Tutorial was poopy, can someone explain to me how to hook/slice and do topspin and stuff?
Also, is there a way to gauge the how much of a uphill/downhill grade when putting, or is just general "uphill this way, downhill this way!"
Oh god that sounds horrible. Why can't you just use the up and down arrows of the D-Pad like Hot Shots and all normal sim/arcade hybrid golf games?
Double presses and changing which button you press are a recipe for royally screwing up the impact press.
Oh god that sounds horrible. Why can't you just use the up and down arrows of the D-Pad like Hot Shots and all normal sim/arcade hybrid golf games?
Double presses and changing which button you press are a recipe for royally screwing up the impact press.
Oh god that sounds horrible. Why can't you just use the up and down arrows of the D-Pad like Hot Shots and all normal sim/arcade hybrid golf games?
Double presses and changing which button you press are a recipe for royally screwing up the impact press.
Slices and hooks are applied using the analog slider during the swing process. Top spin and back spin are applied when you're setting accuracy. For example, hit A to start the swing. Hit 'A' to set power, and finally hit 'A' once more for accuracy. But instead of hitting 'A' the final time do the following:
Hit A twice for top spin
Hit B twice for back spin
Hit A then B for super top spin
Hit B then A for super back spin.
I like the idea that super topspin/backspin should be very slightly harder to pull off because they're more powerful. There's hardly any reason not to drive with super topspin on every par 4 and 5.
These shots are actually harder to pull off in Hot Shots. On this game the amount of time they give you to make the second button press is incredibly long. If I remember correctly, doesn't Hot Shots also require that you nail the impact perfectly in order to also pull off the spin? This game is forgiving when it comes to impact.
Thanks! Any answer on judging the grade while putting?
(I know the little grid moves in the direction of the downhills, but is there anyway to know if its steeper or gentler besides trying to judge with your eyes? It's kind of difficult with the camera angles they give you.)
I like the idea that super topspin/backspin should be very slightly harder to pull off because they're more powerful. There's hardly any reason not to drive with super topspin on every par 4 and 5.
Thanks! Any answer on judging the grade while putting?
(I know the little grid moves in the direction of the downhills, but is there anyway to know if its steeper or gentler besides trying to judge with your eyes? It's kind of difficult with the camera angles they give you.)
Sorry about that, I meant to answer that part too. It tells you on the screen how far up or down the hole is from your ball. I dont have the game in front of me, so I can't tell you exactly where that value is located, but you'll see either a Plus or a Minus sign before it. Plus = above you feet, and thus you should add distance, minus obviously being the opposite. It should also be noted that this value is presented on screen for all shots. It's very important to know when you're hitting an approach shot to the green (take oomph off the shot if the hole is below your ball, and add some if it's above).
Here's a screen I just found via google. Note how I wrong I was about the + and minus. It uses a down and up arrow instead.
That's an outdated screenshot. Just checked to make sure *I* wasn't going crazy. It's all up/down arrows now.OK, I'm not going crazy. It uses plus and minus for approach shots and putts.
The shape of the grid really. Plus if there's left and right curve little bright dots flow along the lines at varying speeds (depending on angle).
Edit: actually the speed doesn't change, sorry.
Wait really? Don't other games normally have the dots change speeds depending on slope? That seems weird
Oh god that sounds horrible. Why can't you just use the up and down arrows of the D-Pad like Hot Shots and all normal sim/arcade hybrid golf games?
The demo is really fun but I don't have much incentive to play when I don't have an opponent. No tax and free first day shipping though? Yes please. Can't wait to play some GAFers in online tournaments and get my ass kicked
meh, based on all the differing opinions on this game and from having played the demo where i did enjoy the whacky look of the courses, the soundtrack but being annoyed a bit by the gameplay, i decided to NOT buy this game right now. To satisfy my thirst for an arcade golf game that is not HSG i will get Pangya for PSP, hopefully that will be more up my alley.
I'll still get Mario Golf later at some point though probably
Can you use your Mii to play ?
Yeah, and tournaments get you equipment for your Mii to wear that change his or her power, slice, etc.
I think a lot of the fun in thsi game is about the momentum, specially on release and specially with GAF
like, Animal Crossing New Leaf is still really fun but it never reached the heights it did during the month of release when everyone on GAF was playing. I expect the same from this.
It's not gonna be the best golf game ever but it's probably gonna be the most involved and crowded online for quite a while. That's the upside to some of the disappointing aspects.
I still don't see that many differing opinions tho, specially in reviews
my advice (and what im doing) for those doubting a bit on going head-on for the $45 is probably just grab the base game for $30 and wait on the DLC a bit.
EDIT: 2nd half of the 2nd review, which you can't see here, is where it gets hilarious. Though a lot of you would probably need to use Google Translate or something anyways.
The second guy did buy the game, but I'm not sure how serious the review is since a couple of the complaints are hilarious and it ends with wanting the next game on the PS4.Two of the three words I understand are "DLC" and "PSVITA".
The second guy did buy the game, but I'm not sure how serious the review is since a couple of the complaints are hilarious and it ends with wanting the next game on the PS4.
First review is just pure nerd rage about DLC, though I suppose it should be kept in mind that only North America gets the game for a discount. It's normal price everywhere else.
I'll probably just end up getting the Season Pass, but I'm kind of torn honestly. On the one hand, I have no problem with the value proposition. But on the other -- knowing my attention span with games -- will I even still be playing the game by the time the add-on content releases?
I'll probably just end up getting the Season Pass, but I'm kind of torn honestly. On the one hand, I have no problem with the value proposition. But on the other -- knowing my attention span with games -- will I even still be playing the game by the time the add-on content releases?
Wait for the first DLC to come out. If you are still playing enough that you want to pick it up, grab the season pass. Otherwise, don't.
You could just buy the first pack then no? That comes out day one.
get outta my head charles!I'll probably just end up getting the Season Pass, but I'm kind of torn honestly. On the one hand, I have no problem with the value proposition. But on the other -- knowing my attention span with games -- will I even still be playing the game by the time the add-on content releases?