Self-deprecating doesn't work, people don't want to hear him make fun of himself, they want others to do that. They know he's told to wear that shit and say the shit he says. Stop trying to get people to like him.

Rock: Rock's promos are still all over the place bearing little to no consistency except for saying bitch or calling Cena a lady. I think it's shitty that they're basically shitting on Rock for this walking billboard who won't leave.

Also Cena corpsing like a moron is grating.

Pretty much nailed it.
WWE should let the Rock win at WM.
Then Let Cena win next year. They could have the underdog story play out for 12 months it would be a dream for them.

Excuse me while I go vomit.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
So what your telling me is that Cena can't lose.
After The Rock beats Cena at this Mania The Rock is going to beg Cena for a rematch, but Cena is going to say "I respect your ability to beat me, but I know I can beat you! I don't want to end the people's champ because I respect everything you've done for this business and these people!"
I'll quit Wrasslin.
Bah, you know that, deep down, all you want is more Cena, all the time. These months where he hasn't been WWE champion have been the most torturous of your entire life.

WWE should let the Rock win at WM.
Then Let Cena win next year. They could have the underdog story play out for 12 months it would be a dream for them.

Excuse me while I go vomit.
Realistically, the only way I can see Rock winning is if Cena is given the chance to do something dastardly to win. LikeCena's about to hit Rock with brass knuckles, but RISES ABOVE HATE, tosses them away, and then Rock hits him with a finisher for the win.
I am just desperately trying to figure out a way for the Rock to win. I don't want to pay close to $70 bucks to watch Cena overcome in the Rock's hometown. That would be stupid.

The worst would be the dreaded hand shake and raising of Cena's arm by the Rock afterword. I'm not sure I could sit through that
I am just desperately trying to figure out a way for the Rock to win. I don't want to pay close to $70 bucks to watch Cena overcome in the Rock's hometown. That would be stupid.

"A congenital heart defect has apparently felled Cena moments before he could step into the ring"

This is pretty much the only way Rock wins.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Bah, you know that, deep down, all you want is more Cena, all the time. These months where he hasn't been WWE champion have been the most torturous of your entire life.
Heart and purpose fleets absent of cheesy champion and same old dog shit.
Nobody remembers second place Plywood, nobody.
I would be remembered by those that matter and those that matter would remember me.
I hope that Rock and Cena is really brutal and violent to the point that one or both of them needs facial reconstructive surgery.

Nobody remembers second place Plywood, nobody.

Did anyone actually forget the Patriots blowing a near perfect season? I don't even like football and I still find it funny.
Cena should win MITB, cash it in after Punk/Jericho and win the WWE title, and then beat Rock.

Why waste MITB on somebody that is always going to have a Main event and title shots by explaining why they don't deserve to be champion.

I think they should do this:

Have a MITB winner, that wins the title without cashing it in. When he loses the title, he quickly attacks the opponent and cashes in the MITB to win. Sounds crazy, but less predictable. This could have worked with Daniel Bryan and Regal when he wanted WWE to give him a title shot. Shame


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Realistically, the only way I can see Rock winning is if Cena is given the chance to do something dastardly to win. LikeCena's about to hit Rock with brass knuckles, but RISES ABOVE HATE, tosses them away, and then Rock hits him with a finisher for the win.

so a repeat of money in the bank?


Serious question here....

Which should close the show? Rock vs Cena or Undertaker vs HHH (HIAC).

I ask this because, if you have Rock vs Cena close the show, it's near impossible to have HHH end the streak. WWE doesn't want the crowd to be deflated going into Rock vs Cena and the streak ending wouldn't be the best lead in for that match. Then again....how could Taker vs HHH follow Rock vs Cena? Near impossible, just like Jericho/HHH following Rock vs Hogan.


Serious question here....

Which should close the show? Rock vs Cena or Undertaker vs HHH (HIAC).

