Should be Natalya...
But, isn't she slowly working her way up to this gig:

Should be Natalya...
NoRéN;35956732 said:But, isn't she slowly working her way up to this gig:
Nice of them to put it in order of importance. LOL tag titles
EDIT: Wait why does the intercontinental title look wrong?
Fully I expect crib notes written on the inside of the guitar, and then when Cena hits him over the head with the guitar, the crib notes shall be revealed.
Should be white.
lol But seriously youtube comments suck.
Raw should end with Punk and Jericho brawling onto stage during the Rock/Cena crap. With one of them being left a bloody mess.
Raw should end with Punk and Jericho brawling onto stage during the Rock/Cena crap. With one of them being left a bloody mess.
Apparently Mike Johnson of has said the 'Big Rig' Brodie Lee has signed a developmental deal with WWE. He's set to face Eddie Kingston for the CHIKARA Grand Championship later this month, but no word on whether that match will be affected.
Awesome news, if it proves to be true. Brodie's easily the best big man going on the indy scene at the moment, and it'll be nice to see WWE hire a big guy who can actually work for once.
If you aren't familiar with him, here's a video of Brodie kicking Tim Donst's face off;
Apparently Mike Johnson of has said the 'Big Rig' Brodie Lee has signed a developmental deal with WWE. He's set to face Eddie Kingston for the CHIKARA Grand Championship later this month, but no word on whether that match will be affected.
Awesome news, if it proves to be true. Brodie's easily the best big man going on the indy scene at the moment, and it'll be nice to see WWE hire a big guy who can actually work for once.
If you aren't familiar with him, here's a video of Brodie kicking Tim Donst's face off;
Punk and Jericho will get the top of the second hour.
If they're lucky.
Last Brodie Lee match I remember seeing was something from ROH on HDNet (nothing terribly bad but nothing notable I can recall). Has he improved much since then?
Maaaaybe if they share it with D Brine/Sheamus. Otherwise that's DX-time
Last Brodie Lee match I remember seeing was something from ROH on HDNet (nothing terribly bad but nothing notable I can recall). Has he improved much since then?
I'll definitely be looking out for your signs tonight, Bill. Any word on if you are making it to Columbus for Smackdown tomorrow?
Apparently Mike Johnson of has said the 'Big Rig' Brodie Lee has signed a developmental deal with WWE. He's set to face Eddie Kingston for the CHIKARA Grand Championship later this month, but no word on whether that match will be affected.
Awesome news, if it proves to be true. Brodie's easily the best big man going on the indy scene at the moment, and it'll be nice to see WWE hire a big guy who can actually work for once.
If you aren't familiar with him, here's a video of Brodie kicking Tim Donst's face off;
Punk and Jericho will get the top of the second hour.
If they're lucky.
It also helps that the crowd is going to be on Rock's side no matter what. Cena is going to get booed out of the fucking building at Mania.
Anyone remember the Hart Foundation when they came to Canada during their run as heels? They were cheered louder than anyone I could remember, while DX and Austin got booed to hell. Or more recently, when Punk returned to Chicago for MITB?
Now, I don't expect the Miami fans to be as loud as Canadian or Chicago fans, but Cena is going to look like shit no matter what they do.
I kind of miss the blood, I understand why they don't bleed and all but part of me misses it for those big time match ups.
Kassius Ohno (Chris hero) FCW Debut Promo: I see why he went with the last name ohno.
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of blading but it can really add to a feud if done right. The only way you'll see blood on WWE TV these days is if it's accidental. I still remember Brodus Clay at Extreme Rules last year. That was nasty.
At least they don't stop the matches anymore. I remember watching this one match and someone, (I think it was Christian) got cut and started bleeding so the ref had to stop the match while the medics patched up Christian. The crowd started booing pretty loud.
EDIT: Found the match. It was Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin. Listen to those "We want blood" chants!
Cena rapping tonight? This RAW is gonna be amazing.
indeed. rapping cena is best cena.
He is gonna obliterate rock. Nothing against Rock but I would say Cena is a better Rapper then Rock is a guitar player. Plus its easier to improvise a Rap then improvise a guitar song.
In fact I think this Rock concert vs Rapping Cena thing was just another thing to make Cena look "better" then rock.
Well Unless Rock uses his secret weapon to get all the women/moms with there kids on his side.
many pairs of underwear will be moist ....................................... with perspiration.
There was also a CM Punk vs Mysterio match where there was a stop to deal with Punk's wound. You could just see Punk getting furious over it and nearly snapping at the ring agents, as it was the big blow-off match for their feud and it was going great up until that point.
There was also a CM Punk vs Mysterio match where there was a stop to deal with Punk's wound. You could just see Punk getting furious over it and nearly snapping at the ring agents, as it was the big blow-off match for their feud and it was going great up until that point.
indeed. rapping cena is best cena.