I ask this because, if you have Rock vs Cena close the show, it's near impossible to have HHH end the streak. WWE doesn't want the crowd to be deflated going into Rock vs Cena and the streak ending wouldn't be the best lead in for that match. Then again....how could Taker vs HHH follow Rock vs Cena? Near impossible, just like Jericho/HHH following Rock vs Hogan.

They are cancelling the Divas match so that should save the crowd some energy!
Serious question here....

Which should close the show? Rock vs Cena or Undertaker vs HHH (HIAC).

I ask this because, if you have Rock vs Cena close the show, it's near impossible to have HHH end the streak. WWE doesn't want the crowd to be deflated going into Rock vs Cena and the streak ending wouldn't be the best lead in for that match. Then again....how could Taker vs HHH follow Rock vs Cena? Near impossible, just like Jericho/HHH following Rock vs Hogan.

Taker vs. HHH, 20-0. Or the The biggest Screwjob in WWE history by making Trips win


Alberto Del Rio and developmental star Dean Ambrose were backstage at Monday's RAW. Del Rio returned to the ring over the weekend and is ready to return to television whenever the creative team has something for him. Ambrose worked SmackDown's live events over the weekend and is also waiting to get called to television.

Well Del Rio will probably be on team excitement for wrestlemania. They need to call Ambrose up and put on smackdown where they need heels. Put him with Daniel Bryan and that would be awesome.
Serious question here....

Which should close the show? Rock vs Cena or Undertaker vs HHH (HIAC).

I ask this because, if you have Rock vs Cena close the show, it's near impossible to have HHH end the streak. WWE doesn't want the crowd to be deflated going into Rock vs Cena and the streak ending wouldn't be the best lead in for that match. Then again....how could Taker vs HHH follow Rock vs Cena? Near impossible, just like Jericho/HHH following Rock vs Hogan.

Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan


Well Del Rio will probably be on team excitement for wrestlemania. They need to call Ambrose up and put on smackdown where they need heels. Put him with Daniel Bryan and that would be awesome.

Ambrose will debut on the first week after Mania in some fashion
"A congenital heart defect has apparently felled Cena moments before he could step into the ring"

This is pretty much the only way Rock wins.

You fool, the Cenation would just send out their love and prayers if this happened. The resulting energy from all of this would help Cena overcome the odds so he can finally have his Wrestlemania moment.
Serious question here....

Which should close the show? Rock vs Cena or Undertaker vs HHH (HIAC).

I ask this because, if you have Rock vs Cena close the show, it's near impossible to have HHH end the streak. WWE doesn't want the crowd to be deflated going into Rock vs Cena and the streak ending wouldn't be the best lead in for that match. Then again....how could Taker vs HHH follow Rock vs Cena? Near impossible, just like Jericho/HHH following Rock vs Hogan.
The dead crowd makes sense, but I think they'd be a lot more alive for a HHH/Taker hell in a cell match. Last year, they were just as live during their as they were for any Rock segments. Admittedly, this is in Miami, but the match is also HIAC...

It probably depends on if they do a screwy finish for it, or not. Undertaker standing triumphantly, 20-0 on screen, and then massive fireworks is probably THE WAY to end the show.


Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan


Ambrose will debut on the first week after Mania in some fashion

Wow...a main even dark match. Not bad.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
You guys don't understand, If Cena wins I may be out for another 7 years. I could not take it.

it would be a shame that you would let something like that decide whether or not you continue. but since im sure youre joking, i say good show.
You fool, the Cenation would just send out their love and prayers if this happened. The resulting energy from all of this would help Cena overcome the odds so he can finally have his Wrestlemania moment.

He'd be absorbing the tears of the Cenation kiddies to resurrect from his dead state like it's the original pokemon movie.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
You fool, the Cenation would just send out their love and prayers if this happened. The resulting energy from all of this would help Cena overcome the odds so he can finally have his Wrestlemania moment.

He'd be absorbing the tears of the Cenation kiddies to resurrect from his dead state like it's the original pokemon movie.

so then cena is pretty much goku then?
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