He is gonna obliterate rock. Nothing against Rock but I would say Cena is a better Rapper then Rock is a guitar player. Plus its easier to improvise a Rap then improvise a guitar song.
In fact I think this Rock concert vs Rapping Cena thing was just another thing to make Cena look "better" then rock.
Well Unless Rock uses his secret weapon to get all the women/moms with there kids on his side.
many pairs of underwear will be moist ....................................... with perspiration.
50/50, just like Rock/Hogan.
I just threw up in my mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So you think your untouchable?
Word life
This is basic thuganomics
This is ba basic thuganomics
Word life
I'm untouchable but I'm forcing you to feel me
Word life
This is bas basic thuga, thuga thuganomics
Word life
I'm untouchable but I'm forcing you to feel me!
Awesome. I have been saying WWE should sign him for the past year. He is exactly the kind of wrestler they would want. It's a shame that they will have him stop all of his high flying moves, but he still has potential to be one of the best big men they have ever had. Yes, he is THAT good.
But Rock is the defacto face in both confrontations. Cena's already the heel.Rock/Hogan was not even close to 50/50. It was about 90/10 in favor of the heel. Just like Rock/Cena will be.
It was great seeing Punk get the audience back on their feet when the agents were finally done. But then again I just like seeing Rey get tossed around.
Correction. Rapping Cena WAS best Cena. Whenever he tries to go back to that character now it just ain't the same. It's like he's rapping but it still a modern Cena promo and not a Thuganomic Cena promo.
Now I REALLY want to see that J.J. Dillon "Being a Horseman" DVD from Kayfabe Commentaries.As an aside, I don't know why, but later on the boys had the wildest post-show party I've ever seen, complete with multiple examples of "Why Ric Flair will be bankrupt someday".
There are no pictures so don't ask. This was back in 1990, when people could actually have fun in public. No one had to worry about some jackass recording it with a tiny cell phone and putting it on the Internet immediately. Back then, if any of the boys saw people taking pictures of them doing stupid shit, they usually got their ass kicked and their camera destroyed.
Anyways, Ric Flair got the microphone from the house DJ and proceeded to do five minutes of a hilarious Black Scorpion impersonation. There's no way to make it funny in print, so I'm not even going to try. But he had everyone on the floor.
The sad part was Ric had to bribe the DJ to do it. The DJ originally wouldn't let Ric take the mic because he said he could get fired over it. After that, Ric took out his wallet and started slamming down $50 and $100 bills to get the guy to hand over the mic. Finally, Ric had laid down about $600 (in 1990 money, remember) and the DJ took it, but asked Ric to still work like he took the mic from him without permission. When Ric said "Fuck you, this is my mic now," Arn Anderson, who observed the whole thing, menacingly belted out, "Which is what you should have done in the first place and kept your goddamn money." So Ric ending up spending $600 to do a 5-minute Black Scorpion impersonation.
Ric was on a roll with the women that night too. He would leave with a woman and come back an hour later looking a little messier than when he left. He ended up leaving with another woman for another hour shortly after he returned. He came back looking for #3, but had to settle at two. And the entire time he was doing this, he was buying drinks for EVERYBODY. All the stories you've heard about Ric being completely reckless with money are true. If I had to guess, I'd say he blew his entire PPV payday that night alone. At least.
By the way, I went up to Arn later and asked how he was doing. He was completely honest and cut right to the chase. "I need to get laid TONIGHT. No bullshit. I've got enough cum built up to shampoo a moose." I was dying laughing at that. He chuckled and said, "What? You've never heard that one before?"
No. No I hadn't. What a night.
Rey getting beaten up is one of the joys of wrestling, he has some classic grunts of pain and shouts of terror.
Case in Point
He's too good
mehh. it was always just dick jokes anyway.
Fucking great story from a guy who claims to have been at a bar where the Halloween Havoc 1990 post-show party was held:
Now I REALLY want to see that J.J. Dillon "Being a Horseman" DVD from Kayfabe Commentaries.
How would you rank this moment? link
Rey getting beaten up is one of the joys of wrestling, he has some classic grunts of pain and shouts of terror.
Case in Point
He's too good
:lol :lol :lolFucking great story from a guy who claims to have been at a bar where the Halloween Havoc 1990 post-show party was held:
Now I REALLY want to see that J.J. Dillon "Being a Horseman" DVD from Kayfabe Commentaries.
H.U.S.T.L.ECorrection. Rapping Cena WAS best Cena. Whenever he tries to go back to that character now it just ain't the same. It's like he's rapping but it still a modern Cena promo and not a Thuganomic Cena promo.
So you think your untouchable?
Word life
This is basic thuganomics
This is ba basic thuganomics
Word life
I'm untouchable but I'm forcing you to feel me
Word life
This is bas basic thuga, thuga thuganomics
Word life
I'm untouchable but I'm forcing you to feel me!